
Anglo Saxon threats to world peace mounting

The US and the UK are pushing for total war on all fronts

The Iran-Israel clash has served as a catalyst for renewed escalation by Western leaders, and World War III cannot be ruled out .

By Timur Fomenko, political analyst

The events of recent weeks have produced a sudden jolt in Western politics. From a lethargy that was starting to creep into US and western discourse over the Ukraine war, Iran’s attack on Israel suddenly seemed to have had the effect of awakening Ronald Reagan from his grave and leading to a surge of neo-conservativism on steroids, on both sides of the Atlantic....

Then the UK decided to devote its largest ever aid package to Ukraine, with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak warning of an “axis of authoritarian states” and amplifying ideologically combative rhetoric. At the same time, it was then revealed Biden had sent 300km long range ATACMS missiles to Ukraine despite having pledged not to do so for years, fearing escalation. Finally, EU President Ursula von der Leyen has suddenly dramatically increased economic warfare on China, pushing the European Commission to open probes on scores of Chinese exports. Where exactly did all this come from?...

It should be abundantly clear now that the current powers that be, in London and Washington, have absolutely no intent of letting up on the wars they have provoked, while also pushing for a potential third one with China, and seem indifferent to the consequences, even if for example, the Israel-Gaza war is shattering the West’s claims of moral superiority. In each case, the stakes are very high, Western foreign policy at large has taken on a very zero-sum and ideological character which bemoans the loss of hegemony, and seeks to uphold it at all costs. It is reactionary to the extent it does not have a vision for improving the world, but wants to take back the world to the way it was. It is a sense of entitlement and privilege that wants to suppress an emerging multipolarity....

The above is part of an article in RT. 

Who is threatening WW3? No it is China, so said the Americans and the silly western educated elites in Asean. Really? What is China doing vis a vis what the Americans and the Brits are doing as described in the above passages? The Anglo Saxons are starting more wars for peace, to promote peace. They love peace. They are stopping China from starting wars, but China is not doing any of this. China starting wars, a threat to peace? Who are these mad people and what is in their numbskull for insisting that China is a threat to world peace... but the Anglo Saxons are for peace? Can't they see the blood dripping down the hands of the Anglo Saxons?

When would these asses cut off their daily bread of poison and lies from the Anglo Saxon media and rhetoric to see the real world? The world is in flame because of the Anglo Saxon savages! The Anglo Saxon savages are all out to start WW3 so that they can continue to rule the world. Period.


Anonymous said...

The recent retaliation by Iran against Israel's unprovoked attack on the Iranian Embassy in Syria did a very important eye-opening realization for countries in the Middle East. That it led to the killing of the myth about Israel's age old 'Iron Dome' invincibility is not lost on Iran and Hezbollah, least of all Hamas.

In the past, no one thought that using overwhelming number of drones and missiles will be able to cripple the Iron Dome's defense capabilities. Iran probably learnt the tactic much earlier, a year a two earlier, when Lebanese and Hezbollah were firing cheap rockets into Israel to elicit Israel to fire their very expensive defense missiles in response. How many of such defense missiles does Israel have actually? And how costly and affordable will such an attack be for Israel, if it happens periodically?

The fact that David Cameron was hyping up the issue of Iran firing too many drones and missiles against Israel, was indeed telling. It may be an over-reaction by Iran, a moot point, as that was just what Israel had done in Gaza in response to the October 7th Hamas attack. Did the UK or the West say anything about Israel's over-reaction in Gaza?

David Cameron had probably realized that Iran had punctured Israel's 'Iron Dome' myth for good with its more than 300 drones and missiles to prove an important point.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Zelensky is the biggest American war contractor. He pockets the money, with a few generals, and sent the Ukrainians to the war front to die.

Virgo49 said...


This video by Larry Johnson US pushing New NATO in M.E. if Russia-Iran-China. Defeat

Bloody Wars Mongers days in days out thinking only of Wars and Violence

Anonymous said...

Defence Chiefs of USA, Australia, Japan and Philippines just made another 'vow' to deepen co-operation and for what purpose? About countering China of course. They are becoming more or less like the 'Vowing Alliance' countering China. As if G7, Five Eyes, QUAD, AUKUS are not enough.

And China must always be the reason for them making all sorts of vows every day? Are they of any use?

Anonymous said...

US to Pressure Singapore on Iran, Russian Sanctions

Senior U.S. Treasury officials will visit Singapore next week to seek cooperation in combating financing of Iran and its proxy organizations and evasion of U.S. sanctions against Russia.

Anonymous said...

According to some clowns, the Americans never coerce, pressure or influence Singapore's policy.