
USA not a bully. But the nose is getting longer

 The USA is again spitting rubbish by saying that big countries (presumably talking about Russia and China) must not bully small countries. The USA is the typical big country that is bullying all smaller countries around the world for decades, and for it to speak about bullying is so clearly hypocritical in its behavior by spouting such nonsense.

Throughout the duration of its rise to superpower status, it had only bullied 'big' countries like Cuba, Panana, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Libya, North Vietnam, Syria, the Pacific Islanders, and many many more in Africa and Latin America. Now even trying to portray itself as victim by claiming that China is bullying them. That must be the Mother of all revelations.

All those USA leaders, past and present, who spouted and are spouting such lies must have been asleep under the carpet, and just woken up, not realising they are totally making a fool of themselves. After all that they have done to smaller countries, the USA has literally no moral right or authority to talk about bullying. As they say, let those who have not sinned cast the first stone. The biggest sinner itself is now the only one casting stones and making a fool of itself.

In fact, bullying is so outrageously committed in so many ways by the USA, that even allies are not spared. What the USA is doing is non other than bullying the EU countries by forcing them to tow the line as proxies to sacrifice themselves, and in the process doing harm to their own economy.

The other area of bullying they have employed successfully is using veiled threats against leaders of smaller countries by 'inviting' them to Washington, with the veiled threat that there will be consequences if they do not attend. This has been revealed by one African leader who went to Washington last December to attend the USA/Africa summit. To add insult to injury, each African leader was only given five minutes to talk. If this is not bullying, I rest my case.



  1. Putin said that when the USA starts accusing others of doing things like bullying, it is referring to itself, because the USA would have done it itself before.

    There are many things that the USA already did that they have not yet accused others of doing. Like dropping two nuclear bombs on Japan. What about fabricating evidence about WMD in Iraq to take down Saddam Hussein? Like using biological weapons on Vietnam and destroying permanently vegetation and rendering those areas inhabitable?

    Yeah, little wonder that Anglo Saxon Whites have longer noses than other races, LOL.

  2. Hello Anon 9.14

    Ever wonder the features and genes of the Southern and Northern Indians are the same as the Whites Anglo Saxons and the Euro Nuts?

    Only difference is the colour.

    Just observe


  3. https://thumbs.gfycat.com/CrazyFlickeringIndianskimmer-size_restricted.gift

  4. Any daft Asians or Sinkies wanted to live in the West of UAssA, colonisers Brits and Euro Nuts where u be gunned down by mentally sick their so called wars veterans and their policemen besides their insane beans.

    Recently saw an advtg that Singaporeans can now apply for the Asses Green Cards.

    See now the burning of The Frenchies cities for their policemen killing a 17 year old boy and their President Marconi going to a Concert.

    They still wanted China to follow their Demo CRAZY system. Claiming that theirs is a DICTATORIAL Regime.


  5. https://www.youtube.com/live/A8Brb73OpjE?feature=share

    Enjoy their beautiful sights of burning and fireworks.


  6. Retribution.
