
Covid19 - A vaccine is NOT a vaccine when it must be jab and jab over and over again

 For centuries no disease has been known to cause mutation of variants to surface and spread so fast and furious as COVID19. Not that I have read about anyway. How many variants of the Malaria virus have we encountered over the centuries or bandied about. Or what about tuberculosis that is resurfacing around the world.

And what about vaccines? Many vaccines have been developed over the centuries to prevent people from infection from many diseases. That narrative has been taken to the cleaners with COVID19. First touted as necessary to be vaccinated to prevent infection, it became something else. It was later touted as preventing serious complications arising from the COVID19 virus that will cause deaths. Wasn't the vaccine initially touted to prevent infection in the first place? The objective of vaccination has been hijacked to support another narrative with hidden motive - to make more money for Big Pharma.

The COVID19 vaccine was actually hurriedly trotted out, with long term testing not conducted and consequence unknown. The harm it is causing is now surfacing but avoided being hyped up by the MSM. With the ever-changing mutation, I guess Big Pharma will be laughing all the way to the bank, with such a golden opportunity to turn out different vaccines with each variant surfacing. I guess this is going to be a fairy tale with no end in sight.



  1. Good morning All

    Just recd Bold Letter Message from MOH to have another jab.

    Your last jab a year ago may be waned and advisable for another jab.

    How's ah? Just like the SIA Top Cats asking one another.

    How's Ah? Hey you don't look at me hoh!

    Mandarin words" Nee Put Yeow Hai Wor hoh"

    Don't arrow me ah!

    Ok ok sorry! We send some volunteer Customers Services Novices there to pacify them.

    Just like all Western DemoCrazies.

    Philippines President in Spore watching F1 with compliments tickets from who's who's free ones whilst Philippines down with Typhoons.

    Aussies Land ex PM in Away Happy happy dirty holidays whilst Aussies Land in fires and flood.

    Dotard Trump played golfs when the UAssA earth quakes.

    Never comb his hair ex Brit PeeAyam enjoying his whisky and brandy whilst whole country lockdowned.

    Don't know whether push cigar on that Liz Truss (Black Hole of Calcutta) in 10 Drowning Street like Bill Clinton.

    When China has any natural or manmade disaster their Leaders are always there for them.

    Westernized Leaders only knew Pays Correct and Collected Sirs/Mdms.

    When things happened, hello don't you dare arrow me huh!

  2. Big pharma must have paid huge amounts to the evil yankee congress to get them to dictate to themselves and the world the need to vaccinate and using their unproven mRNA technology. It'll come back and bite them fatally.

  3. Aiya all these Sovereign Funds and All those in the IMF and World's Banks are all blood suckers on those poor third World's still colonised by them to lend and sucked their blood and resources.

    All these Scoundrels are in cahoots to make all these monies to enrich and lives luxuriously without much efforts.

    Doggies, oops Doctors and Researchers can vowed and signed what's their Hypocrates Oaths.

    With monies in their pockets and banks accounts, they shall signed the Hypocrites Oaths.

    Long long ago so much hypes on the Research of Genome, Stem Cells and what's not on so many diseases of Diabetes etc and also so much good news of good tidings soonest.

    Even Sinkeland had their A* Stars Labs.

    Now not even a whimper and sound.

    Why? When the Big Pharmas had wind that these are going to supercede their billions sales of their medications and medicines, they simply piled and greases the palms of these researchers and doctors and all just kept mum.

    You think they don't want to have their villas and mansions just for the sake of you peasants ah?

    These are the dirty games of the ones that able to make the most.

  4. Do not say the Covid19 vaccine is not being tested. They may turn around and say it is a lie. They are now testing it on you and me.

    Covid19 vaccines are being tested on-line over the past three years, and we knowingly are the guinea pigs being forced to take part in the testing. The irony is that we are the colored mice, not the white mice being thrown into the shit hole. The Whites in the USA do not have to face mandatory vaccinations. That would be against human rights, which they professed to be trying to preserve under their democracy.

    What were the test results so far? It failed miserably as a vaccine for protection loud and clear. It made tons of money for Big Pharma, that is a certainty. The 'jab and jab' mantra sound like sweet music to the ears of Big Pharma as well. And with Governments lending a helping hand using mandatory methods to force people to be vaccinated, who is laughing all the way to the bank?

    Meanwhile deaths were ascribed to inherent illnesses and who can prove that it is because of those jabs pushed into the body, killing the natural immunity that had been working well to prevent dormant illnesses from arising. And if even the purported inventor of those mRNA vaccines, Robert Malone, is trying to malign his invention, and being accused of misinformation, what can we say?
