
USA and India are both anti Muslims...Kashmir Muslims?

The USA would not die fighting for the Ukrainians. The Ukrainians have to fight to the last man themselves right now. After that, it is Nato's turn in the meat grinder, having to fight Russia to the last man. All are basically collateral damage in the eyes of the USA. All are just fighting for the interest of the USA and are dispensable. When all is finally lost, the USA will just wind down, wash its hands off Ukraine and off it goes to the Taiwan Straits. But before that, they will definitely call the shots in negotation, that will inevitably create another time bomb to be exploited when it is needed.
When the USA pivots to China, the Taiwanese will be encouraged to fight to the last man. After that Japan, South Korea, Australia and probably the Philippines will carry the burden of fighting to the last man, just like Nato. The USA will stay far away, never diverging away from the saying that - if you see two fish fighting in a pool of water, look around and you will see a White man standing nearby.

That brings me to the visit of Modi to Washington, with the slated agenda of using India against China and Russia, when the shit hits the fan. Modi made a very telling comparison that perfectly fits the USA/India alliance. Modi claims that the USA and India share the same DNA as democratic states. Oh yes, the DNA is similar when you consider that forked tongue people should have a common DNA. What is the DNA of snakes with similar venomosity and vileness?

Modi had the gall to talk about India being religiously open takes the cake, after what it does to the Muslims. He even banned the BBC documentary that demonised his anti Muslim stance, and his rise to power riding on the Hindu slanted BJP, a perfect example of his religious hypocrisy.

Lawmakers in Washington wanted Biden to lecture Modi on the Muslim issue during the visit, but Biden just did not consider that as an issue in India. Compare the situation of the accusations that China mistreated the Muslims in Xinjiang that met with condemnation from the Anglo Saxon clique.

Donald Trump the bum even consider the persecution of the Muslims in India as an internal issue for India, a stark contrast to the Muslims in Xinjiang, which is an international issue for the Anglo Saxon Whites. Xinjiang is not an internal issue for China? What a load of hypocritical crap!



  1. India Loves to be Pat on Its Head by US

    Indians talking about China being a copycat is a joke. What did India invent — internet, cars, planes, smartphones, computers???

    Nothing. But India, like everyone else,
    uses all those inventions.

    Only reason that USA whines about China is coz the Chinese are taking away US’ market share in all those sectors.

    China dared to create its own versions of everything — from potato chips to semiconductor chips.

    That independence… that refusal to be a neo-colony of Western imperialism… that’s what irks the globalists.

    If China were compliant like India:

    -- exhilarated by a pat on the head by white people

    -- grateful for a job at an American company

    -- proud to buy and own foreign products

    -- clueless about US companies monopolizing all the critical sectors in the nation…

    … then China would be loved as much as India.

    If you compete with the American Empire, you will come under attack.

    “All hi-tech products from China are security threats.

    All low-tech products from China are made of slave labor.”

    Of course, this is only true if they are Chinese firms.

  2. Indians only knew how to eat others lunches, dinners and suppers when they are already cooked.

    They only good, oops excellent for kachang puteh!

    That's their specialties

    For them be high ranking CEOs, Ministers, MPs are the TOP Professions.

    Bussinessmen are Kachang Puteh to them.

    For Chinese, Businessmen and Towkays don't look at other faces, whimps and fancies.

    So, if possible aim to be businessmen and businesses women.

    Bosses as your own and others called you bosses.

    Wow! What's so prestigous and honourable.

    So Indians would never ever compete with the Chinese with their different mentalities.


  3. India and USA have similar features: India are not friendly with most of her neighbors (Pakistan, Sri Lankar, Blagladesh, Myanmar, Nepal, China). USA are also not friendly with the South Americans. Even Canada are surrounded by USA. Any times got eaten up. It is a blessing, they partners up. Both are shit stirrers, but have different stirrer characteristics. May got tangled up and paralyzed each others.

  4. India does not need to create jobs for the Indians. Other countries are creating jobs for the Indians. And many of the jobs are CEOs. These countries rather have their own talents to drive taxis or do part time jobs.

    India is so lucky with so many daft helping them. Even stupid Chinese companies poured money into India to create jobs for the Indians, and let the Indians have their money, investments, technology and companies to be run and owned by the Indians. And they are not complaining.

  5. India is really lucky. I agree with that. Even Europeans need Indians to run their Multi-billion conglomerates. And oh, not to forget, even whole countries like Little Britain needs Little Indians to run it for the Whites.

    What else is new? Oh, lest I forget, Little Red Dot is going to be run by an Indian as President very soon.

    Poor China, with laundrymen and cooks, how to be looked up by even the Whites? You see, even in population, the Indians have already overtaken the Chinese. The number 1 super power of the future is rising. Everyone is rushing to pay obeisance and respect to the Indians. Even Biden! Need further proof?

  6. Singapore has very good foresight to invest in India in a big way. Also created a lot of good jobs for Indians in India and in Singapore. Signed CECA. Have Indians as presidents.

    India will surely take good care of Singapore, and Singapore's investments DBS India is very safe in Indian hands, with Indian CEOs and hiring Indians to run the bank. Singapore preempt this move by India. Chinese companies did not, so now have to close down and run road or have to hire Indians to take over their companies and investments.

    Our super talents are one step ahead of India, knowing what the Indians want.
