
Nato duped Zelensky - Duping a clown is a piece of cake

 NATO was the culprit that started the conflict long ago by giving Ukraine the 'idea' that it will be able to join NATO eventually, which is the Red Line for Russia. After the coup, which installed the stooge Zelenskyy, Ukraine was given even more confidence of joining NATO. NATO was happy to have a stooge now in Ukraine under their control, which will make their expansion to the Russian border more of a certainty.

But Russia was not taking all this lying down. Coupled with Ukraine's constant genocide attempts against the Russian speaking citizens in Donbass since 2014, Putin did what NATO thought he would not do, by taking control of Eastern Ukraine to protect its Russian speaking citizens.

Putin is definitely not going to agree to Ukraine joining NATO, even if Ukraine gives up subtantial territories. That is still a threat to Russia, giving Ukraine in NATO, and vis a vis the USA, the ability to host it nuclear missiles close to Moscow. That is just NATO's wet dream.

On the one hand Jens Stoltenberg is saying that any peace talk is up to Zelenskyy to decide, and yet gives the impression that has a say over whether Ukraine can join NATO as a matter of procedure, without factoring in the Russian side's stand.

The most ridiculous assumption I ever come across, must be the remark by Zelenskyy, that any peace talk must be held without Putin getting involved. This must be the mother of all stupidity. It is like holding a marriage solemnisation ceremony without the either the bride or groom, and expect it to be acceptable for everyone. You must give it to this joker to make a fool of himself.


1 comment:

  1. Zelenskyy has no say, just a persistant, beggar. Stoltenberg has no say either, just a gurgitator, swallowing and repeating what the USA wants to say. Sunak is just the echo chamber. All the decision rests with Biden, the blur sotong.

    And among the clowns, the blur sotong is king.
