
China's economy collapsing - as reported by Channel News America

American media and pro American crony media are having a field day cheering the collapse of the Chinese economy. Only 5.1% GDP growth, so terrible, China's growth is not only coming to an end, it is collapsing. Gordon Chang and the likes must be readying to pop their champagne. Compare to the rock solid growth of 1% of the American economy, China is in trouble. It would never overtake the American economy anymore.

And to add to the tragedy, the Chinese suffered a 1% inflation whereas the 7% American inflation is so healthy. The American economy is doing extremely fine, by printing more money and can afford a national debt of US$34 trillion and still growing. Poor China has a national reserve of US$3.3 trillion.  The Americans do not need any reserves. What keeps the American economy in good health is an ever increasing national debt. Definitely no debt trap. This is the best indicator of a healthy American economy. Only the US can afford to have a US$34 trillion national debt and still smiling everyday and moaning, poor China.

In terms of interest to be paid, at 3%, the Americans only have to pay US$1 trillion anually. This is small change. And now with interest rate going higher, to 5 or 6%, the interest to be paid would only double to US$2 trillion.  How many countries in the world has a trillion dollar economy to boot? The Indian economy is US$4 trillion and is ranked 5th largest in the world.

And Italy, Canada and Brazil's GDP are just above US$2 trillion. Can you imagine what US$2 trillion interest payment means to the US? It is the size of Italy, Canada and Brazil's GDP.  US$1 trillion is 3 or 4 times the GDP of Singapore. Any problem? Actually no problem at all to the Americans. They can print more toilet papers to pay for them. And Biden can go around offering billions of aids to African and Pacific Island states, and many more hundreds of billions to Ukraine to war with Russia. No wonder Channel News America is so happy gloating about how rock solid is the American economy.

The Chinese economy would collapse ahead of the Americans. That is what Channel News America is saying everyday. That is what American crony states' media are also saying. All very factual. Channel News America never tell lies. They have a US$1 trillion budget just to smear China in state sponsored propaganda machinery. And the Americans and their cronies are all starting to celebrate the collapse of China, believing in their own malicious rumour mongering.

What do you think? It's the end of China? Really?

PS. Can you believe the inflation figure of the lying Americans at 4%, and not to question Biden's 3.2% GDP growth?

Just a distraction, the title of an article in CNA

'Just let me die here': Why locals on Indonesia's Rempang oppose eviction for China-backed project

The Indonesian government wants to develop Rempang into an eco-city that will pull in some US$26.6 billion in investment, but some 7,500 villagers oppose having to leave their ancestral land. CNA Kiki Siregar 


Why is there a need to mention China backed project when it is a national project of the Indonesian govt, and China was just a contractor to build the city? China to be blamed for the unhappiness and the cause of the problem?  Who is the mastermind of the project? 

Who wrote this title, the author or the editor?


  1. Nowadays, noticed at any one time 3 out of 4, or sometimes 4 out of 4 columnists' in state media are non-Chinese commentators. Majority are of South Asian origin . . . .

  2. What to do? Our talents are only good at writing about food, dogs and cats.

    Seriously, when the important news of a country is written by foreigners, with their foreign interests and perspectives, maybe even in the payroll of foreign powers, what does it mean?

  3. CNA supposed to be Channel News Asia is not Known as Channel News America.

    On the take of the Free printing US$$$350.Millions for prograting the UAssA propaganda.

    Likewise ST now known.as Shits Times with so many Anti-China Russia and North Korea chow hay AngMohs and Indians Writers.

    Sinkieland, woof woof the lap puppy of the Western Barbarians and Indians.

    See their Documentatary and other programmes, Heros Indians and Ang Mohs as their leading clowns.

    LKY must be stirring in his urn.

    So proud last time he launched this Channel.

    Now even presenters all mostly foreigners and their damn advertisements infantile.

    Had you lesians on the bed whispering to each other..what's the Fxx they whispering?

    Must be Ahem Ahem.

    Lick and suck

  4. Luckily only once a while happened to on CNA to switch to other more entertaining platforms like Netflix and YouTube.

    But alamak, cannot tahan the non stop advertising of the Jobless Jobs Galore which now thousands of Sinkies are already RTS aka Roam The Streets.

    Also the non stop of the Assurance and What's Benefits Packages.

    Aiyo, LowRan said we have your back.

    Back? Wow dangerous lah?

    What's back? Stab or Screw your backs?

  5. Can national media be so easily bought over, or coerced?

  6. As I always say, take away the US$ as the global reserve currency and the USA will collapse without a trace. It can no longer print toilet papers in exchange for the sweat and toil of the Global South including China. Its military power, created to protect the US$ hegemony, will also go the way of the dodo bird.

    China and Russia know that de-dollarization is the only way to bring down the USA. Military confrontation is not feasible, looking at the collapse of the former Soviet Union. The USA has the advantage of money printing which no one else can displace. BRICS is doing exactly what is necessary for that event to happen. Russia already proved that it can still survive without the US$. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. The whole world has been fed the belief that it cannot survive outside the US$. Let us see.

  7. Do watch the 'Inside China Business' videos on Youtube hosted by Kevin.
