
Janet Yelling at China to stop producing goods for the world

 Janet Yellen is again in China talking about warning China to curb its industrial overcapacity. Why is a country's overcapacity of any concern to the USA, I wonder? The USA is obviously unable to catch up and is inventing all kinds of narratives to hold back China. The reason that China can stand on its own today is all about its overcapacity to counter USA and Western sanctions. China is in fact 'future proofing' its push to be able to withstand USA and Western sanctions and threats.

China will be on its knees today without its dominance in some areas of scientific research and engineering, having a hold on rare earths, lithium and bauxite among others, and besides that, China had already built up all the logistics and expertise in refining such elements. Of course, upgrading the military stands as the foremost important aspect of China's indulgence in overcapacity. It will not be wasted.

Janet Yellen is telling China the USA is building up its industrial capacity too. Good luck to that, but why is there a need for her to tell China this. How long is the USA going to take to set up the logistics alone to undertake the job of truly decoupling from China?

Upon her return to the USA, I can more or less predict the salivating USA Government and MSM will start yelling to the world that Yellen had succeeded in pushing China to reduce its industrial capacity, lectured China again on human rights (their favorite past-time), besides warning China of further USA retaliation if China does not follow their script and all the hocus pocus. China is so familiar with the USA playbook to care two hoots about the yelling.

Watching her alighting from the plane, holding the rails tightly, reminds me of Biden stumbling up and down the steps of Air Force One. This old lady should not have been pushed into this job and is another example of 'elderly abuse'. Why is the USA abusing their old people to such an extent. Are there no capable young people to take over the running of the country, that they have to rely on such old feeble folks to hold the country together? The future does not look good for them if that is so.



  1. One moment the West say China economy is in dire straits and collapsing, next moment they say China economy is very formidable and going to sink everybody else. That's schizoprenic !

    China’s ‘incredible’ growth threatens American and EU economies – US trade chief ( RT )

    US and European economies are struggling to survive against China’s “very effective” alternative economic model, top US trade representative Katherine Tai told a briefing in Brussels on Thursday, according to Euractiv.

    ”I think what we see in terms of the challenge that we have from China is… the ability for our firms to be able to survive in competition with a very effective economic system,” Tai said in response to a question from Euractiv.

  2. Wah piang woaa!

    Your neigbour and friend earning 20k and above and you can tell him or her "Hello" you cannot earned so much!"

    Cannot! cannot!
    Must be like me $1000.00 lah!

    Of else I!!

    Whats a joke UAssA Americunts!

  3. Straight out of Sun Tzu's Art of War playbook - subdue your enemy without war . . .

  4. Janet Yellen is Jewish . . .

  5. Those Juvenile politicians in the West are really nuts, and smearing shit on their own faces making all kinds of strange arguments contrary to reality.

    Jans Stoltenberg, the Nato Secretary General, just came out to claim that 'NATO is not a party to the war in Ukraine'. How could he think such a statement makes sense to Putin or anyone having an interest in the war? Preposterous to say the least.

    After two years of sending weapons, tanks, and probably already providing ground support with boots on the ground secretly, how is that interpreted as not a party to the Ukraine war? And North Korea, for example, sending weapons to Russia is interpreted as taking sides in the war in Ukraine and should be punished with further sanctions.

    If Stoltenberg is not a hypocrite, I wonder what hypocrisy means. But then, as an Anglo-Saxon, he is also liable to lie, cheat and steal, and still be proud of it, right?

    Now Janet Yellen in Beijing is trying to raise the issue of China using tech industry subsidies to enable Chinese industries to manufacture cheaper stuff for the rest of the world. This old lady probably has dementia too and cannot remember about Biden's own subsidies given to chip manufacturers, both domestic and foreign ones. How convenient!

    There was also the 'Inflation Reductions Act', (subsidies by another name) signed by Birden, to attract industries to relocate from Europe to USA. The Europeans were not fooled but have now been shouted down and told to sit quietly in the corner by their master. Are these not the same as what Yellen is accusing China of doing? What is the difference that she should be concerned about and have the cheek to raise in China?

    What the real concern for her, I believe, is that the USA will find it even more difficult or impossible to compete against China on the world market. China is going to make it a priority to be a bigger player in the semiconductor sector in the global market, in time to come and that is going to kill off most other semiconductor players. That is the only reason I can see as to why she is raising the issue, which the 'Chips Alliance ' lobby is probably pressuring the USA Government to confront China.

  6. To rich capitalistic leader/country, they hate to see other(poor country) enjoy cheap product. Just like our papies, they want to maximize profit for their own good. But when asked to implement minimum salary for low wage worker or increase payment for people in need, they said these people will develope a entitlement mentality. Our ministers like to have overcapacity salary for themselves but not others.

  7. CEOs of European Industries have seen how their leaders have bowed to USA pressure and are not putting their interest as a priority. The fact that the initial protest against the USA's 'Inflation Reduction Act' luring European industrialist to set up manufacturing in USA, has practically fallen silent in Europe and is making them realize that moving their business out of Europe to China is the only way to survive.

    China has the engineers and technical support for their manufacturing, the supply chain to cater to their needs, the raw materials available to them, and above all cheaper energy cost.

    CEOs of European manufacturing knows that moving to the USA, as what Biden had expected with his 'Inflation Reduction Act' is not going to work out. USA may have cheaper energy cost compared to Europe but does not have the supply chain needed for ease of operation, shortage of the cluster of skilled engineers to support their operations, and if a push comes to a shove resulting from further USA sanctions, China's retaliation may jeopardize their source and supply of raw materials, which they can avoid by producing in China. Above that is the consumer market at their doorstep in China, which is essential for their output.

    The USA and the West can keep repeating their mantra of decoupling and derisking from China, but is sounding more and more like a puff of hot air - out of the arse.

  8. UAssA many states earthquakes.
    Hello Yelling, better go back and say goodbye to Bidamn b4 he goes to HELL.

  9. Alternatively you can apply for China's citizenship.
    Safer. But dont think the PRCs want you.

    Too old for ahem ahem and also organs cannot sell for monies.

  10. Bidam gave ultimatum to Netaulaubo!

    Saving Palestines lifes?

    Wayang lah!

    Hello have u made payment for the 18 billions killing ammo and arsenals we send u?

    Want to order more or not?

    Trying to get also that daft Taiwan to buy more.

    We bluff bluff in Senare acting to approve.
