
Congratulations to China on its 74th National Day, today, Sunday, 1ST October, 2023

 Today, Sunday, 1st October, 2023 China celebrates its 74th National Day with pomp, pride and dignity. This glorious day came about through the blood and sweat and sacrifice of all Chinese people who finally defeated and threw out of China the Western imperialists, US and Japan after over a hundred years of their aggression and invasion of China which reduced China to a semi-colonial state. 

On this National Day throughout the length and breadth of China, the Chinese people of 56 ethnic groups led by the Hans will celebrate with pomp and vibrancy and with tremendous joy and happiness. Enhancing this great joy of the National Day is the added vibrancy of the Mid-Autumn Moon Cake Festival where many varied colourful and cultural festive activities are organized throughout the nation for the people to really let go and enjoy themselves to the fullest with the blessing, help and support of the government of the People''s Republic of China led by the Chinese Communist Party with President Xi Jinping at the core. 

It is important to know that just as the National Day on every 1st October is to commemorate the birth of modern China , the PRC, after the defeat and driven out of Western imperialists and Japan, the Mid-Autumn Moon Cake Festival is to commemorate the defeat and overthrown of the Mongol invaders in the year 1368 and the establishment of the pure Chinese Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty. Thus the celebration of the Mid-Autumn Moon Cake Festival is to commemorate the emancipation of China and the Chinese people from the yoke of Mongol rule and tyranny.

It takes China several decades of grit and gumption and sheer determination first to drive out the foreign imperialist invaders and then through tremendous sacrifice and hard work to forge the country into a solidly unified strong and mighty wealthy nation. The rejuvenation of China is the envy of the world in which the diabolical Western countries, the United States and Japan look at it with jaundiced eyes whereas most of the south ex-colonial developing countries hope to emulate China's social path and governance to develop their countries into strong and unified wealthy states which can resist strongly the attempts of the return of imperial West in trying to recolonize them through hybrid neo-colonialism.

In the success of building a strong and wealthy nation the Chinese people have never forgotten the importance and the need of recreation to enjoy a meaningful life through a tradition of national festivals and festivities, national culture of music and dance, sports, martial arts and exercise, operas and dramas, poetry and songs, holidays and vacations. During the long holidays of the Spring Festival and the National Day, hundreds of millions of Chinese will relish and enjoy travelling all over the country to holiday resorts and scenic places as well as to go to distant places overseas. It is also a time and period for millions of Chinese to return to their home towns and villages to visit parents and relatives and friends in a show of filial piety to parents and social camaraderie among friends and relatives. This vibrant feature of celebrating the Spring Festival or Chinese New Year and National Day holidays is specially unique to China and the Chinese people and cannot be found any other where in the world.. During these long holidays life and society is full of vibrancy and joy and happiness and happy and smiling faces can be seen everywhere throughout China in the towns and cities and villages.

There are in fact momentous positive economic ramifications from the celebrations of all Chinese festivals, from the Spring Festival or Chinese New Year and the National Day celebrations to other festiivals like the Dumpling Festival, the Mid-Autumn Moon Cake Festival, the Winter Solstice Festival and several other local and ethnic festivals which are celebrated quite widely like the Water Festival of Yunnan, Quizhou and Kwangxi province. All these festival activities like wearing of new apparels, new clothes and shoes, preparing endless specialities of food and goodies and mass travelling by the millions to far and wide across the country have generated tremendous amount of economic activities to enhance the general wealth and well being of the country and thus providing benefits generally to the country and people.

Below is reproduced some quotations from the Editorial of Global Times to high light the celebrations of the Chinese festivals like the National Day holidays, the Spring Festivals, the Mid-Autumn Festival and others and their significance.

"The "Super Golden Week," which combines the Mid-Autumn Festival and the National Day holidays, officially begins, as rail transportation of the holiday started on Wednesday. Before this, the festive atmosphere of the two combined holidays had been fully "preheated" in all parts of the country. On social media and in daily life, the destination of the holidays has become a hot topic of discussion and even greeting words among acquaintances during these days. Anyone who is in Chinese society, or who has crossed paths with it, can easily feel the Chinese people's eagerness and anticipation of this long vacation have formed a heat."

The heat shows China domestic tourism is in full bloom and millions are travelling to favourite destinations like Hangzhou, Changsha, Xian, Urumchi, Lhasa, Yunnan, Szechuan, Beijing and Shanghai. Chinese outmount tourists are also going abroad by the millions. Besides tourism young people in the country are taking to attending concerts, music festivals and visiting scenic rural countrysides. All these activities reflect the improvement of Chinese people's quality of life and Chinese society's strong desire to pursue a better life which is one of the most important sources of China's strong economic resilience.

Some more quotations:

"From holidays, such as the National Day and the Spring Festival, we can see the most authentic way of life and philosophy of the Chinese people: They aspire to lead good lives, advocate goodwill toward others, and have no interest in interfering with others' lives or being confrontational. This forms solid public support for China's path of peaceful development. Everything China does is aimed at providing a better life for its people and development opportunities for people worldwide."

"During the upcoming holidays that are about reunion and gathering, most Chinese people can temporarily set aside their demanding work and fully enjoy the relaxation of the holidays. This in itself showcases and accumulates the momentum for Chinese society to move forward."

There is a wonderful feeling of pride and happiness that many countries in the world are joining the Chinese to partake in the celebration of both the Chinese National Day and the Mid-Autumn Moon Cake Festival. Only the inherently evil and pathetic United States and its Western diabolical allies are looking at Chinese National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations with askance. China and the Chinese people must be wary of them but just move forward from strength to strength in solidarty with the countries of the south.

Southernglory1 and the socialist countries of Africa, Asia and Latin America wish China happy celebrations for her National Day and her Mid-Autumn Festival.

Long live the People's Republic of China and the BRICS countries.


Sunday, 1st October, 2023


Anonymous said...

Glory to the Motherland - CHINA

Anonymous said...

Mr. Glory I am impressed that your represented do many countries to be able to speak on their behalf.

Virgo49 said...


China's Flag Raising Ceremony


Virgo49 said...



Flag Raising Ceremony


Virgo49 said...


Hong Kong!

Next Taiwan?
