
CIA is the number one terrorist organisation


1 min clip showing two CIA terrorists arrested in Congo. 

The CIA is the American owned terrorist organisation that is operating around the world with a mission to destabilise nation states and would assassinate, remove national leaders, conduct sabotage activities, agitate and support violent street protests to cause unrest in a country. They also finance, train and support terrorist groups to overthrown existing govts. It is so strange that the UN would not call out the CIA as a terrorist organisation and stupidly calling nationalists and freedom fighters as terrorists just because the US labelled them as such. 

All the troubles in the world are caused by the Americans and the CIA terrorists. It is only appropriate and the necessary thing to do for nation states to set up counter CIA agencies to bring down the CIA terrorists in their countries. The respective counter CIA agencies must be given the right to shoot and kill every CIA operator and terrorist on sight in their countries.

Congo has just done the right thing, arresting 50 CIA terrorists, including American and Brits, and killing many on the spot. There must be no sympathy when dealing with CIA terrorists. They are deadly and their mission is to bring down nation states. 

The UN must declare the CIA as a terrorist organisation and take it down immediately. Every country must ban the CIA and kill their hideous covert operations in their country. They have been allowed to operate for too long and causing too much damage, death and destruction around the world. For so long, the evil Americans have usurped the right and power to label who is or is not a terrorist group with no question from the UN. Look at Gaza, Hamas is a terrorist group when they are freedom fighters. The Israelis are the real terrorists invading Gaza, killing, bombing and starving innocents and stealing their land.

PS. Within one week in May, 6 coups happened in Africa and the Middle East with several head of states killed or wounded. Who is behind these coups? Answer is obvious. Stop the CIA terrorists!

22 min of what is happening in Congo and foreign forces trying to overthrow the govt. Americans, French, Brits are all there to continue to rule and colonise Africa. Africa is still fighting for its life to be free from the white colonialists.


  1. Good morning All

    Just see how frightened these bastards are!

    Want yo instigate and provoke the Africans ah?

    Theirs ten to twelve inches long you know?

    So the daft world must not have the myths that the Americunts are extraordinary beings and frightened of them.

    See how frightened these weasels are when they are caught.

    Just like in one photo of the Israeli women soldiers been captured by Hamas and tied up.

    Aiya they should have stripped and hanged them upside down for their Israelis to see.

    That Neelauboo sure agreed to stop their genocide and make peace and also agreed back to the 1967 Agreement of all lands back to the Palestine and they stay in a ten by ten mile square Israel.

    With all fences and bars wires on them.


  2. The world knows, like an open book, that the CIA is the assassination arm of the USA Government.

    In the past, the CIA's nefarious activities were supposed to keep the name of the USA Government officially and directly out of involvement in sabotage, subterfuge, assassinations, terrorist activities and funding regime changing groundwork. That was the original objective of forming the CIA. That it had a hand in the assassination of John F. Kennedy is a clear indication of how evil it has become.

    The CIA does not investigate criminal activities as the name suggests. It is a misnomer. Rather CIA stands more appropriately for 'Criminal Instigation Agency'. It promotes criminal activities loud and clear. Ever wonder why some people are advising others not to take what the USA promotes at face value, but to take it in the opposite direction?

    Mike Pompeo, who served as the Director of the CIA during Trump's Presidency, tells us what the CIA really is, straight from the horse's mouth - We lie, we cheat, and we steal. Need to say more?

  3. Catch any CIA agents hang them by the Port sides, opps Backsides.

    Or Fires squads them.

    No mercy

  4. Singapore deputy prime minister Gan Kim Yong speaking in Tokyo said Singapore would welcome visits by planes and ships from Japan’s Self-Defense Forces. The visits would assist Japan’s role in fostering regional peace and security, Gan told his Japanese audience.

  5. Inviting the former invader of Singapore to Singapore. Inviting the former butchers that massacred hundreds of thousands of Singaporeans.

    Never know history is a very sad thing.

  6. All these bananas eng kok sais boh lean chors knew only how to suck up their own kakis.

    Their fore generations if ever been tortured or killed by the Japs must be turning in their graves and urns.

    I had no confidence in this Son of A Gan.

    Ex MOH Minister and now Canvasser of Businesses for Spore.

    You believe his type can get business and investments for Sinkieland?

    See his face can get investments meh?

    Not even ever I'm any business line of work in.his whole life.

    Ours mostly kayu square goondo pegs in round holes in all our Ministerial appointments.

    See the LTA with too much monies collected from the COES even squandered 556 millions on the useless new gadgets of their ERP installations.

    Under who's ah?

    The lucky by fluke Minister Chee ah?

    The Simply Go fiasco.

    Don't tell me a simple modification on the Simply Go apps to show the value amount also so difficult ah?

