
Three Indian-origin Singaporeans among 9 new nominated members of Singapore Parliament - THE WEEK, July 18

 Singaporean or foreigner NMP, this report abit confusing . . .

Three Indian-origin Singaporeans among 9 new nominated members of Singapore Parliament - THE WEEK, July 18


Neil Parekh Nimil Rajnikant, hailing from Gujarat, has been nominated as MP in the Singapore Parliament.

Nimil, 60, chairman of the Singapore Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and a council member of the Singapore Business Federation, is among the three Indian-origin Singaporeans nominated as MPs.

The other two are Chandradas Usha Ranee, co-founder of Plural Art Magazine and course coordinator at the Nanyang Business School, and lawyer Raj Joshua Thomas.

According to media reports, a total of nine MPs were selected by a special select committee of the Parliament. The Committee is headed by then Speaker Tan Chuan-Jin. They would serve a tenure of two-and-half years and they will be sworn in next month.

A total of 30 names were put for consideration out of which nine were selected, including those of Indian origin.

Sunil Parekh, Neil’s elder brother and industry veteran, told THE WEEK, “NMP is a very prestigious position and it is one of the highest in the world, and for a foreigner to be given this recognition, really means a lot.” 



  1. Good morning All

    M.O.T. Singapore will be renamed Indiapore!


    Today's Joke of the Day.

    ST reported that SinkiesLAND startup will be Space Technology!

    Cannon even manufacture a roll of toilet paper wanted to have Space Technology?

    All the while Servile Industries of Yes Sirs Yes Sirs wanted Space Technology?

    Also saw one video of how grandiose planning of growing vegetables on our pigeon holes rooftops to feed our ten million POP in our Food Security Plans.

    Wow really have a Fool or Fu as our Substantiatity Minister.

    Turf Club land at Kranji better converted to Farmlands in case Matland stop supplies to us their veges.

    Also have fish farms round our shores in breeding our own supplies.

    Have plans of these on other's lands like Indonesia.

    What's the difference if they also hold you ransoms?

    Starved to deaths with your ten millions. Iiving in your pigeon hole flats.

  2. https://youtu.be/lQ5fK7SwA-A

    How to survive by farming veges on roof tops to feed one ah meng, one goal and one ahead family.


  3. One Gopal lah and one Ahmad lah.

    Hello don't tried to be smart and change change for me.


  4. Red Dot jialat. Soon will become Black Dot.

    Little India is already dark years ago. DBS is also decidedly dark. Temasek is undoubtedly likewise.

    Soon Red Dot Parliament will also be dark.

  5. Who is the mastermind?

  6. There must be a mastermind who is slowly engineering this India takeover bit by bit, year by year, and finally left with only the dumb-ass to pretend to run the government machinery.
