
Apartheid - A revolution against the evil American Empire and white supremacists



A 21 min clip on the history of American and white supremacy against the coloured people and their support of apartheid in South Africa, Palestine and all over the world. The white supremacists led by the Americans and Brits were the champions of apartheid and could only get away because the western media would not report on their crimes against humanity and their repeated lies over decades against the blacks in Africa and the Arabs in Palestine. 

The apartheid in South Africa only came to an end when world opinion led to a revolt in the UN, forcing the racist Americans and Brits to drop their vetos in the Security Council. But their support of apartheid continues unabated in Palestine, with news blackout on their atrocities and cruelties against the Palestinians, locking them in open air prison, deprived of economic activities, isolated from the rest of the world, deprived of food and medicine, starving them and their children for decades.

The cruelties of the Jews, Americans and Brits only came to light on Oct 7 when the oppressed Hamas revolt violently against the Israelis imprisonment, fought fiercely, killing hundreds of Jews, and with the help of the IDF firing at the Israelis populace, killing even more Jews. The Americans and the Jews used this event as an excuse to demonise the Hamas freedom fighters, branding them as terrorists. And all the western media keep on repeating this narrative to justify the on going genocide in Gaza, killing at least 35,000 innocent Palestinian women and children, and with hundreds of thousands wounded, and many dying of diseases and hunger daily, if not already killed by the massive bombings with oversize bombs provided by the Americans.

The Americans were deeply complicit in this genocide, aiding the Israelis and sharing their formula of a final solution, to terminate every Palestinian and to steal the land for the Jews, like they did in North America, a continent of land where once the Braves ride their ponies and run free in the prairies. Now no more Red Indians around to protest and fight like the Hamas. 

The genocide continues today despite world wide protests, including students from American and European universities. Many Americans and Europeans are also standing up for the Palestinians, unable to tolerate the atrocities and daily massacres of the Palestinians anymore. The dam holding back their conscience has broke. They are all crying out for an immediate stop to the genocide.  

Unfortunately the white supremacists in Washington, London and Tel Aviv are still calling the shot and the genocide continues.... The pretentious champions of human rights and democracy in Washington, London and European cities are standing up naked as the devils in this senseless massacre of innocent Palestinians, calling them animals and subhumans.

The daft coloured people of the world, especially the Arabs and Muslims, are still sleeping or turning a blind eye to this vicious Genocide of the 21st Century, not doing anything, pretending that all is fine. Some even parroting the American and Jewish narrative that the Hamas are terrorists and implicitly supporting the Genocide.

The Greater Israel is coming after you and your land. Keep on sleeping and pretend that you will be safe.


  1. https://youtu.be/NS-45yfr1gA?si=8hflSXJfZUdldp6c

    China imposed sanctions on the UAssA.

    They cried Murders!


    Essential components that could caused Recessions and Depressions.

    UAssA and their cronies screamed Fouls!


  2. Two Zelenskiys to visit and speak in Singapore

    Ukraine's Zelenskiy is expected to attend Singapore security summit and would address delegates at the Shangri-La Dialogue on Saturday, according to Reuters.

    Meanwhile on Friday, Philippine's Zelenskiy (aka Ferdinand Marcos Jr) will deliver the keynote address at the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore on Friday (May 31), according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA).

  3. Clearly the agenda and programme were dictated by the Americans to spread American narratives to serve American interests.

    No one wants to talk about the genocide in Gaza.

  4. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/live/2024/may/31/donald-trump-guilty-verdict-felonies-hush-money-trial?CMP=share_btn_url

    Dotard Trump found guilty of all charges.

    See liao!

  5. China to snub Zelensky ‘peace conference’ hosted by Switzerland in mid-June, the Chinese Foreign Ministry has said.

    So Singapore invited Zelensky here to give a speech at the Shangri-La Dialogue to force the Chinese defense delegation to listen to him.

  6. Of course, Trump will be found guilty. This is the only way to get rid of him. Biden's handlers must have heaved a sigh of relief that no debate is expected to be held now. The Democrats were in panic mode when Biden boasted about taking on Trump in a debate that many find flabbergasting.

  7. Why would defence ministers and top military officers listen to the two Zelensky clowns? They need not have to attend the talks of a begging comedian and a cunning drug addict. Both have no credibility to be listened to.

    The third Zelensky invited, Mickey Mouse Lai, must be envious of these two Zelenskys.

    When the Americans weaponised the dollar, it leads to de dollarisation. Now the Americans are weaponising the Shangri La Dialogue. It may lead to distancing from this Dialogue.

  8. All the While Sinkieland Hen had all these BS dialogue at the Shangri-la GILA to belittle and demonised China.

    Always the same with so many of their cronies and hyenas and jackals and skunks all talking down to China.

    China very patient and when later they just switched off no contact with their Hot Line, all these Scoundrels all panicked.

    For any provocations that they might provoked might end up with no warnings and maybe cannot see sunrises and sunsets.