    Must spend another 500 plus millions to maintain the data ah?

    That's what's you get for CECA IT talents.

    Then what's sort of IT tech you want to cooperate with Kazakhstan and Innovations?

    Spore had Innovations meh?

    Oh ya Innovations on nasi lemak, roti partar and chicken rice.

    That's what's we are innovative for in Makan Kakis.

    The SIA incident. Not even one Top Official dared to fly to Bang Cock and look into the Matter.

    We send our volunteer gig gig Gila part time hourly paid customer service.

    All these so called Top Elites are balless and as usual all in their ivory towers you look at me I look at you.

    Pays Counted correct and collected Sirs! Any more increments? Wah envelopes also so bulky still want extras ah?

    Don't allow me to take the responsibility hoh!

    No eyes see!

  7. Don't arrow me

    NOT allow me.

    Don't allow better just collect fay pays.

  8. Let me also relate how the LTA and the ex Minister now still fighting his innocence claiming ignorant that these gifts are nothing but friendships goodwills just to show that they are sebok working hard and innovative squandered millions on a useless project of the construction of the Circle Line right in front of out estate on the old KTM Railway Station.

    That junk rundown station long platform for the passengers waiting area had ordinary pillars of just ordinary cement with no even a design of intrinsic value and they purposely cut them up stored in load Loders and parked on cemented floors next to the Kampong Bahru Empty Bus Terminal.

    I knew that these pillars are just straight block of slabs as been playing there as a child and also been travelling a lot to Matland on their trains for work and also pleasure.

    They cleaned and reinforced them behind our estate nearly two to two and a half year grooming these junks pillars.

    They can simply demolished them and have better new ones which no one is any wiser that these are the old KTM old railway platform pillars.

    Saved few millions for doing that.

    Don't know lah maybe have also to support Papies kakis and give them.this project.

    Now come to the actual headache.

    They had moved back the damn useless pillars.back to refitted to the built up new platform and now they have to demolish the cement floorings.

    What's a waste of monies!

    Anyway don't give a damn lah!

    The main problem now is the demolition which the past month or so they drilled part by part yo break the cement.

    The noise is so terrible for nearly eight hours a day and any sane people can go mad.

    They should have use those big excavators and break them into small pieces and lorry away for breaking into small pieces elsewhere.

    Opposite are the Community and other hospitals.

    The sick and elderly in our estates had.to suffer these nonsense.

    One neighbour called the NEA and they said the noise is permissible under their readings with their meters at the roof tops of our 25th storey point block.

    Hello the meters must be installed at ground level to monitor the noise what's for at the top of the roof of the block.

    Real block heads.

    They preferred to spend a fee millions just to tell the peoples when the project is finished that everything is original as in the old junk railway useless no.value pillars platform.

    Wow, now next project the Turf City with preserving many of the old artifacts and buildings.

    So now they shall likewise the horse stables and others on load loaders and refurbish them again spending a few millions and reinstall back.

    Also cemented floor near the Elites bungalows next to the Turf City and later then demolitions the same style by drilling part by part again and the noise level is permissible as according to out readings.

    Who are you to dispute?

    Anyway left to be seen equal miseries for all heartlands and Elites of Bukit Timah.

    Good Luck.

  9. US to coax new American-educated prime minister away from China

    US defence secretary Lloyd Austin will travel to Phnom Penh on June 4 to engage Cambodia’s new American-educated prime minister in an effort to coax the country away from China after attending the Shangri-La Dialogue defence forum in Singapore where he will discuss challenges in the Indo-Pacific with US allies and partners and hold his first meeting with Dong Jun, the Chinese defence minister. In Singapore, Austin will also meet Lawrence Wong, Singapore’s new prime minister.

    Prime Minister Hun Manet, son of the former leader Hun Sen, graduated from West Point, the US military academy, and New York University. Washington hopes the emergence of a new generation of leaders will make the country predisposed to working more closely with the US.

    “We remain clear-eyed about some of our concerns in Cambodia, but at the same time we see the arrival of the new leadership allowing us to explore new opportunities,” said one US official.

    At the Shangri-La Dialogue, Austin will give a speech outlining US efforts to bolster alliances and partnerships as the US shifts from a “hub and spoke” security arrangement in the Indo-Pacific to a “latticed” security architecture that increasingly involves US allies.

  10. New Leadership of old wine in new bottle in Sinking Land for us to explore new opportunities to contain China.

    Also Western Electrocuted wah very good chance to brainwash.

  11. Do not be surprised if someone recommend to bring down the WW2 monument remembering the victims of Japanese massacre and replace it with something Japanese.

    Do they still pay respect to the dead caused by the Japanese Sook Ching Massacre?

  12. When we already have a jepun as our 1st lady..enough said.
