
American war economy given a $95b boost


Less than 2 minutes clip on the American economy falling apart

The American economy is rock solid, growing at 1%,...oops, growing at 3.2% according to Biden. Not sure where Biden got his numbers and not sure which number is the truth. Anyway the Americans, especially the Administration in Washington never lie, always tell the golden truth. And the inflation number is only 3%, not 5%.

With such a solid economy, the above clip about job losses, businesses folding up must be fake news. Or if they are real, no problem, small problem. There is nothing wrong with the American economy.

At the worst, just print more money to inject into the economy. Biden just gave the American war economy a $95 billion boost. It is so easy to drive up the GDP of the American economy. Although this new money is supposed to be military aids for Ukraine, Taiwan and Israel, these countries would not get a single cent. The money would be paid to the American industrial war complexes to make more weapons to be sent to these countries, meaning more jobs for the American weapon manufacturers.

The American war economy will always be rock solid. Any slowing down can always be overcome by starting a few more wars and selling more weapons. What about the civilian and commercial side of the equation? Who cares. They can lose jobs, close down their businesses. As long as the military war complex is doing well, the American economy can only go up, and so can the national debt.

Just have more wars and all is fine. And blame China and Russian for the wars, for starting WW3.


Anonymous said...

The USA economy is still solid as a rock according to Biden, with job creation reaching for the moon. Such a view is not shared by Trump, who labelled the job market a 'cesspool'. Wonder how the voters will look at it.

As Profession Richard Wolff puts it, USA's economic growth is all about printing toilet papers, that goes into the stock market to create a bigger and bigger balloon. That is growth in the context of the USA. When BRICS gets it house in order with its currency, settlement system and control of its in house 'grain and energy exchange', that will end the toilet paper printing and put the printing machines out of business.

China is still said to be collapsing with a 5.2% growth in the first quarter of 2024. Huawei was thought to be tottering or even collapsing from the sanctions earlier but still reported a staggering 564% profit growth year on year. USA chipmakers on the other hand are sinking deeper into losses and are of course not collapsing anytime soon. Biden will throw more subsidies into the black hole to keep them alive. What is the truth, or the alternate truth? Do the sanctions work so far against Huawei? Wonder how other sanctions will work against China that is said to be coming up.

I just wonder what TSMC, Samsung and other USA chipmakers are thinking now about their investments in Arizona and prospect moving forward. Their future looks bleak, considering that Huawei is growing stronger by the day and now even making its own lithography machines and selling them cheap. Oh, those are junks they will say, but never forget the junks that China used to turn out and now dominating the market in EVs, solar panels, wind turbines, batteries, and even shipbuilding, the traditional niche of Japan and South Korea in the recent past.

And were not Chinamen also relegated to merely suitable to be cooks and laundrymen? Why is the West now fearful of those Chinamen eating their lunch? Keep denying, go to sleep and everything will turn out fine when they wake up.

Anonymous said...

That video tells us about what the USA Government job figures are basically all about. Fake news creation undoubtedly.

Oh, by the way, that video was on TikTok. TikTok must not be allowed to counter the MSM's untruth and must be taken down. The reality is that 'Freedom of Speech', and Expression are basically dead and buried. Fancy such a belief that the USA is the beacon of democracy with freedom of speech and expression being upheld in every narrative they trotted out, when in reality it never practices what it preaches.

As Nury Vittachi pointed out on his site 'Fridayeveryday', advising people that when the USA wants you to believe in what they say, just believe in the opposite. How true!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Americans and the Israelis have turned Gaza into an abattoir. The defenseless Palestinians are rounded up for the slaughter.

No more American lies. The slaughter must stop and the guilty be brought to face their crimes against humanity.

Virgo49 said...

Mr RB.

The U.N.Security Forces are formed to be as buffers and be sent in any areas of conflicts.

Why in this case and so many cases they are NOT deployed to stop this Genocide?

U.N.Security Forces of Blue Helmets and Berets are for shows?

Wasted all the U.N.Funds as paid by all Member Countries.

The Secretary General should give the orders for the U.N. Forces to stop the Genocide.

Or alternatively have the PLA in to test their Military Might which I can assured shall NOT disappoint you all.

Especially the Western Imbeciles.

Virgo49 said...


Russia attacked U.S. Base near Isreal.

