
The second coming of the Great Depression - The American stock market is primed to crash

This is a 1 hr 11 minutes conversation between David Oualaalu and Elizabeth Ann Stewart. Listen to what they said carefully, especially after the second half of the video. It is a very serious and revealing talk about what is happening to America and the world and what is coming. Do spend the time to get a peep into the great disaster coming our way.

The American economy is geared towards perpetual tension and wars in order to rule the world. But this ain't going to happen, ain't going according to the American script writers. 

For their wild martial intention and ambition, the Americans have sacrificed a few generations of their people from reading STEM in the universities as these are not needed if they are to rule the world. The world belongs to the American Empire and they only need to rule and live on the rest of the world. 

Without STEM graduates, without constant wars, the Americans are unable to compete with the rest of the world on equal terms and would end up as the losers.


  1. https://youtu.be/4Qz7jVbXfEo?si=xej-nrjCnJp75bGa

    Morning All,

    This video of the Americunts Banks collasping soon by Lena Petrova
    Bank Failures will start soon admits
    Fed Chair or Table Powell to U.Ass Congress

  2. Janet Yellen is yelling loudly about China's industrial over capacity threatening everybody and is a danger to the whole world. Everything that China does is now a danger to the USA and the Anglo-Saxon clique. For those in the Global South, China's industrial overcapacity can be seen as bringing prosperity to them, not a threat, and is a blessing in disguise for them, as they can buy consumer needs cheaper by the dozen, while building infrastructures cheaply that the West look on in envy. This is competing too well with the Western countries like the USA and this is what the danger that she is trying to impress upon the world all about.

    Let me ask those countries that are facing USA sanctions about what the USA's Military Industrial overcapacity is doing to them and others. The USA spending on its military is larger than the military spending of the next 10 countries combined and makes up 40% of total global military spending globally. Is that not a danger to the world? What are military spending for? For spreading love of Muslims?

    The USA is also trying to corner the world semiconductor business by building up its chip monopoly, even giving incentives to chipmakers to build factories in USA, all to decouple or de-risk from and to suppress China's chip industry. Is this not threatening China and Russia, Iran and others as well? Can we not see the hypocrisy in all the mickey mouse propaganda?

    China is not going to stand still and let the USA succeed in monopolizing the chip making business and is putting top priority into research and development in the chip sector. The USA is nervous, knowing China can overcome its shortcomings given time and short circuit the USA plan. Overcapacity is turning into China's trump card, as it will not be at the mercy of the USA and the West and be in a position to kill all competition by lowering prices with its upper hand position. Moreover, its huge domestic market is a great advantage to absorb whatever overcapacity there is.

    If I may venture to say, had China not spent so much of its resources to improve its military, China would have ended up like Iraq and Libya. China would now have been at the mercy of the USA and the West. China learnt good lessons during the Opium War and the century of humiliation at the hands of the Western powers. Most of all, China cannot afford not to upgrade its military in all areas to counter the USA's provocation. Had it not done so, China would in a very weak position like it was during the Opium War period and suffer another century of humiliation.

    Thinking ahead is the best policy for China and I have to stress again that China must keep upgrading its army, air force and naval fleet particularly its nuclear submarine fleet. A nuclear submarine fleet of substance is a imminent need to ensure a second-strike capability in case land based retaliatory assets are destroyed.

    And had China not been upgrading its technology, there would not be a Tiangong Space Station, ability to embark on a mission to the moon, landing a probe on Mars, constructing a high-speed train system, These are Chinese technology developed through hard work in research and curved out of adversity by being prevented from acquiring by the West. Huawei, BYD, TikTok etc, are all Chinese enterprises competing so well and on par with the USA and the West that they have to put obstacles to prevent their rise with fallacious claims bordering on fiction. Had China not got its hands on all the important resources like rare earth, lithium, graphite, it would have been crippled by the West in all its industrial endeavours.

  3. How can there be a depression, when even talk of a recession is strongly denied.

    Great news comes out of the USA every day. The stock market is at all-time highs. Job creation is out of this world. The US$ is still so strong. China is collapsing, growing at only 5%. Ukraine is being given a 'key' weapon (no more game changer) and will be able to win the war against Russia.

    There were talk of rate cuts by the Fed, then postponed followed by wait and see, then repeating back and forth, and people were stumped and confused.

    Not to worry, the USA and the Fed will know how to talk and invent itself out of a depression. Just be patient and believe in them.
