
Sleepy Joe pretending to be Santa Claus to the Pacific Islanders

 Sleepy eye 'Snake Charmer' Joe Biden is said to be now hosting another Pacific Islands 'charm offensive' in Washington, and you perhaps already guessed it, all to counter China's influence. He is promising infrastructure and internet connectivity, promising undersea cables for those islands. And all this when the USA is facing shutdown due to the debt ceiling. Unbelievable!

But not all Pacific Island leaders are interested in attending the circus. Soloman Islands Prime Minister Mannaseh Sogavare is skipping the event, having had deep ties with Beijing. Smart leader he is, but he will soon be threatened with consequences, which is the norm. He does not want to go to Washington ostensibly to be talked down to, threatened, dictated to and insulted like those African leaders, being given no platform to talk and allowed only five miserable minutes to introduce themselves.

To put it in another way, they will probably be in the USA for a photoshoot, just the same thing that the almost 50 African leaders did a year ago. After having their dose of snake oil dished out by Joe Biden, some chicken wings were thrown, a grand US$350 million (depreciated from the original US$350 billion) which works out to a US$7.5 million dollar digital transformation help for each African country, plus a group photo of them to take home to show they were there to meet the Snake Charmer. Many are reliving the insult they faced, treated like slaves. Oh yes, Africa after all is a 'shithole' as some USA leaders claimed and deserves no better.

After using those Pacific Islands as testing ground for their nuclear experiments decades ago, with nuclear radiation leaks now threatening the region, the USA is so caring that it wants to foster closer links with them. The Africans, after centuries of exploitation by the Whites and deprived of developments and called a 'shithole' by the Whites, are already telling the Whites, please spare us the agony of reliving the past. Please leave Africa for good.

If the Pacific Islanders fall for the 'charm offensive', they really deserve no sympathy and are obviously lagging far behind the Africans in wisdom and mentality. They better remember what happened to the Native American Indians and their fate.


PS. Santa Claus comes once a year. But this is just a myth. China was and is there all the time to help to rebuild the Pacific Islands. China did not come and go and reappear again once in a blue moon.


  1. Well, the game changing move has been revealed and Sleepy Joe is talking about investing US$40 billion in the Pacific Island's infrastructure for a free, prosperous and secure Indo-Pacific region. Reading that phrase 'free, prosperous and secure Indo-Pacific Region' I just LMAO (laugh my ass off). Who is enslaving or trying to invade the Pacific Islanders all those centuries, when it was only the Whites doing that, even using them as backyards for their nuclear device testing ground. Further, just wonder what kind of investment is Joe Biden talking about, but I guess building military bases is one of them and on top of its sick agenda. So, Pacific Islanders better not be too happy too soon.

    But reading between the lines, and knowing such investments have still to be thrash out in Congress, which is now still wrangling over the debt ceiling, and Sleepy Joe himself just came out howling about how millions will suffer from hunger if the debt ceiling is not resolved and the USA shuts down, the question remains whether Congress will just approve the US$40 billion that easily? Perhaps US$4 billion might just do. Fear mongering works all the time, just as money talks and bullshit walks.

    I just wonder what those fire victims in Maui are going to say, knowing that all the money is being siphoned towards Ukraine, IME Corridor and now the Pacific Islands, with nothing for Maui fire victims to rebuild their homes, with the rich in Maui now engaging in a land grab. Can I also say that being citizens of USA means suffering even more fatalistic consequences than being just its friend. The best position to be seems just remaining its enemy, which Henry Kissinger already knew long ago.

    Oh, not to forget that for the whole of Africa, Sleepy Joe promised a US$350 billion bribe for digital transformation of the whole of Continental Africa, which was then immediately given a Mohican style haircut, even before going through Congress, to just 10% of the original bribe, ie a mere US$350 million, or just US$7.5 million for each African country. Just been wondering whether that has even been disbursed. As a matter of interest, how much the US$40 billion will eventually be given another Mohican style haircut going through Congress in time to come, is left to be seen.

    But just take it as hot air, expended on the spur of the moment, through the arse hole, with Sleepy Joe knowing he may not be around to complete his term, not to speak of 2024. So, what is there to fear by making all those unattainable promises that will eventually meant to be broken or will die of old age without being fulfilled.

  2. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/world/biden-us-officials-warn-hunger-millions-government-shutdown-3796926

    Hello still wants to print monies ah?

    Offered billions nonsense to others?

    Cannot even feed your own.

    Future PRCs will tell their children "Eat up there's so many Americunts starving"

  3. If leaders of countries do not understand the meaning of 'fair weather friends', that is a sad thing.

    The USA is such a friend, coming only when it needed other countries to help look after its interest. Once the USA achieves its goal, under the bus these countries will go. What the USA did to China is there for all to see, the reality of seeing what the USA is really like, warts and all.

    China must not be fooled into giving financial help like buying USA treasuries, knowing that it is helping just a 'fair weather friend' in trouble, but who will bite the hand once help is given. Already, the way USA political leaders turn around the moment they return home after visiting Beijing, talking nonsense and denigrating China's leaders.
