
American Presidential Election - No better time for an Independent candidate

 Two old tortoises running to be President of the USA? Oops, oops, sorry tortoises, I did not mean to insult the real tortoises. Should rephrase it to say two scumbags thinking they are the best men to run the evil American Empire. Are they the best scumbags Americans can come up with to lead them and to rule the world? Come on Americans, anyone on the streets of America would be better than these two pieces of antique.

Biden is barely able to walk, barely able to understand what is going on around him, barely able to think and speak, and dumb Americans think he should be the President for another term? Would he survive tomorrow?

And scumbag Trump, my God, this is the best man to be President of America? The Republicans think so? Putting Trump as a presidential candidate is an insult to all decent and normal Americans with some sense of intelligence. Are the average thinking Americans going to elect Trump to rule them? Are the intelligent Americans, many are much more intelligent than Trump, are there going to elect a scoundrel and cheat to lead them?

Both candidates are from the bottom of the barrel, unsuitable to be elected for any political office, let alone the President of USA. Period.  Oops, I should not insult the Americans for their poor taste and lack of intellect. There cannot be lack of choice of good decent men or women to be better than the two scumbags.

There is no better time in the history of America for an independent candidate to stand up against the two unelectables. Any independent candidate would shine like a beacon of hope standing beside the scumbags. Any decent and responsible American must stand up to offer themselves as the next President and not lose by default, by not contesting against two incompetent fraudsters. America cannot be so depleted of decent and talented men and women to be the President. There is no comparison when competing against the worst of humanity.

What is wrong with America and Americans? Or is it the failure of their fake democracy that is unable to throw up great leaders to lead the country? Or is it just destiny, Manifest Destiny that the evil Empire must go kaput, to be dragged into the ravine by incompetent fools at a time like this?

The American Presidential Election is a joke! The American democratic system is also becoming a joke! Thank God it is finally happening...the end of a sick and evil Empire.


  1. Good morning Mr RB and All

    Since time immoral, oops immemorial, the Hillbillies Americunts had been having either an Elephant or a Donkey to lead them.

    Elephant in the House, where all problems and issues are just dramas acting for Oscars.

    Or a Donkey that is worse than that Elephant.

    They only either have to be an Elephant or Donkey Dumb voter and even registered themselves as One.

    Now even a mediocre Independent can easily beat them like that Britain George Galloway's second best candidate that beat those incompetent long ruling parties of Labour and Conservatives.

    Similarly, just like in Sinkeland, you are born lucky to be in the minority and be a Donkey or Elephant, the Papies will have you in as Wallpaper flowers to make up the numbers for Windows dressings.

    Whether mediocre or just atas sakit above mediocre, you are in for the next two or three terms at S$17K part time job per month.

    Don't even have to open your golden mouth for five to ten years.

    To drama some more eveb have to promote them very now and then to please their masses.

    What's wonderful and lucky lifes.

    Time to abolish the GRC where even Sinkies voted so many of the minority candidates in instead of their own.

    So where's the justifications that Sinkies Chinkees are biased?

  2. It is not what the USA public wants. They have little choice and in fact just a Hobson's Choice to be precise. It is arranged to be so by the Deep State, for the Deep State and those who run the Deep State.

    The US Presidential election is a farce to fool the voters and is all about voting either for the right hand or the left hand, with the Deep State the real brains behind, making sure that in the end only these two old fogeys stand for the election and no one else stands a chance. A stronger candidate among the younger politicians stands little chance of getting selected by the Deep State via the Party itself. Moreover, a non-compliant President, like John F. Kennedy will create potential difficulties for those running the Deep State and its policies and may have to be terminated.

    Having either one of the two gaffe-prone oldies as President is the preferred and easiest way out, since all decisions will ultimately be dictated by the Deep State, and they just have to follow the script. It will be horror of horrors if Kamala Harris is once again the choice for VP under Biden. If Biden is incapacitated, calamity will befall mankind with Kamala Harris running the clown show. And what is the script? Of course, taking down China and Russia ranks top of the agenda, in order to preserve the US hegemony, with both countries always the favourite perennial bogeymen to be exploited by both Parties. Decades ago, it was communism that took top spot.

