
China Laughs at American Sanctions


10 min clip mentioned by Virgo49. See how arrogant and stupid the American gangster talked and behaved. The Americans would not allow anyone or country to be better than them. They would put everyone or country down by crook or by force.


  1. Gweilo60, a Canadian, has been living in China, married to a Chinese woman, enjoying his retirement in China, and going around freely in China and making videos of every nook and corner of China. His free and easy on the spot experience, understanding of the Chinese mentality, thinking and behavior makes his videos hard to brand as propaganda and paid for by the CCP. Everything he shows in his travels across China is all genuine experience. It destroys most of the fabricated lies about China, which is making the trolls hysterical.

    One day, RB will be accused of being paid by the CCP as well, with me included, LOL.

  2. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/world/pope-ukraine-peace-new-russian-envoy-3780141

    Why no peace talks by the Pope when the barbarians Whites attacked and invaded other non whites countries?

  3. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/world/china-complain-germany-xi-jinping-dictator-3779151

    German Gas FM Anna Babbercock punk wet behind ears and other organs have not seen coffin will NOT shed tears.

    With her useless Chief which no one respects no wonder can babber shits.

  4. It boggles the mind that such 'infantile delinquents' like Annalena Baebock have been elected to run the governments in the West, says a lot about their decline we are witnessing. And let us not talk about Joe Biden, just spare him from more 'Elderly abuse' that he is already under. We saw, we witnessed and we know how Joe is doing is all that matters. He is like puppet on a string.

  5. https://youtu.be/NetJ-it2SOQ?si=IU5zPjyY548ivSOF

    Cosman on that infantile Annalena Babbercock
