
Compromised leaders have to make way

 Many years back, Lee Kuan Yew was quoted in the main media to say that he did not expect his ministers to be celibate. But when their personal lives became a scandal, they would have to go. The rational is simple, a compromised leader would not be able to function to the best of his ability when there is a scandal hanging over his head. A national leader's conscience must be free from any encumbrance so as to give out his all to serve the nation.

Xi Jinping has to run a very tight ship in a period like this when China is in the midst of a major rejuvenation exercise and a critical mistake could over turn the whole apple cart. China also has to face external threats. The hostile West and American terrorists are everywhere, never miss a moment to bring down China. China not only need a very strong leader to steer the ship, it also needs a team of impeccable leaders to support Xi in his effort to create a strong and united China while warding off the challenges of the unscrupulous and warmongering Americans and their crony states. While China's main priority is national rejuvenation and a strong and rich China, the terrorist Americans' priority is world domination and hegemony of the evil American Empire. China must be taken down.

Xi cannot afford to have any of his top leaders being compromised. Their positions would be more dire given the Americans cloak and dagger tactics, to coerce them to turn against China and to bring down China. Qin Gang was investigated and removed from the Foreign Minister's post. Though the reasons for his removal was not made known to the world, there must be enough reasons to keep him away from the important Foreign Ministry. Xi would not risk having a minister that cannot give off his best when there are issues hanging over his head.

Li Shangfu is now rumoured to be under investigation. This is the way China cleans its own house to keep it in order and in shape. When a senior minister is compromised, an investigation must be conducted immediately to clear his name. Xi would not sweep everything under the carpet and pretend all is fine. Until the issue is clarified and the minister is cleared of all suspicions or scandals, it is best that he be sidelined till further notice.

A compromised leader is a compromised leader, and his being in the job carries a lot of risks and unnecessary and avoidable troubles. Xi is leading a team of leaders with heavy responsibilities and any mistakes or shortcomings can affect the fate of China seriously. Xi would not take chances. His team must be clean and the best, every member must pull his weight to carry the country and the hope of 1.4b people with them. Leaders that are compromised, if proven, would just have to make way for another better man to take over. Running a country is not running a family business. The interests of the nation demands every leader to be unquestionable and free from any scandals. The job is very demanding and a leader cannot be in a position to become easy target for coercion to act against the good of the nation. Period.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The Americans still allow a zombie in the White House. How frightening!

The zombie must be removed immediately. But the zombie is going to run for a second term!

Virgo49 said...

Mr RB,

Actually that's be good for the Daft World.

As one Daft Senile Parkinson Dementia UAssA President, things be slow in their treacheous agenda to disturb the Rest of the World.

Everything has to go thru various motions.

Get a cunning and more EVIL one like that Hairy Whole Body EVIL hair Clinton or that NOT so bright Albright, millions of innocent going be murdered in their war Mongerings genes.

Anonymous said...

In the case of Qin Gang, better admit as adulterer than be accused for treason. He did the right thing.

Anonymous said...

In the USA such 'blotch' characters will remain inside the Government, whichever party sits in the White House. It is no use talking about draining the swamp, when it existed on both sides of the divide. It is just exchanging one group of swamp things with another, thus nothing changes.

The USA system is no more than an election of idiotic or walking deads to run the Government, which the voters have no way to change. It is to them a 'Hobson's Choice' and a show put up every four years to fool the dafts.

That is democracy at it finest, but is in actuality just a dual face dictatorship.

Anonymous said...

Yes the big head sometimes can't control the little brother small head. Tha is human nature

Anonymous said...

For China, compromised leaders have to make way, in order not to provide ammunition for the West to fabricate narratives to demonise the country. Even without such avenues for demonisation, the West is already using fake narratives to destroy China.

For the USA and the West, compromised leaders are allowed to remain at the helm of the Government, even looked upon as an asset, the more notorious they are, the better to uphold their agenda, which by the way is all geared towards doing immoral acts and indulging in gangsterism and mafiaism. What better than allowing these people to carry on their nefarious and evil activities, unhindered. It suits the Deep State just fine.