
End days for Apple iPhones and American chips - Backdoor surveillance not welcome

 Why is Joe Biden saying, not a day earlier, that he is not out to 'contain' China? To put it more succinctly, realistically and transparently, it is not that Biden does not want to contain China. The real reason is that Biden now knows for a fact that he failed to contain China using the chip sanctions, after Huawei released the Huawei Mate 60 phone using the Kirin 9000s 7 nm chipset, taking them unaware. That means the Kirin 9000s 7 nm chip is now commercially available to the Chinese equipment makers.

The beauty of this is that the USA and its allies-in-arms were all the time harping on China concentrating its priority on the 14 nm and 28 nm mature chips used in EVs, low end phones and consumer electronics, thinking that China is just stuck in the mud. What they did not expect was that behind the scene, Huawei and SMIC were quietly blindsiding them. How could their highly touted intelligence gathering and spying expertise failed them? Must be Huawei's 5G preventing all that ironically.

Tech geeks who took apart the Mate 60 phone agreed that the Kirin 9000s 7 nm chipset was made wholly by Huawei in collaboration with SMIC. Not only that, the chip was found to be faster in test carried out than anticipated. The USA is trying to find out how Huawei succeeded. Did the USA also tried to find out how China managed to put up their own space station? The USA itself does not even have a space station to boast about. Did the USA tried to find out how China managed to go to the moon and sent a probe to Mars, all by themselves, without the the USA's help? Oops, sorry once again, the USA already lost the moon landing blueprints, so forget about that possibility. What is therefore so surprising that Huawei is able to come out with a 7nm chipset, that the USA, Japan, South Korea and even the Netherlands were touting that China needed half a decade to achieve it and are still generations behind.

The gap between China and the USA Chips4 alliance in high end chips is narrowing. This means that China will soon be able to depart from its total dependence on foreign high end chip makers, who are still boycotting the sale of high end chips to Chinese companies. They can now prepare to stay away forever from the Chinese market. Ironically, China is helping them to de-couple or de-list faster, whichever way they want to put it.

Joe Biden is talking about not 'containing' China, contrary to Republican lawmaker, Mike Gallagher, who is now pushing the USA to ban all tech sales to Huawei and SMIC. Is Gallagher insinuating that Huawei's 7 nm chip development came about due to the USA's help? Huawei had been banned from adopting and using any equipment having USA tech components for more than four long years, and please quit thinking that all that progress chalked up by Huawei and SMIC are due to USA's tech sales to them. Suffice to say, Biden will talk about one thing, while the Republicans will counter with another, so take them as mere 'echo chambers' for the Deep State on different wavelengths.

On another issue, the Chinese Government is going to mandate that all employees of state owned entities are not to make use of iphones or other foreign made equipment, a move in waiting, pending the ban of further tech sales to China. This is important news. China has more than 150,000 state owned entities, employing tens of millions. The effect on Apple iphone sales alone is tremendous. China makes up more than 20% of Apple's revenue in sales of the iphone, or about US$60+ billion, if I got it correctly.

If the Chinese government's mandate comes about, Apple is in for a rough ride. But already some Western media are claiming that the effect will be minimal for Apple. Really? The Western media is trying to muddy the waters by saying that not all the iphones made in China are sold in China. What does that got to do with the loss of the more than 20% revenue derived from iphone sales in China alone? Does that mean the China market for iphone sales is no longer that important? Keep hallucinating!


PS. Why buy Apple iPhones to allow the Americans to monitor your conversation and spy on you?

1 comment:

  1. In time to come, the only chips the USA can sell to China will be McDonald's fries and potato chips. High end ones, LOL. South Korea can come out with 'Kimchi' chips, while Japan can sell 'nuclearised' fish and chips, which Chinese will only touch with a long pole.
