
Americans' evil plan to sabo Muslim interests in Xinjiang...


 What is Americans' agenda to hype about the fake genocide in Xinjiang? If it is true, if they are going to help a 'victimised' Muslim minority in Xinjiang, the first thing to do must be sanctioning Chinese exports. This would affect the Chinese economy directly.

But what did the Americans do? They placed sanctions of Xinjiang products made by the Muslims in Xinjiang. This is a direct blow to the economic well being of the Muslims in Xinjiang but has little impact on the Chinese economy. The immediate victims of the American sanctions are the Muslims in Xinjiang. The Americans are hurting the Muslims in Xinjiang while hyping about protecting their interests and want to defend them.

This insidious and treacherous act is to harm the Muslims in Xinjiang, hurt their income, to impoverish the Muslims, hoping to incite them to turn against the central govt. Their evil plan is to turn the Muslims into their pawns, to suffer and then to create instability and be hurt in the process, hopefully leading to bloodshed and uprising. It is not to help or protect the interests of the Muslims in Xinjiang.

If the Americans are for the well beings of the Muslims in Xinjiang, they should promote the sales of produces from the Xinjiang Muslims, send trade delegations to buy up their produces to improve their income and livelihood. Not to suppress their trade, not to stop buying their produces to hurt them economically and financially.

Stop the vicious lies and ill intent against the Muslims in Xinjiang. This American lie is an insult to the Muslims in Xinjiang. Only the clowns in Washington can come up with such childish ploy and think it would work. No one in the world believes in the lies of the clowns in Washington anymore.


Anonymous said...

It has been confirmed by recent geopolitical events that the Americans and their sidekick Israelis are indeed evil.

The Israelis have murdered more than 34 thousand Palestinians since October 7. The US national debt have so far ballooned to 34 trillion dollars.

Anonymous said...

The Muslims in Xinjiang have put behind them the genocide accusations by the USA and the West, realising the reality and agenda of the West. Foreigners visiting Xinjiang have realised they have been lied to wholesale by the USA and the West.

But Blinken is trying to revive the accusation of genocide in Xinjiang now, to deflect the genocide committed by Israel in Gaza. I can foresee the doggies waiting to follow Blinken's fake woeful call to join in the chorus.

Anonymous said...

The USA, UK and Israel are the real 'Axis of Evil'. Signed, sealed and delivered.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Indeed, this is the most wicked Axis of Evil. They are involved in all the wars, massacres and genocides all over the world.

Virgo49 said...


UAssA passed a legistration to seize quite a number of countries assets US$.

Sinkieland included?

Aiyo, There goes the Assurance Package and the GST Vouchers.

Also Silver Hairs and CDC Vouchers.

Cannnot be. Sinkieland so loyal

No way