
American Police brutality against students and professors in Emory University, USA


Two short clips showing police violence against student protestors in Emory University. The brutish thugs in uniforms, supposedly the pride of America, the protector of American citizens, behaved like gangsters and savages, attacking women and girls, students and professors, like they were hardcore criminals. They even fired rubber bullets at the students.

This is American police violence on display to the world. They were real cowards, only acting tough against unarmed women and girls. What a show of bravery of the savage brutes. They are more feared than the thugs on the streets of America. The students and professors need to be protected from these violent thugs in uniforms.

America must be very proud of them. They are definitely better than the Hong Kong police. Everyone is very proud of the men in blue, the gangsters in uniform of the USA.

Pelosi must be grinning widely watching these beautiful sights to behold.

Student protests started in Columbia University, are spreading across the USA and also in universities in other parts of the world. It is not only a nation wide protest in the USA. It is a universal movement against the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza by the Americans and Israelis.


Virgo49 said...


Just happened to tune in and see this George Galloway and Scott Ritter talking of the brutalities of their Police Force.

Ritter really hot up and cursing at them.

So much for their freedom and Democrazy

Anonymous said...

Those gorillas in uniforms are cowards. But with gun in hand, they tried to act tough. Ask them to go to Afghanistan to face the Taliban farmers and they will pee in their pants.

This cowardly trait makes up the DNA of the USA military. The USA can only bully small and weak countries. There are strong countries that it fears to tangle with. Afghanistan and Vietnam were countries it had already tried to bully and got toasted instead. Iran and North Korea will give the USA 'hell in a cell' if the USA ever try to start a war with them.

Forget about Trump boasting about having a bigger button in his nuclear briefcase. Trump was a perfect 'draft dodger' who avoided getting drafted five times by the military, with help from his father using his wealth. He was said to have been diagnosed with 'bone spurs' to avoid being drafted during the Vietnam War. Money talks and bullshit walks.

Of course, Iraq and Libya are nowhere near the tenacity of the Afghans or Vietnamese, and still needed a 'coalition of the willing' to win those two wars for the USA and its proxies. And Iraq and Libya did not have the logistic support of the Russians and Chinese, unlike the Vietnamese.

Despite the crackdowns over the widely escalating protests in USA universities, there are bigger protest now erupting in New York City and in several countries around the world.

There were subtle signs that China was going to be blamed for those protest as expected. But the biggest takeaway must be the targeting of George Soros as the one underwriting those protest over the past two weeks. Really surprising for a Jew to be targeted for supporting the pro-Palestinian uprising. But Soros will of course deny it for sure.

Anonymous said...

From my observation, the clashes were probably done on purpose to give the Government a reason to demolish the encampment.

Where were the Law Enforcers when pro-Israeli protesters were attacking the pro-Palestinian camp? They were standing idly by waiting for a catastrophe to happen before taking action. When the pro-Israeli protesters started throwing fireworks into the other camp, hoping to start a fire, knowing that the tents can catch fire easily, the Cops and Highway Patrollers, sensing the danger, then close in to demolish the tents.

The pro-Israeli protesters are now asking the Law Enforcers -'Where were you when the other side was attacking us?'

Anonymous said...

The USA is starting its blaming of outside groups for the pro-Palestinian protests in universities.

Funny, how no country blames the USA for instigating protests in Hong Kong, Iran, Myanmar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and everywhere else. Every country knows that the USA is using the CIA and its supported NGOs in fermenting regime changes around the world.

Cracking down on such NGOs is against human rights, freedom of this and that, and an attack on democracy or so they claimed. Cracking down on student protest in USA universities is not against human rights and freedom of this and that? I guess protection of democracy does not figure in the equation. I rest my case just on this argument alone!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

When visiting the USA, be warned. The most dangerous criminals are the men in blue, armed and given the licence to attack, to shoot freely. They are the licensed gangsters in uniforms.

They are more dangerous than the criminals on the streets of America.

Anonymous said...


Last paragraph - The pro-Palestinian protestors are now asking the Law Enforcers.....

My apologies! Anon 9.28

Anonymous said...

Social media is coming out with questions regarding the violence at UCLA and why pro-Israeli mobs were allowed to launch violent attacks against the pro-Palestinian encampments and not getting arrested.

Does this show how violent-minded those Israeli mobs or so-called pro-Israeli supporters are? It is the same with the Israeli State ideology. Violence is their hallmark and their usual behavior. Cannot be changed like the spots on a leopard.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Read the bible and you will know how cruel and vindictive the Jews were. There is why they were condemned by God to be without a nation.

Virgo49 said...


See and listen to this Judge and Prof Jeffrey Sachs of the NintauLauBoo's accusing the UAss College and Unis protests as Antisemitism which the Jews been persecuted long ago.

Hello blame the Germans lah!

Why take out on the Palestinians?

You the Israelis must fight against the Germans who German Gas you lots.

Anonymous said...

The Gorillas in Unform are feared on the streets only when they are in numbers.

Just read the reports or watch the videos of mall sacking, where looters are in numbers and the Gorillas in Uniform dare not even stop or apprehend them. They were outnumbered and afraid to act. Imagine being a Cop and just watching a crime being committed and not doing anything about it! Must be a sick joke!

Anonymous said...

Looks like after being evicted from university campuses, students are taking to the streets instead to carry on their pro-Palestinian protest. That is going to disrupt businesses and create more chaos.

Out of the frying pan and into the fire? The USA Government never fails to shoot its own foot.