
US is a ticking time bomb - Biden

 Biden's mental clarity is getting badder everyday. He keeps confusing himself with what he is saying. He talked about Iraq War when he was actually talking about the Ukraine War. His latest slip, he was reported to say that China is a ticking time bomb. Everyone knows that he is talking about the USA.

China may not be roaring with 10% GDP growth, but still a respectable 5-6% growth compares to the 1-2% doctored growth of the US. Very likely the US is already in the recession. And despite all the trade wars and sanctions, the Chinese economy is still functioning normally and likely to chalk a 6% or higher GDP growth for 2023. On the other hand, the unstoppable printing of money, the unpayable American debt of more than $31b, the growing trade deficit, homelessness, drug addiction, the war in Ukraine, and trying to keep up with the Joneses to impress the world when the US is already a bankrupt country, still pretending that it can cough out another $600b to build a fake BRI without even a blue print, when are the Americans going to find the real money?

Who is the real ticking time bomb Biden is talking about? China? Or America? And if inflation is added, US inflation is 12% - 15% compares to China's 2%, who is in deep trouble? Who is the real ticking time bomb?

Biden may be demented, but knowing who is the real ticking time bomb must not be too difficult to know. Why Biden dared to call China a ticking time bomb when the whole world knows that it is the USA that is ticking and about to implode or explode. The dedollarisation is in full swing. BRICS is serving out a menu to sideline the American dollar and the American SWIFT system and this would be announced in August in the 15th BRICS Summit. The sky would collapse on the Americans, and Biden would still not know what is real and what is unreal and who is the real ticking time bomb. An economy on the verge of collapsing and depression and laughing in glee and hoping to talk down an economy growing at 6% GDP. The Americans still unable to accept that their myth that the Chinese are good only to be cooks and laundrymen is in tatters, and the Chinese are beating them in every field of science and technology and that they are no longer able to compete with China fairly but have to resort to underhand, unethical and unfair tactics.

Biden's ticking time bomb could have a more evil meaning. They may be planning to strike at China. Biden said, 'when bad folks have problems, they do bad things'. The world's number one terrorist state, warmonger, are having very serious problems and are going to do very bad things.

PS. China is run by bad folks because they did not want to lend money to a poor and broke America with US$31 trillion of debt and still spending like a drunken sailor.


  1. Good morning Mr RB and All

    When robbers and. Murderers like the Americunts and their White lackeys and cronies have no MORE further opportunities to rob and kill again, they bring down all with them to Hell.

    Frenchies Caps And the Brits and their Convicts Aussies will create an all out War against the Rest of the Coloured Peoples.

    Niger no more uranium for the Frenchies. Russia no MORE Gas and Oil for the Euro Nuts.

    They will plan in unision to plunder and robb again by instigating the corrupted imbeciles and puppets to kill their own.

    The United Nonsense aka U.N. is a piece of useless shit and lackey to the Whites where they controlled most of the so called International Organisations.

    When they going to invade the African States for their resources the U.N. will simply kept mum and turned a blind eye to their crimes.

    Only some dare devils ones like the Italy will speak out against their Crimes against Humanity.

    Unfortunately, most are indifferent and have no guts to likewise.

    So with the UAss debts that are unable to settle and their Gang of Whites will again do like what's in their past trying to recolonise again with the blessings of the deaf and dumb United Nonsense and their Mafia gangs.

    So be prepared for Chaos and Wars soon

    1. https://youtu.be/JZ_5nuoB940

      UAss and Frenchies threatening Niger.

    2. https://youtu.be/wrS4N2YCF4o

      Americunts tired of livings want war with China

  2. Biden's remarks on China contain obvious contradictions.

    Washington just issued an "unprecedented" administrative order to curb and suppress the development momentum of China's high-tech, then it turned around and insisted that "China is in trouble."

    A stronger China is a threat in the eyes of the Americans, while a "weaker" China has become a "ticking time bomb." That's strange logic.

    What then should China do so the US can have a healthy mentality toward China? The reality is that China not only has to be blamed for the frustration of US' development, but also bear the belittling when Washington boasts of its achievements, and finally has to be responsible for the mental disorder of the US.

  3. China's best way to deal with the USA is keep developing its technology sector and progressing, regardless of what the USA thinks and what rubbish it spouts. Make the USA more paranoid, nervous and hysterical. Forget about those USA funded propaganda sites on social media, shouting and loosing their voices about China collapsing or Russia facing defeat. Just like Gordon Chang, no more voice of credibility left.

    The most important priority for China and Russia is developing their deterrents - build more nuclear submarines, hypersonic missiles, fighter jets and other weapons. Forget what the USA or the West says about China posing a threat to this and that country with such military spending. Just do it without restrain. Countries can see who are the real threats with their own eyes and ears.

    Only thing that China should not do is to continue helping the USA by buying more USA Treasuries. China should instead dump all its Treasuries, invest in gold and rare metals, provide more development funds for poor countries in Africa, Latin America, Middle East (not all are rich) and Central Asia. But avoid India at all cost.