Wow! Bravo Putin!

Hello Xi join in.the fun lah.

Don't always thinks of making monies ah!

Virgo49 said...


Listen to South Africa Naledi Pandor's Explosive Speech sends Shockwaves Globally.

Lame U.N

Virgo49 said...


Channel News America aka CNA of Singapura headlined UASsA

How the UAssA is trying to ensure stability in the Indo Pacific.

Ensure stability or stirs shits and chaos?

Hello UAssA media doggie.

Bluf only small children and the dafts.

Anonymous said...

Nancy Pelosi must be enjoying herself the last two weeks watching all the protests at so many Universities. It must have given her the 'sight to behold' feeling.

Anonymous said...

At UCLA where protestors were confronting each other now, Nancy must be shouting 'fight, fight, fight'.

Virgo49 said...

Gave her orgasm.

Said HK police brutal.

Their own worse than animals who bear up the students.

So much for their democrazy.

Scott Ritter said these are ex servicemen in the armed forces and they only knew how to whack. Don't know crowds or mobs controls.

Virgo49 said...

Beat not bear

Anonymous said...

What we are seeing is that it is no longer solely a pro-Palestinian protest at UCLA. The USA Government and the Israeli Government, discreetly in my opinion, being unable to put a stop to those protest, are probably trying to inject an explosive element into those protest, to allow the USA Government the justification to resort to a crackdown to put a stop to it.

From the videos that we see, it was the pro-Israeli supporters attacking the pro-Palestinian side, even throwing fireworks into their tents that may start a dangerous fire that could kill those supporters on the other side. The pro-Israeli protestors were acting like hooligans and terrorising the students participating in the protest from the other camp.

I think as the saga drags on, they USA Government will employ the narrative of blaming outside elements of instigating those protest, just like what they tried to do with the 'Black Lives Matter' saga years ago.

And on the topic of blaming others instead of themselves, let us see how the November election pans out as we get nearer. Republican supporters are already starting the Chinese interference fairy tale, while the Democrats will undoubtedly be using the 'Russia Gate' template that they used during the 2016 election.

As the Africans like to say, whenever the West talks to leaders of small countries, they must mention the 'China Threat', as if it is their favourite spice that must be added to their cooking. Never underestimate the wisdom of the African leaders in today's world. These are not the uneducated Dictators put in charge by the Anglo-Saxon Imperialist Colonisers.

Virgo49 said...

Surely they will said it's China, China, China as loudly shouted by Dotard Trump in his last Presidnet campaign.

Now its be louder.

Anonymous said...

Notice how ridiculous are the Western propagandas manufactured in a USA propaganda factory that often backfires and be proven to be just lies and nothing else.

Take the case of the death of Navalny, which the USA and the West vehemently insisted was killed upon the orders of Putin. Now it appears that they are admitting that Putin had little to do with Navalny's death. Every little misfortune suffered by the West is the work of Putin. Every little setback of the West is the work of Xi.

Strangely, all the problems of the USA always fall on outside scapegoats. The USA never will blame itself for being uncompetitive, devoid of ideas and becoming stunted by lack of innovation. The USA will never own up on its mistakes. It does not look into the mirror. It is so ingrained in its head that lying is the way to do things and that has become its nature in everything it does.

When China rose to control 30% of industrial capacity of the world, with the USA controlling a mere 10% and mostly in military equipment, it is China's fault and China must now cut back on such over-capacity. And the USA thinks it can demand China to do that, using threats of financial sanctions. Most people do not believe in that overcapacity hubris and are saying that the industrial overcapacity of China is just an illusion born out of jealousy. Even gangsters have morals, so says Robert di Niro.

When Russia sells oil and gas to Europe at cheaper prices, outcompeting the USA, Europe had been forced to cut its reliance on Russia for energy, and the Nord Stream pipelines must be taken out at all costs. And the stupid Europeans just resigned themselves to be sacrificed and suffering serious problems over energy shortages and paying exorbitant prices for USA energy. How much longer can Europe carry on like this is questionable.

When Japan and Germany posed threats to the USA's economic power, they had to be taken down, to allow the USA to remain the top dog. Companies like Toshiba and Alstom were taken to the cleaners using trumped-up charges, and Japan and Germany just acquiesce and sheepishly retired to the corner.

