
The fate of Zelensky and Ukraine is the starkest and rudeness reminder to the Mickey Mouse


 Zelensky may not be too bright to think that he could get away with poking the eyes of the Russian bear. We can forgive him for he did not have the privilege of seeing his fate then. He may be drugged or deluded on his own ability, greatness or ineptness. Or he was stupid enough to believe the Americans would fight and would triumph over Russia? There were small Mickey Mouse that commit similar crimes against their people and country under the coercion or influence of the American terrorists. There are many Mickey Mouse out there that have Zelensky to thank for to pull back from the brink of disaster, if only they are not as dumb as Zelensky.

God has been very kind and merciful to create the tragedy of Zelensky and Ukraine in slow motion for all the Mickey Mouse to have a preview of their final fate...should they want to be another Zelensky, and turning their country into another Ukraine. Ukraine is a tragedy that needed not happen. But Ukraine is a state, a country that cannot think for itself. And the Ukrainians are just a mob being led or misled by a clown. The Ukrainians are the silent majority that did not act to defend themselves when their lives and their country were seized by a megalomaniac.

Zelensky had a choice. No matter how much pressure, coercion, or how big was the bribe, he could say no. By accepting the lure of the mastermind instigator to commit genocide against the Russian speaking Ukrainians and turning his guns at the Russians, he made a conscious decision to bury himself and Ukraine...should his stupidity be vindicated. From the beginning, and for now, he still thinks he can live to enjoy his bloody loot offered to him by his handlers, in the millions and billions. The harsh reality is that he might not live another day longer when his masters give up on him, when the proxy war ended in defeat.

The Russians might not get their hands on him as he would likely be whisked away by his handlers before danger caught up with him. But then he is not safe either. Many Ukrainians that have lost their country and loved ones would be queuing up to hang him. Hope they will spare his family.

All the Mickey Mouse that are monkeying around to be another Zelensky, to risk destroying their country and people, must take this Ukraine lesson seriously. Think very, very hard. It is not rocket science to see the consequences and the chances of not becoming another Ukraine, another Zelensky. For their own sake and their own people, stop the stupidity to turn themselves into traitors of their people and country. Mickey Mouse does not stand a chance against super powers.

God is so generous and kind to have this Ukrainian melodrama screened live for the sake of the Mickey Mouse. There will be no exceptions. Stop while you still can. Making your own tragedy is a personal and private matter. But turning your country and your people into an unnecessary tragedy must be avoided at all cost. The Mickey Mouse owes it to their people not to turn their country into a grave yard for his people.

In case the Mickey Mouse is so sick and incorrigible, the people must save themselves by taking out the Mickey Mouse. They must not be like the silent majority in Ukraine, or they will suffer the same fate as the Ukrainians. Should that happen, they have only themselves to be blamed.

They have been warned. Do not dismiss the kind warning of God to keep yourself, your loved ones and country safe from the stupidity and selfishness of the Mickey Mouse.

Who are the Zelensky wannabes in Asia and SE Asia?

Which country in Asia and SE Asia is yearning to be the next Ukraine?

Asean is keeping mum and allowing Mickey Mouse to turn SE Asia into a war zone, provoking China and raising tension. Are the Asean countries sleeping, consenting, or just behaving like the silent majority and letting SE Asia turning into another war zone?


  1. Morning All

    Sorry out of Topic but wanted to share a joke for Good Friday

    Todays ST had this caption that:-

    Marcos vows countermeasures in response to China's attacks.

    Made my toes laughed.

    Cannot even exterminate their own bandits on their own land wanted to fight China?

    Sampans second hand hand down scraps iron to fight China?

    1. https://linksharing.samsungcloud.com/qWtkfDUzevQk

  2. After reading and go thru this article, think the above post is appropriate that the Filippinos shall be daft to be the second Urukiane if they wanted to be UAssA doggie or cannon fodders.

  3. Mickey Mouse in the cartoons always think he is the smartest and invincible. In the real world, Mickey Mouse would be cat food.

    Zelensky also think so, that he can be acting in the cartoons forever and will be sure to be the winner. Can any other Mickey Mouse be more daft than Zelensky? Sometimes stupidity is in the DNAs.

  4. Marcos thinks he is smarter than Zelensky. And Pinoys think they are better at war than the Ukrainians.

    So they will defeat China in a war.

    Good luck to them.

  5. Would Taiwan be another willing candidate?

  6. Marcos Jr thinks wrongly. He is not White like Zelensky. He is just a pawn with balls tightly held by the USA. He is held hostage by the ill-gotten wealth that Marco Snr held and now in USA hands. He wants access to the money, to be released by his pandering to the whims and fancies of the USA to take on China.

    And not to forget that the CIA is watching and waiting for Washington's signal should he waver in his mission. Duterte got out of the CIA's sight just in time.

  7. Which country in ASEAN is yearning to be the next Ukraine? Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos are out of the question. Indonesia and Malaysia, being Muslim countries are also unlikely. Brunei is too neutral to want to be in any mess, but I may be wrong. Thailand, Vietnam and Singapore are a 50 50 bet.

    The top candidate must be the Philippines. Everything fits in like a glove. No other ASEAN country takes such a combative stand against China in the South China Sea, plus all the US military bases that it hosted that pointed to its mindset.

  8. China must also learn from the Ukraine War. If China continues to appease Mickey Mouse and refrain from hitting back hard, what happened in the Moscow concert hall will happen to China.

    Mickey Mouse mentality is to think that weakness is an invitation to strike. A big power like Russia or China acting meekly under provocation and challenges and chose to tie its own hands would be a sign of weakness. The Mickey Mouse in Ukraine thought so, that for some reason, Russia would not dare to kick his ass. This led to the tragedy in Moscow.

    If China behaves like Russia, and let Taiwan or the Philippines get away with their lunacy, China deserves to be hit like the shooting in the concert hall. China must wake up immediately and slam the Mickey Mouse before it regrets for not doing so. Everyday of inaction is a day of encouragement for the Mickey Mouse to get deluded and wild.

    The time for China to stop the Mickey Mouse is fizzling away. Stop it now or be hit by the Mickey Mouse. After that, trying to hit back would be too late as many Chinese citizens would die because of China's inaction. There is a devil behind the Mickey Mouse pushing them to act fast, to hit China like what happened to the concert hall.

    China be warned. China would have to take full responsibility for encouraging and emboldening the Mickey Mouse to misbehave. Don't blame the Mickey Mouse.

  9. Hi Anon 10.11

    Terrorists think won't be able to sabo China so easily.

    In the Sea of Majority Yellow Faces, any suspicious out landers and foreigners and even their own other different nationalities would be scrutenised with cautions.

  10. Putin has decided to destroy Mickey Zelensky's fantasy dream. For so long, Putin was holding back without going for the kill. Now he is in no mood to let Mickey Mouse to mess around. It is looking like the Ukraine War is going to be over in a matter of weeks, at most a couple of months.

    All Mickey Mouse better take note. When Russia or China decided enough is enough, the Mickey Mouse would be smashed to pieces.
