
American and Jewish theatre to wipe out the Palestinians

 Wonder what happened to the self-proclaimed morality quotation of one particular country's 'in principle' stand? It smacks of 'double standards' clear and simple!

It cannot be argued that Russian actions in Ukraine was an unprovoked situation. The provocations were there for eight long years, or even longer, with the Ukrainian military conducting genocidal cleansing of Russian speaking people in the Donbass region. It cannot also be argued that it was a bigger country bullying a smaller country either.

Likewise, it cannot be argued that the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7th was an unprovoked attack. The years of Israeli forced attempts to clean out Palestinian lands to build Israeli settlements were provocations enough. Hamas is just taking up the cudgel on behalf of the Palestinians in Gaza. Likewise, can we not now also argue that Israel, a bigger country, is attacking a smaller country as well?

Do not be taken in by the USA trying to pacify the situation in Rafah as just looking like a limited Israeli operation. The West is just trying to pull wool over people's eyes, just by allowing Israel to have a foothold first to expand its operation until global objections fade. They could see the protests erupting all over the world and they cannot just ignore them. The USA and the West are experts in playing the game. Just look at the expansion of NATO towards the Russian border and you can see the whole picture.

The USA and the West are just resorting to damage control, as they are completely hapless dealing with the renegade Netanyahu. In any case, what the USA and the West are doing are just a pretension to temporarily halting their war mongering agenda. It is a trait they inherited since their Imperialist days. It is in their DNA and cannot be expunged.



Anonymous said...

Netanyahu will test the boundaries in Rafah. He knows that the USA and the West are just playing a game of disagreeing to agree later under the present situation and will not condemn him for his actions in the longer term. Talking about not sending ammunition to Israel provisionally is just empty talk. Yes, just a token to show the world for now, but believing it is for real is just wishful thinking. Israel had been their Sheriff in the Middle East for decades, controlling the Muslims and Arabs and keeping them in their place.

The peace deal between Iran and Saudi Arabia puts a stop to the USA/Israel's agenda of pitching the Saudi Arabs against the Iranians, which has now fallen apart. Iran no longer supports the Houthis in Yemen against Saudi Arabia and keeping the war against Yemen perpetual. That has ended the Saudi/Yemeni conflict to the chagrin of the USA. Saudi Arabia no longer needs USA support to protect is oil installations against Houthi attacks. The USA can no longer sell its patriot defense system to the Saudis, who are anyway going for the Russian S300 or S400 instead.

The geopolitical situation is changing. The perception that Israel, with its 'Iron Dome' invincibility has been put to rest. The Muslims and Arabs have awakened to reality, thanks to Hezbollah and Iran.

The USA has to escalate the situation in the Middle East, hoping to regain lost ground. And using Israel as proxy is its last-ditch effort to achieve that.

Anonymous said...

Now we are beginning to understand that Biden's talk about stopping a shipment of ammunition to Israel is just a ploy to pacify the pro-Palestinian voters who are against the Israeli genocide in Gaza. Biden will make a 180 degree turn soon. Netanyahu knows that and that is why he is so arrogant. He can't survive without USA's ammunition supply, clear and simple. And the Military Industrial Complex and its Israeli lobby in Congress is not going to let that happen.

It is clear what he is saying when we read between the lines, when he contradicted himself instantly by pointing out that the USA must ensure the existence of Israel. Weapons supply is the only option for Israel to survive under present conditions, and for USA not providing Israelis with weapons runs contrary to logic.

Anonymous said...

After flattening the whole of Gaza and killing and wounding several hundred thousands of Palestinians, the job is done. No longer any need for more bombs for over killed. So now pretending to shed crocodile tears, no more bombs for Israel to continue the genocide. Oops, no more bombs only temporary. The bombs would still be sent to Israel covertly.

Should the surviving Palestinians waiting to be bombed to death be grateful to this American 'mercy' for them to live another few more days? Should the world be duped by the American terrorists that are partners to the genocide of the Palestinians?