
India's role in the clash of Civilisations

 Decades ago, some people were already talking about WW3. This would be a war between Whites and Coloured People. Is this turning out to be true? Not so fast, however credible it may be, with India and Japan are already being bought over by the dark side.

The Whites are ganging up as can be seen in the G7. The Five Eyes - Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK and the USA is another clear-cut example. AUKUS is Australia, UK and USA is a further example.

And here in Asia, Japan and India are turning out to be White pretenders, pandering to the Whites and going against Coloured People. India is part of the QUAD and so is Japan. Soon Japan is getting whiter by joining NATO or Asia-Nato.

India, instead of helping Coloured People, is sabotaging their agenda in BRICS. India is in deep trouble if Modi gets a third term. But Indians are basically ignorant about their future problems. Their only believe is Modi's Hindu cult support, his empty slogans and dictatorial rule. But Modi has never been condemned as a dictator. Xi lifted more than 800 million Chinese out of poverty and is still called a dictator. They must have a new definition for dictators under their 'Rules Based Order' doctrine. They need Modi to remain in power to counter China.

Suffice to say, let the ordinary Indians continue to elect Modi with his cult status, empty slogan chanting and hope this alone can create all the jobs needed for the Indian population that is growing exponentially. 



  1. Modi's re-election is India's biggest problem going forward. The biggest issue he has to tackle is job creation, which is not going to happen just with slogan chanting and hate speeches igniting further racial polarisation. Already we have seen the issues regarding the treatment of Muslims in India. India has lots of problems with racial and religious matters, with Manipur and Punjab particularly evident. Modi is not solving them but is keeping and using such issues to divide and rule.

    Modi's popularity rests on his pro-Hindu religious stand, which is the religion of the majority Indians in India, and they are eating out of his hand. However, that is not going to solve the unemployment problem facing younger Indians entering the workforce. The same way that Muslims in Malaysia have eaten out of the hands of Mahathir for decades, using racial politics to divide the country. That has stagnated progress in Malaysia for decades. Anyway, let us not talk too much about Malaysian politics as Muslims in Malaysia may not like it.

    With India's anti-foreign business mindset under Modi, where foreign investments in India are sidelined in favour of domestic manufacturers that contributed huge sums of money in political support for him and his party, trying to lure foreign investors to set up shop in India is difficult. Chinese investors are avoiding India for example. That is not good for job creation. It is cutting the nose to spite the face, nothing more nothing less.

  2. Modi would send all his unemployed to Singapore. Problem solved.

  3. Those CECA coming over are already lowering the norm for us.

    They live here as if they're still in India. Same pariah behavior, same unhygienic ways, same (caste) arrogance to Singaporeans, same lawless way of driving. They live isolated from local population & refuse to adapt to local norms.

    So yeah, India has come to Singapore.

  4. The way I see it, Red Dots economy right now is in construction, or bricks and mortar economy.
    Hope we do not end up like Japan and now China with version 2. Will Red Dot be version 3?

    Just take a drive along any road and you see diggings on every corner, every nook, every highway and every byway.

    And what do we see? Yes, unmistakably India is already here.

  5. China built a 40 storey building in 10 days. Here, building a canteen would take 3 months with our beloved and overrated foreign labourers. And these foreigners are now claiming they built Singapore.

  6. If you would believe that Singapore was a swamp from 1819 to 2004, and that it was only after CECA was signed in 2005 that all the buildings were constructed. City Hall, Fullerton Building, Victoria Memorial Hall and Istana were all built after CECA was signed.

    Just like arguing that the Ukraine War started on February, 24, 2022. Or that Hamas started the war in the Middle East on October 7th 2023. What goes on before that is irrelevant.
