
American edict to all cronies, support Israel or face the consequences

 The obvious motive that came out of the pressure put on China to condemn Hamas is all too clear. China is not going to be threatened to take sides it does not want to. Most countries that support Israel can be said to be under the spell of the USA's 'you are either with us or against us' doctrine. And they have to comply, some bending over backwards, not of their own accord, but under duress.

This is the kind of support that we are being presented with at the UN many a time, when the USA tried to showcase its overwhelming support from countries, by putting pressure on them, with consequences hanging over their heads if they do not do so. The fact that many countries did not learn their lesson over Iraq and still swallowing the horseshit is bewildering. Stupidity really has no cure.

Even an innocent meeting called under the 'Emperor's Edit' to be there in Washington to hear his sermon is awash with veiled threats, if they decide to stay away. The Africans found that out, and fortunately most are still alive, so far, to unveil the truth that they were there just for a photoshoot, to boost the ego of dementia Joe. But the Africans do not realistically relish the shabby treatment they received, unlike some Asians thinking it is 'a feather in their cap' by being called to Washington to have an audience with the Emperor.

The USA could do nothing about Xi's absence at the G20 meeting in New Delhi recently. Xi's absence had nothing to do with India. It had everything to do with Joe Biden and the USA. But they tried to spin it to focus on the strained relationship between Beijing and New Delhi as the prime reason. Xi and Modi had already talked face to face during their earlier meet in South Africa, at the BRICS summit. What else is necessary to talk about at the G20?
BRICS is more important that the G20 in the eyes of Xi.



  1. Usa sent 2 aircraft carriers group to mideast. These showed the world that Israel is not so powerful afterall. Previously, carriers group worked because most Islamic countries in mideast cannot get missiles able to sink the carriers. Now they can buy from North Koreas, Russia and China. Since USA sold weapons to Taiwan. China have no obligation to USA and could sold missiles to mideast countries. Mideast countries need securities also.

  2. Several Arab states already in possession of DF21s and they can use them to sink the American aircraft carriers in the Mediterranean Sea. And can also hit Israel.

  3. I could not help thinking about how could hypocrite Antony Blinken have the audacity to be asking China to use its influence' to prevent further escalation of the conflict in the Middle East. On the one hand, Blinken is telling the Israelis that the USA is going to support Israel whatever it takes, with another aircraft carrier sent to the Eastern Mediterranean. What will Israel be thinking with such support being assured? Just like in Ukraine, the Israelis are not deaf or blind.

    Does this not show that Antony Blinken is just plain hypocritical, when he is knowingly aware that the USA is sending a second aircraft carrier to the region, which is in fact already indicating that the USA wants to escalate the conflict? Why then try to drag China directly into the war between Israel and Hamas by sweet talking and playing reverse psychology that China holds that 'influence' over the two countries? What about China's ability to 'influence' when it comes to the USA, the main supporter and instigator of the Israelis, now itself entering into direct participation in the war with those assurances given to Israel? As in Ukraine, any effort by China to broker a peace deal was immediately sabotaged by the USA and the UK. I am doubly sure that if China were to try to broker a peace deal between Israel and Hamas, it will be sabotaged as well. Keeping away is my thinking for China.

    Let me ask the other simple question of why is the USA trying so desperately to counter China's 'influence' in Africa and Pacific Islands, and yet now talking about China using its 'influence' in the Middle East to have a bearing in the conflict? Does China really have that influence over Israel? Does the USA even allow China to have that level of influence over Israel, for example, to make a difference? What is hypocrite Jew Antony Blinken's motive trying to pull China into the conflict?

    When China tried to build up relationships in Africa, Pacific Island, Middle East and countries participating in the BRI projects, the USA goes all out to sabotage such moves, claiming China is trying to expand it 'influence' over those countries that the USA wants to control. When the USA is in need of China to take a stand, it pretends to be the angel by playing the game that China has that level of 'influence' to make a difference and should step in. China is not going to be pushed around like a football and playing into the USA's hands.

    As a non participant in China's geopolitical moves, we could already see the slant in the way the USA conducts its foreign policies. Fabrication, threats and lies are never absent from their playbook.

  4. Wow an amazing video of a Crow taking does an Israeli Flag.

    When next change the Americunts Flag?

    The END of Israel.

    That's the Omen as sent by Heavens.

    Now the only best opportunity for the Arabs World to bring down the Zionsts Evil State.

  5. Don't play play: The Sword of Damocles

    Possible economic worst-case scenario for the Israeli-Palestine war:

    The conflict escalates into a regional war with the U.S. becoming directly involved.

    OPEC responds with an oil embargo.

    Iran closes the strait of Hormuz.

    The price of oil reaches $300/barrel.

    Europe succumbs into a full-blown energy crisis due to LNG shortage.

    Massive spike in energy prices reinvigorates inflation with central banks responding accordingly.

    Financial markets and the global banking sector collapse.

    Debt crisis engulfs the U.S. forcing the Federal Reserve to enact yet another financial market bailout.

    Petrodollar trade collapses.

    Hyperinflation emerges.


  6. Not a chance. No one is going to fight and die for the Palestinians except a few inconsequential groups. The massacre will go on as planned.

    And since they said Palestinians are animals, so there is no war crimes, no crimes against humanity. It just happened. Lets move on.

    1. 5.20 pm anon. U are an evil animal for thinking that way

  7. Wow Good morning All

    Today's Shits Times Front Page nearly Full Page of our whats Chye "Singapore, US to venture into new areas to boost ties"

    Nothing Good will come out if this.

    China please take note.

    No chance, no mercy if kwa lan.

  8. There's I told u!

    Now they urged Charities to review donor records from Jan 2019.

    Because of the monies launderings case.

    Also SCDF Officer to charge for the Death of their own man in the fire incident at Henderson Road.

    These So called Top and Even Middle Levels Incompetent Management when things happened then they will sebok sebok look into them.

    All the While just auto pilot and pays counted and correct sirs.

    Any policy, they do not anticipate and ponder what's the cons and pros and what's any adverse incidents will happen if these policies goes thru.

    Unlike our First Generation Leaders who thinks ahead.

    The more so called electrocuted the worse now we have.

    60s we even had chee cheong MPs and they are street smarts and wise.

    Chinese sayings Dumb asses the smarter they are so they think they are.

  9. Any hush hush meeting with the Americans is all about how to counter China, how to sabotage China, how to gang up to attack China.
