
Chinese majority has accepted that they are inferior to the foreigners

 The influx of so called foreign talents with a big non Chinese pool into Singapore, and many hired to senior and top positions, say it all. The numbers don't lie. There is no need to say that the Chinese majority has accepted that they are of inferior stock to the foreigners, and are of lesser talent. If not, how could they be by passed by foreigners to senior and top positions?

The unthinking and daft Singaporeans would not miss a heart beat to know what is happening. The answer, they are simply too daft to know what is happening. They are simply too daft to know they are daft and being passed over.

The consolations, the foreigners would soon be given pink ICs and be called Singaporeans. So the Singaporean core is being protected by having more foreigners that are more talented than the daft Chinese Singaporeans. There is no need to pity the Chinese majority as they have accepted their fate as 'passovers' and are quietly getting on with their lives in gig and temp jobs, and quite contented. Some even defend the new status quo, with the mindset that it could have been worse.

The Chinese majority in Singapore is perhaps the most generous and magnanimous of all majorities in the world towards the minorities, or maybe they are just plain daft. The minorities here are able to rise to the highest level of their abilities in top and important jobs that no minorities in other countries could ever hope for, with a few rare exceptions. UK and US are the exceptions as they no longer are able to produce AngloSaxons with the required talents to be CEOs or even PM. All they produced are incompetent liars as politicians. So they are happy to have foreigners to take over some of the top positions. 

Malaysia is an example of what is normal to the minorities. The majority will hold on to important positions, reserved for the majority tribe only, regardless of talent and abilities. At the rate the foreigners are taking over senior and top positions in Singapore, it is only a matter of time when foreigners, now called Singaporeans, would be the majority of little Singapore with the Chinese majority becoming a small majority. When that day comes, the small Chinese majority can pray and hope that the new majority or power of the day would be as generous and magnanimous as the once Chinese majority and would give them a fair share of senior and top jobs like what is happening today.

The future of a dwindling Chinese majority is based on hope, mercy and the kindness and generosity of the majority and power of the day. By then, the future PMs in waiting would not be the likes of Wong, Chan, Ong or Lee. The king maker would also not be the Wong, Chan, Ong or Lee. 

The picture of the future Singapore is already written on the wall.


  1. Good morning All

    Yes that's a good one.

    True true very true.

    Relating now a true incident.

    Now at the Outram Polyclinic having a six monthly chronic review for my blood pressure.

    At the Registration outside counter where there are two self Registration machines were off.

    A long queue was formed and many had immediate appointments was held up.

    One White Foreign Talent woman with leg injury was attended by the Counter staff and simply ignored the queue before her.

    She was so patient and meticulously attending to that White woman ignoring our presence.

    Hello if they are the True Foreign Talents with Resources why come to the heartlands Polyclinic for what's?

    Come here and made the queue and waiting times longer ah?

    Go to Mount Elizabeth lah!

    See Sinkies in our country are not important.

    Colonial mentalities once been leashed as doggies to the Whites had deep respects and fears to serve them as Masters first.

    Okay after seeing the Doctor told to line up for next appointments.

    At the Counter told the staff not to be so impatiens and rude to the old folks as many are not accompanied by their children and am unsure of where to proceed here and there.

    These are the happenings that are now the norm I'm Sinkieland.

    Now you see these minorities in Sinkeland are the best.

    They are given all sorts of concessions and priorities.

    Chinkee Sinkies are the worse off here.

    Minorities even given ten percent priority and choice in selecting their BTO flats.

    Whilst the Chinkee Sinkies have to wait as long as five years.

    Minorities were selected to be candidates for MPs just to make up the numbers even thought they are what's they called by Lau Goh's as below par their Superiority.

    See now they praised and highlighted the Minorities and the Foreigners in every of our Channel News America and other channels.

    Chinese Sinkies are the most daft in our own Country.

    So Chinese Sinkies this coming election you know who's who's to vote ah and maybe be better lives for you.

  2. Just to add the Counter Indian staff rushes to take a wheel chair and.held the White high class Foreign Talent and push her to the Doctor.

    Leaving us stranded here.

  3. Growing up in the 70s, the narrative at that time was that people who came from abroad were superior stock. Guess after 50 yrs, sillyporean mindset is still stuck in those yrs. Come to think of it, this mindset was actually nurtured by our god father LConU. His own family are all foreign trained, so what can you expect. Will not be surprised one day we have a Gupta as pm.

    1. Unfortunately now born as Minority in this land.

      Ahem, maybe also got chance to be called up hello NOT National Slavery again but tea party as ahem PAP candidate.

      Huat ah!

  4. https://theindependent.sg/good-candidate-strong-resume-and-yet-cant-get-a-job-for-months-asks-why-singapore-job-market-is-so-bad/

  5. Hi Anon 11.10

    When a doggie is been leashed by their owner, even after been unleashed that poor doggie shall always thought that a lease is still on them and is subservient to their Masters.

  6. Can anyone help with this description by Lau Goh cannot recall the word of you are beneath us or something to that effect.


    1. Oh ya remember now "Mediocre"

    2. Those earning below $500K ah mediocre ah?

      So those more than 500K just sitting and dozing off in the House and for a term of nearly 5 years not even open once their golden mouth NOT mediocre ah?

      Sinkies land just yes sirs yes ma'am economy how lian earning below 500K mediocre ah?

      How many can have 500K besides you all Papies ah?

  7. When God Almighty declared that only those foreign educated can rule, it was a prophecy that still holds today.

    It became the standard that only things foreign are looked up as best of the best. Even local University Education felled by the wayside, overtaken by less prestigious nameless also rans. And everything else followed the template. The big banks, big companies, even NTUC FairPrice, all deemed unable to survive without foreign contributions. How iconic was that pronouncement by God Almighty.

  8. They even hired foreigners to head our zoos, parks and gardens. Without the foreigners, our trees and plants and animals would die.

  9. They have taken over American and European companies. Now taking over Singapore companies in progress. After that they would want to take over China's companies.

    Malaysia no chance. All taken over by Mahathir and cronies.

  10. Remember also that Peanut Woman was all the time protecting that Indian chief, T T Durai of NKF. He was earning S$50,000 a month, a monumental sum in those days, but remember that NKF is a charity depending on donations. And she called that S$50,000 a month salary as 'peanuts'. Despite the protection of Peanut Woman and spouse, that Indian still went to jail for fraud, if I remember correctly.

    T T Durai thought he could sue a Straits Times reporter over the golden tap report, the same way he silenced a plumber who revealed the same thing and was sued into silence. But he forgot that behind that reporter stands a media giant with deeper pockets and he did not succeed. That starts the downfall of T T Durai and the credibility of NKF. The rest if history.

    I do not know what happened to that poor plumber now that the truth had been revealed by that reporter. Was he compensated?

  11. Can change name to Yindia-pore liao

    Chinkee Sinkies nicknamed it Singa-Pohdah