    Among the two old fogeys, whoever can utter the most profound criticism of China and Russia will carry the ground. But one thing is for sure. If Trump wins expect Russia gate will be up and about once again. If Biden wins, China gate will be the new narrative to be espoused.

  3. Are the American voters mad, or daft?

    What are they voting, the oldest man, the worst scoundrel, the bigger cheat....

  4. You will be surprised how ignorant the USA public can be. But it is good for the USA leaders, as dumb gets dumber and easier to fool.

  5. Is this the best or the worse of a democratic system? Is the system supposed to throw out the best man or the worse man to lead a nation?

  6. The USA is the perfect example of the failure of a Democratic System. Isn't a Democratic System the way forward to find the best man for the job? But it has now been used to prevent Trump from contesting. Not that Trump is the next best man for the job.

    If the two oldies are the best there is, I have to rest my case.

  7. Actually the americunt & sillyporean had the same kind of mentality..That is, they like to be screwed by the same chow turtles every election years.

  8. With clowns elected to run the country, the USA Democratic System is more than a joke. It is a circus with animals running wild. Just look at the likes of some of the clowns on TV.

  9. https://youtu.be/iCXE5biC9aI?si=a19hKAgskwSlQXJP

    Bejing slams US for being world's biggest source and spreader of disinformation.

    These clowns so much free time and don't know how to wipe their smelly backsides when they shits.

  10. Beijing is telling the truth, the whole truth, the absolute truth and nothing but the truth. In spite of that, the USA had the false decency and morality to tell the world that it is Russia, North Korea and China spreading misinformation or disinformation. They want to ban all Chinese apps like TikTok for spreading the truth. That will draw more followers to the platform, which must never be allowed to fall into the hands of the USA and the Jews.

    And the honest truth is that TikTok is too successful in competing for the eyeballs of the younger generation, the result of which Meta, Facebook and Youtube are now probably losing sleep over increasing TikTok patronage and are not happy. How many hundreds of millions or even billions, members or not, are following the platform and that is not good for the USA Social Media platforms where censorship is as bad as in China during Mao Tse Tung's era, according to Ai Weiwei, a Chinese dissident and critic who deflected to USA, only to find out the truth the hard way. You have to believe when this statement comes out of the mouth of someone on the other side and against China.

    The second reason is that TikTok users have been telling the truth about the genocide in Gaza, which the Jews are very unhappy about and wants to put a stop to that. The USA Government and the Jews are trying very hard to hide the truth about the genocide in Gaza. The USA's Social Media platform owners and the Jew's lobbying power are really strong in Congress.

    The third reason that I gather from AJ (Geopolitics - World Gone Crazy) among the two above, is that the USA wants to control all the news to be dispensed and will only allow those sites and platforms that they spent hundreds of millions cultivating, and backing up will be left to carry out the propaganda that they generate.

    The USA takes a very strong stand and goes crazy whenever their propaganda assets are curtailed or destroyed. You can clearly see their craziness over the death of Navalny, their stooge in Moscow, which they cultivated for years and invested lots of money and now going to nought. And they are cultivating a new anti-Putin asset in none other than Navalny's widow.

    And you must also understand why the USA is so sore about Xinjiang, a place where they also spent lots of money to cultivate terrorism using radicalized Uyghur Muslims and getting blocked by the Chinese. Hence, they came out with all the horror stories about genocides, violation of human rights, using slave labor, mistreatment of Uyghurs, which those who visited Xinjing lately failed to verify and are in fact dispelling the lies which the USA and the West generated. In fact, the USA and the West are nervous and now talking about banning USA citizens from visiting Xinjiang. Earlier warnings to its citizens about how unsafe it was to visit and hyping up the threat of curtailment of freedom and all the doom and gloom have not deterred foreign visitors with the proliferation of videos they made dispelling the lies.

    And what did the Muslim world learn about the love of the USA for the Uyghurs? It's all a make belief that cannot fit in with reality and what the USA is doing in the conflict in the Middle East. A total slap in the face of the USA professing their love for the Muslim Uyghurs. Only the blind will believe in what they cannot see.
