
Telling lies and half truths in Parliament... and thinking he is very clever


18 minutes for Jeff Taylor to point out the lies and half truths from Sunak in Parliament
Rishi Sunak is perhaps the most eloquent Indian politician today. And he speaks so well, so convincingly, that even the Brits think there is not a single Englishman that can be better than Sunak to be the PM of Britain, to lead the British people. And when Sunak made this speech in Parliament, he must be quietly praising himself for his own eloquence, to be able to convince all the MPs and the Brits that what he said were the truths. And the Brits and MPs in Parliament believed him, was mesmerised by his sweet talking. It is not difficult to con the Brits today as the level of their intellect has submerged to the depth of the Titanic. That is why they needed an Indian to lead them. It is also easy to con the ignorant and ill informed with lies and half truths if one is able to speak well, like all conmen.
But Jeff Taylor is not going to let this confident trickster get away without tearing him apart. If not for Jeff Taylor, the world may believe that the British were such kind, caring and generous colonial masters. Even the Indians in India would have forgotten the atrocities and brutalities of the British rule in India. No, not true, Sunak is telling the truth, and the Indians were very well treated by their British colonial masters and in love with their colonial masters then and now, like Sunak. Modi and all Indians must thank the Brits profusedly for civilising India in their 300 years of colonial rule.
If Sunak was telling the truth, the Africans, the Arabs, Indians, and the people of all the former British colonies would be singing praises for the Brits. I think only two ex British colonies are still in love with the Brits, Hong Kong and Singapore, caveat, only the unthinking and the gullible.
Oops, I got carried away. Please listen to what Sunak said, and what Jeff Taylor had to say and judge for yourself. It is important to be well informed or would be easily swayed by the smooth talkers and be misled from the truth, believing in falsehood and half truth or convenient truth.

PS. I find it very nauseating listening to him. A pack of lies passing off as truths.


  1. Good morning Mr RB and All

    Indians with their gifts of the gabs can sweet talked the birdies on the trees to their boiling pots.

    Only Daft and Imbeciles Sheepies believed in their High Kow Yew's lies.

    Double or triple tongues and are Masters Manipulators.

    Only Good to eat and took over others cooked Rice and Pratas

    Snuffed others candles so they could shine brighter.

    George Galloway a veteran Ex MP of three terms and now into his Fourth Term as newly elected MP in record with Winston Churchill will give them HELL in the House.

    Coming G.E. he going to go to number 10 Downing Street.

    With that Soonok or Nonok or Sunak or Circumcised as PM its be 10 Drowning Street.

    Hopefully we have TCB of Singapore Galloway and returned to Parliament with majority PSP MPs.


  2. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/lessons-israel-hamas-conflict-online-representation-teacher-abuse-external-interference-chan-chun-sing-4168581

    Why itchy backsides they have this topic in the schools?

    Kee Chiew too free ah?

  3. British MP George Galloway says: ‘I despise the prime minister’

