
Americans ramping up pressure on new PM to take sides

 Channel News America is inundated with news that China will be testing Lawrence Wong and pressuring him to take sides in the US China rivalry. The narrative from the western educated elites aka American parrots, is passing the blame to China as usual, that China is the trouble maker. This is furthest from the truth. China is not starting any wars with the warmongering American terrorists. It is the Americans that are attacking China daily, forming gangs and hoodlums, to isolate and contain China, to stop or slow the growth of China. And American allies, cronies, colonies, have all been coerced to take sides against China. Countries of the Global South have also been forced to go against China or be threatened or faced sanctions from the American gangsters. China has not forced any state to take sides or be sanctioned by China for not doing so. China does not need to do so. It is not containing the Americans or at war with the Americans.

It is standard American slimy behaviour to accuse others of a crime or misdeed when the Americans are the one that is guilty of it. China is aggressive when China is not at war with anyone, while the Americans are at wars all over the world, expanding its military might, establishing more military bases and alliances against China. Americans are aggressively fighting wars against the Russians in Ukraine, massacring the Palestinians in Gaza and provoking the Philippines to become another Ukraine in the South China Sea...not aggressive?

No doubt the American gangsters would be applying immense pressure on Lawrence Wong to go against China, not China forcing him to go against America. China is not an evil Empire like the Americans and does not want to be a hegemon, to control and rule the world like the American terrorists. The American parrots have all been mobilised to write the narrative that it is China that would be pressurising and coercing Lawrence Wong using Channel News America as its mouth piece. The American terrorists have been pressuring every country not to trade with China, to buy fake mRNA Covid vaccines, not to use Huawei's 5G but to use fake western 5Gs, presurising their media to demonise China daily with fake news.

Lawrence Wong would be the best person to know who would be twisting his arms to do their bidding. Fortunately there is Asean to fall back on, to take a joint Asean position that is neutral, not to be forced to take sides in a big power conflict. The American parrots would not stand down and the heat on Lawrence Wong can be expected to mount during his premiership. The American devils would want everyone to believe they are the angels and blame China for their devilish agenda and mafia behaviour.


  1. https://www.youtube.com/live/o-H-iIjoMDM?si=hMngNVhHKeYm0xie

    The Best example of a Nincoompoo Nation being conned by the UAssA to fight a war with China and their idiotic Miltary Exercise to take over China.

    Being cannon fodders and pawns to be slaughtered by the PRCs.

    All be wiped off from the Face of the Earth.

    Back to Sinkieland.

    Aiyo Scholar PM and also DPM against the Mafia Gangsters Chief?

    Sure put into their pockets@

    There are more Scoundrels and Charaltans lurking around.

    No more LKY to ward them off with his ferocious pok marked face.

    I shall made brilliant decisions when shoves comes to the push?

    Really ah?

  2. Interviews talk talk also kept laughing and smiling ah?

    Don't put on a Face like Putin and Xi who the Hell going to be not threatened by you.

    Wah so friendly ah?

    PM and Commander in Chief of a Country must put on a demeanor Don't Fxxxk with me!

  3. The Americans know this is the critical time window to bend Lawrence Wong to their will. The outlook is very bleak. We miss the strong old 1G PAP guard . . .

  4. With Malaysia making a more militant stand against the USA and the West over Palestine, I doubt Wong will dare to take the risk of openly taking sides between the USA against China. Being pro-USA is acceptable, but more than that is suicidal, especially with regard to China.

    With Indonesia, the largest Muslim country in the world, surrounding Red Dot in the south, Red Dot will be in serious trouble if it does that. As one who lived through the days of Confrontation between Indonesia and Malaysia, I think it is foolhardy to want to live through Confrontation Version 2.

    Muslims in this region are no pushovers despite being militarily perceived as weaker. Even Lee Kuan Yew had to give way in some quarters, despite being the country touted as having the most sophisticated defense force and most updated military equipment in ASEAN. Just a blockade of the Straits of Malacca, like the Houthis did in the Persian Gulf will strangle Red Dot. The talk of building the Kra Canal is already giving Red Dot the shakes. Will the USA dare to fight another war over here?

  5. Well said Anon 10.17


  6. Decades decades ago if only Sinkieland aligned with China and have their high tech industries and technologies into Sinkies Land, today we shall be the 2nd Dragon of Asia with our own in upper Middle or even Top class.

    Hundreds of thousands gainfully employed with their degrees and diplomas after studying over decade of education.

    No need to have all these CECA chow kars fakes into Sinking Land.

    Instead aligned to the papuer Western Barbarians who are all going to be wipe off from the face of the Earth.

    Now Sinkies poor souls, delivery parcels and food part time gig gig gila jobs with no secure futures.

    Only their cronies had grabbed all their balance cushy jobs.

    Yet they sang great achievements.

    My foot!

  7. Never forget that besides water, which is now a lesser issue, food from Malaysia and Indonesia is still a big issue in times of confrontation with these two countries.

    Food is one area that Red Dot cannot be self-reliant by any way imaginable. It is not just chicken and eggs issue that we will be short of. It is more than that which a blockade will cause.

  8. Maybe the USA will airdrop food like in Palestine, LOL.

  9. I would rather LW have the ball to state clearly whether his bread is buttered with white cheese or yellow kaya. And not to be a double headed snake, neither direction also cannot jalan. Once you decided on the cheese or kaya, just concentrate on one direction, so it either you go into longkang or climb the mountain. Don't always assume our neighbour/muslim is a thread (sillyporean had been brain washed to think this way). Unfortunately I think most sillyporean like to eat cheese & also look down on our neighbour.

  10. I think our Muslim neighbors know for a fact what those F16 or F35's are for. Who are our threats? If our Muslim neighbors cannot put two and two together, I rest my case.

    But having such weapons to send a discreet message is good, especially with the likes of Mahathir under our skin.

  11. Will LW cut down on CECA ? Say no to India ? Millions of new India graduates seeking jobs, wanna work in Singapore !

  12. Americans are now coercing India from signing a port deal with Iran. This is the way of the American terrorists, terrorising and coercing countries. Not China.

    Only stupid media would spread the word that China is coercing and influencing other countries.

  13. Another American assassination attempt on Slovakia's PM. Shot 4 times, luckily recovering.

    The American terrorists are the most dangerous in the world.

  14. China knows that in Singapore, many of the western educated elites are pro Americans. So there is no point wasting its breath to want to influence the American apologists.

    Let it be, and wait for the day when they sober up from blindly believing in the white devils and found out how stupid they had been.
