
American military alliances as a ruse to colonise states to fight for the American Empire


Everyday, without fail, the Americans are flooding the news with threats of war to raise tension, create instability and to frighten the unthinking believers into believing that their countries would soon be invaded by an unknown enemy in the future. Then the Americans offer themselves as the solution to their imaginary threats, as the saviour and protector of the unthinking states. 

America will protect you from your enemies, from the threats America fabricated. This is exactly what the mafia and gangsters told their clients. We are here to protect you, ... from us. If you don't pay up, don't do as we order you to do, we will mess you up. So the unthinking happily pay up to protect themselves from the gangsters.

In the case of the evil American Empire, paying up is not simply buying more weapons from the Americans, a kind of paying protection money, it goes as far as providing land to house American military bases and soldiers. This part would compromise the sovereignty of the protected states. Many would de facto become American colonies. 

Once the Americans set foot on a foreign land, don't expect the Americans to give up this privilege to control the new colonies. Japan and South Korea, and the European states are excellent examples of colonies. The American Empire is being disguised as a protector of these stupid countries unlike the era of colonisation when outright invasion and forceful occupation were the order of the day. Today the Americans simply spin a few narratives and many silly national leaders, many with pea brains, would go along happily surrendering their independence to the Americans. Or the Americans made them an offer they could not refuse.

But this is not all. Remember, America is the world's number one terrorist state and going all out all over the world to incite and start wars. And when a war has started, because of the alliances signed by the unthinking colonies, the colonies are expected to send their soldiers to fight and die for the American Empire, or to foot the bill for the war. Europe has been coerced into emptying their pockets, their weapon warehouses to support the American war against Russia in Ukraine.

When the Americans start a war with China, all the American allies, ie cronies, would have to foot the bill as well, and send their soldiers and weapons to fight for the evil American Empire. The Americans have tied down all the stupid allies and crony states with so called alliances and defence treaties to make them fight to defend the American Empire. The pea brain national leaders would not have the ability to see through this American ruse. By the time they wake up to their stupidity, it would be too late. Maybe not, these empty heads may think going to war is fun, like Zelensky and can be called war heroes. They never think they would be dead heroes.  Oops, they would not be, only their people would be sent to fight wars. They only shout from the safety of their offices, far, far away from the war zone.

The Evil American is expanding by spreading the lie that China or Russia are aggressive and have expansionist idea to build their empire. So neat. And about 50% of the silly Asean elites feel the Americans are more trustworthy to protect them.

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