
US China War - Only mad savages can think of it

 China's technological progress is causing undue distress to the USA. Allowing China to continue with its present trajectory and motivitation of moving ahead on its own ingenuity and tenacity, shows the USA that it is perfectly capable of doing whatever it puts its heart and soul to embark on, which is putting the USA in a dilemma.

With everything to show regarding China's success in space projects like the Tiangong Space Station, the landing on the dark side of the moon, the probe sent to Mars, the satellite communication setups, the industrialisation projects, Chinese EV domination against which they are again taking steps to put down, AI and super computers, and now the progress seen in the chips sector as well, every move tells the world that China cannot be stifled. Not even with the USA bringing together all the alliances to sanction China in the chips sector and those sectors that China had been forbidden to participate in.

There is an urgency and perceived haplessness in the USA, not knowing what lies ahead in its efforts to counter China. Taking on China in a conflict right now is not a sure win proposition, while not taking action now is giving China more of the opportunity to strengthen its resolve to build up its deterrent as time goes by. With Russia as its strategic partner, and adding North Korea to the equation, that adds to the dilemma of the USA, as taking on the three of them is out of the question. That is why so much effort had been made to pry them apart with fabricated narratives trying to throw spanners into their relationships. They even tried that by dragging in Indonesia's name in a fake Pentagon joint statement claiming condemnation of Russia and vilifying China, which the Indonesians were quick to distance themselves.

ASEAN figures prominently in the USA's desire to drag the grouping into the war over Taiwan. ASEAN is trying desperately to distance itself from the USA/China tensions, with the current military and naval drills involving only ASEAN members, a first time that this is happening, clearly telling the USA and China that ASEAN resolves to remain neutral, whatever the Philippines and Vietnam choose to do. But this had been earlier construed by the Western media as a drill with an eye on the Chinese threat and harping on the South China Sea dispute.

Xi Jinping had already mentally prepared the PLA to be ready for eventualities, and China is definitely not sleeping under the rug and putting preparations in slow motion mode. That is not the Chinese mentality. The Chinese may have immense patience, but indulging in procastination is never their strong point. They endured and put up a century of patience under the White's and Japan's humiliation, but when it comes to determination, four decades is all they needed to overtake Japan and others, leaving them in the dust. The USA knows it too will be overtaken, thus it is using all out attempts to put China down, by fair means or foul.

The indications are the USA is betting on igniting the conflict earlier to take advantage of their perceived 'theoretical' edge that it thinks it still holds, but not knowing what the odds are without a clear knowledge of what the Chinese have in their retaliative arsenal. The outcome is therefore not as certain as they want to admit, but given the desperate position the USA is now in, who knows?

What is apparent in the narrative today indicates that the Ukraine War is unwinnable for the USA and Nato, which is why they are talking about a long war with no resolution and admitting that Ukraine is only able to retake small pockets of territory from Russia with its counteroffensive so far. The USA is therefore clearly shifting its focus towards China, looking at the way they are building alliances frantically around China. Even ASEAN is not spared, with the Philippines having fallen to the dark side and Vietnam being given the clasp of the 'fatal' friendship hand by the USA.



  1. The irony is the USA and the West are lead by mad savages and we can never discount the war happening. After all, the mad savages are not the one's doing the fighting or dying. And the fact is the more anti-China the leaders are, the more they can win the votes. So, in the run up to 2024, even war is not a distant possibility to gain the upper hand domestically. That is how successful the brainwashing has done to USA voters, who are now incapable of thinking rationally.

    Two constants are always at play in USA domestic politics. It is either Russiagate or Chinagate that will most invariably sway the votes. For the Democrats, Russiagate is the favourite cuisine. For the Republicans, Chinagate is the preferred delicacy. Russia and China are the perennial punching bags. Indiagate's turn will come.

    Russiagate has already been debunked - lock stock and barrel, but the Democrats are reviving it. You see, there is nothing else to provide a war cry as detrimental as Russiagate or Chinagate. Internally, nothing is worthwhile being used to rally for votes. The homelessness, the drug problems, the debt crisis, the political polarisation, the Ukraine war siphoning off taxpayer's hard earned money, the fiasco in Maui are all going to haunt them if talked about. So, the less they are talked about, the better. Avoiding those issues are preferable.

    And with Trump's non participation already a foregone conclusion and more credible younger leaders being decimated, and prevented from providing a credible choice, and are being destroyed from springing even a bud, who else is rising or can be allowed to rise? Even the incapacitation of Joe Biden changes nothing, with Hyena Harris ready to step up. That sends a shudder for me.

  2. Mother Earth evolved on her owned for billions of years. One of the rule is the strongest species will prevailed. USA are being realistic, to prevail and survive they need to put down it nearest rivals. China were laid back and got blinded spot. China must learn more from USA to follow mother earth rules. Covid19, Ukraine war had weaken the old west, it provide an opportunity for them to be taken down for good. China, Russia, North Korea and the G77 countries should banded together and bring down the west. One of the reason is to revenge for being colonised
