
EVs - When is the West going to accuse China of stealing their technology?

 Now the West is finding fault with Chinese made EVs. They are investigating and probably coming up with claims that the Chinese EVs are spying on USA citizens. The seats, the tyres, the airconds, the steering wheels, the batteries are all full of spying apps installed. They lost the competition and this is their mode of operation.

History is full of such vile tactics employed by the USA. They did it to Toshiba of Japan. They did it to Alstom of France. They did it to Huawei of China. Where they cannot compete, they resort to fabricating lies in order to destroy. That will lead to stagnation. Hell, does that not indicate why they are reinventing the wheel of another moon landing, when they claimed they already have the expertise in the sixties?

There is a big market opening up in South America for Chinese EVs. Africa, once it gets its house in order, will be another big market, albeit years down the road. China knows that potential, invested decades earlier in Africa for long term gains, and is reaping some rewards already in terms of having access to essential resources in tie ups with some African Governments. With 1.4 billion population and growing, the potential is enormous. They will progress and grow, unlike the days of colonial rule, with exploitation and intentional depressing of growth and progress was the norm.

Then, there are the Middle East and Central Asia to consider. They will progress and grow as well. As Chinese Foreign Minister, Wang Yi, tells the EU, Africa is far larger than the EU in the eyes of China, and therefore more important for longer term engagement.



  1. China's technological progress is causing undue distress to the USA. Allowing China to continue with its present trajectory and motivitation of moving ahead on its own ingenuity and tenacity, shows the USA that it is perfectly capable of doing whatever it puts its heart and soul to embark on, which is putting the USA in a dilemma.

    With everything to show regarding China's success in space projects like the Tiangong Space Station, the landing on the dark side of the moon, the probe sent to Mars, the satellite communication setups, the industrialisation projects, Chinese EV domination against which they are again taking steps to put down, AI and super computers, and now the progress seen in the chips sector as well, every move tells the world that China cannot be stifled. Not even with the USA bringing together all the alliances to sanction China in the chips sector and those sectors that China had been forbidden to participate in.

    There is an urgency and perceived haplessness in the USA, not knowing what lies ahead in its efforts to counter China. Taking on China in a conflict right now is not a sure win proposition, while not taking action now is giving China more of the opportunity to strengthen its resolve to build up its deterrent as time goes by. With Russia as its strategic partner, and adding North Korea to the equation, that adds to the dilemma of the USA, as taking on the three of them is out of the question. That is why so much effort had been made to pry them apart with fabricated narratives trying to throw spanners into their relationships. They even tried that by dragging in Indonesia's name in a fake Pentagon joint statement claiming condemnation of Russia and vilifying China, which the Indonesians were quick to distance themselves.

    ASEAN figures prominently in the USA's desire to drag the grouping into the war over Taiwan. ASEAN is trying desperately to distance itself from the USA/China tensions, with the current military and naval drills involving only ASEAN members, a first time that this is happening, clearly telling the USA and China that ASEAN resolves to remain neutral, whatever the Philippines and Vietnam choose to do. But this had been earlier construed by the Western media as a drill with an eye on the Chinese threat and harping on the South China Sea dispute.

    Xi Jinping had already mentally prepared the PLA to be ready for eventualities, and China is definitely not sleeping under the rug and putting preparations in slow motion mode. That is not the Chinese mentality. The Chinese may have immense patience, but indulging in procastination is never their strong point. They endured and put up a century of patience under the White's and Japan's humiliation, but when it comes to determination, four decades is all they needed to overtake Japan and others, leaving them in the dust. The USA knows it too will be overtaken, thus it is using all out attempts to put China down, by fair means or foul.

    The indications are the USA is betting on igniting the conflict earlier to take advantage of their perceived 'theoretical' edge that it thinks it still holds, but not knowing what the odds are without a clear knowledge of what the Chinese have in their retaliative arsenal. The outcome is therefore not as certain as they want to admit, but given the desperate position the USA is now in, who knows?

    What is apparent in the narrative today indicates that the Ukraine War is unwinnable for the USA and Nato, which is why they are talking about a long war with no resolution and admitting that Ukraine is only able to retake small pockets of territory from Russia with its counteroffensive so far. The USA is therefore clearly shifting its focus towards China, looking at the way they are building alliances frantically around China. Even ASEAN is not spared, with the Philippines having fallen to the dark side and Vietnam being given the clasp of the 'fatal' friendship hand by the USA.

  2. A US China War means a certain nuclear war. No buts.

    When the Americans attacks China militarily, or just about to attack China, China would have no reason to hold back anything. It is a war of survivors or total annihilation.

    China would unleash everything it has on all American bases in Japan, South Korea, the Philippines and Guam. This would prompt the Japanese and South Koreans to hit back. Thus there is no difference just striking at American bases. All Japanese, South Korean and Filipino bases would also be hit.

    The next phase, nuclear war. If the Americans or any of its allies launches nuclear missiles, then all Chinese missiles would fly to America and homes of their allies. It would be a one strike with everything. There will be no time for thinking or pondering. Such an eventuality has already been worked out and waiting for the moment to push the buttons. All targets have been identified for immediate total destruction. No one is waiting for anyone.

    Would the mad savages dare to start a war with China to end it all?

  3. Right, why has the USA not yet started the narratives to accuse China of stealing its technology?

    China stole the space station technology, which is why the USA has no space station to boast about. Time to fabricate the narrative that China stole from them.

    China stole the moon landing technology, which is why the USA lost the moon landing blueprints and is struggling. Time also to fabricate the narrative that China stole that too.

    China stole the high speed rail technology, which is why the USA has no HSR to show. Not only that, the USA slow speed trains are coming apart at the seams. No, that low speed train technology has not been stolen by China, as China is way beyond needing that kind of technology. Time also ripe for the USA to fabricate the narrative that China stole the HSR blueprints too.

    Never say never when it comes to the 'Empire of Lies'.

  4. Hahaha, you said everything I wanted to say and write about. Thank you.

    The Chinese stole the American moon landing programme, every piece of information, every nut and bolt were stolen until the Americans have no records left inside their vaults. Now the Americans have to start from square one, to reinvent the wheel.

    They claimed to have sent so many astronauts to the moon, surviving the Van Allen Belt. But with all the records and technology stolen, now they have to go back to step one, to experiment if human beans can survive the radio active belt. It would take them years to prove this one before they dare to send humans to the moon. Though some of the astronauts are still alive today to vouch that they had been to the moon, NASA does not trust their words. So must conduct the testing to prove that it is safe.

    And so were all the high tech that China is using today, all stolen and nothing left behind for the Americans to work on. Poor chaps.

    What a lame joke! Soon the Chinese would be stealing their pants, and they would have nothing left to wear.

  5. By the way the USA astronauts even fabricate the 'Aliens on the Moon' story that was said to have threatened them from ever going back, but they still claimed they went back to the moon many times. Strange isn't it.

    And by the way, have the Chinese saw any Aliens on the moon or taken videos of them? Or have the Indians anything to say from their videos.

    I think all that fabrication to cover up the moon landing is falling apart and the scam is getting exposed.

  6. https://youtu.be/q_9ZDGWl-Gs?si=rXIxE-DI0jG3eALi

    Hi All

    Just listen and see this video by one of their own enlightened White called himself "Gweilo" as usually blared by the Hong Kongers as "White Devil" or "Foreign Devil" telling off his fellow Whites of how stupid they are.

    Most Hillbillies and actsy like BlueBlooded Scums.