When the USA and the UK could not find excuses to attack Iraq for standing up to sell oil in Euros, the USA and UK used fake evidence, inventing WMD and chemical weapon narratives to sell their odious agenda at the UN to attack Iraq.

Anonymous said...

But the military industrial complex is opening new factories and adding jobs to fulfil the demand from the new foreign war aid.

Anonymous said...

Soon China will eat the lunch of the USA military industrial complex. Without the necessary raw materials for making weapons, the USA will be left with fighting with shovels themselves, not to talk about exporting weapons to others.

Some of the weapons sent to Ukraine are just suitable for Russian target practice. Six USA made missiles, game changing ACATMS have been shot down by Russia. Ukraine does not even want to use USA drones, saying they are inferior to Chinese civilian drones converted for military use. And Ukraine has to hide some of the obsolete tanks sent by the UK and others inside bunkers.

Virgo49 said...

Frankly this stupid Urukiane is fighting with their hands tied behind their backs.

Firstly, do not have the arsenals that could bombard Russia Mainland.

Hello, you are fighting a war man, now just in your damn country.

You bomb or shoot also your own country destroyed you know idiots?

Russia bombed and shoot also in your country that been destroyed you know or not?

Where in the World your allies or supporters told you hello you must not attack Russia proper as they might also bombed our countries ah.

Where got even gang fights you cannot attack the other gangs territories ah?

In any war, you must also whacked the other party that their peoples and properties also chia lat chia lat so that they so also feel the pains and then maybe slow down and negotiate for peace and settlement.

Now Russia had their Air Superiority and also their Radars tokong with their satellite superiority that can just simply scanned and see your ongoing operations.

So you cannot match them in this field of military technology.

The Nuts and Imbeciles can send their Tanks or Condoms to you, the Russians simply wait and when they arrived, just bombed them to scrap iron.

They also can see where the Arsenals coming from which neighbouring states and directions.

So just simply bombed them into oblivion.

Even you deployed your tanks into the battle fields, Russia just simply with their air superiority and radar scans fly their cheap cheap drones or just their long-range artillery and bombed them into splinters.

That's why your tanks and other fighting vehicles all became scrap iron and memenyos for Putin to display and humiliated you.

Your are fighting am uneven war and the damn daft Americunts and their Marconi just wanted you to be s sucker on their behalf to wrakne the Russians which every day you yourself kena whacked.

Without your Air Covers and ability to fight the Russians in the Air and also can bombed and hurt Russia , how to fight and win the War ah?

You tell me!

So better surrender and negotiate for peace which the Russians alreday occupied those lands that are of strategic purpose as buffers for their security.

They had the Upper Hand now

Tell your Masters or Handlers that this is the only solution before more of your Urukians die and your balance scrap land no more.

Also think you had enough dough in your banks to kaput to enjoy your life with your materialistic and greedy wife.

Think they still held your monies so you still have to obey and listened to them.

Your NATO aka No Action Talk Only Wants to save their water faces as now they knew cannot makan Russia.

So they hope for some miracle that maybe You idiots can do some magic tricks.

Listen to old uncle lah.

Surrender lah you had enough.

Virgo49 said...

Just to add Hello.Skky or Slyy, your men also half past sic oops six.
Want to pan sai then look for holes I.e..not well-trained to fight and handle these types of fighting equipments at last moment lah.

Can killed our
your own selves you know or not?

Your daft supporter's won't dare to give you their arsenals when the war first started as they also scared you might use against them.

Now your men not trained to handle these fighting machines and sure you hand guns cannot operate what.

So Putin just bombed them into scraps.

The worse is that the NATO Nuts cannot send their fighting men to handle these equipments for you.

They scared if involved Putin would bomb them to HELL.

So surrender lah!

Cannot win as your hands and legs are tied together lah.

Virgo49 said...


Scott Ritter's Deaths Knell to NATO and Urukiane

Virgo49 said...

Just reported again Channel News America oops Asia doggie of the Americunts that South China Seas aggressions by China, the Defence Chief's of UAssA, Jepun, Convicts Aussies, the Pygmies, oops Pinoys meeting to have a Pact.

Korea Pact better.

All hot Airs be annihilated by China if she chooses so.

Wake up

Virgo49 said...

Not Korea Pact lah is KOTEX- the sanitary Pact for all these males. Oops maybe they are females?