
India - Truth versus Reality

As they say, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Bragging does little to alleviate problems. Sure, India does have many of their talents rising in the ranks of conglomerates in the USA and elsewhere, but that is only a tiny minority. How many Indian created conglomerates are among the world's top well known icons? Less than a handful.
Moreover, those Indians in high positions in the USA and elsewhere in conglomerate giants were all created by others, and they just wriggle their way to the top. What about jobs for the rest of the Indian population that is growing domestically? It may do much in terms of bragging rights and ego boosting for India hyping on their overseas achievements, but it does little to solve the problems for India inside the country.

India needs to grow several times faster than at present in order for it to overtake China. At present it looks a very high mountain to climb, without solving faster the root problem of poverty and mass job creations to absorb the growing population, more so with all the colonial era infrastructures to be renewed to propel the economy forward.

Yes, India can tout about being the biggest democracy in the world, but getting things done is often slow and unsure. Just constructing the high speed railway system is already a lesson full of difficulty and takes a long time to get hold of lands from landowners. It can be done, but the speed it had to take to be done is taxing and inefficient with all the court battles to be fought. And if the Government looses?



  1. India can solve some of its problem of mass job creations by sending its unemployed to Singapore to compete with the locals for jobs.

  2. Solve toilets first

  3. Don't worry, pinky & laulan are creating jobs for ceca..& if short of $$ just ask sinkies for more

  4. Good morning All

    India would never ever able to catch up with China lah.

    Heavens and Earth by comparison.

    Just one example. China can transform a colony of whatsover emergency needs like a built up shelter or hospital with all facilities in a matter of hours or the most a few days.

    Once mobilised, they worked 25 hours a day. Chihese mentality is fighting the impossible and then can boasts their feats.

    For Indians. Let me quote you an example when one time they contracted the built up of Sinkieland's what's fibre telecomumications connections on all housing estates and other buildings.

    What's Circle Company or something to that name with their purple coloured T-shirts going round house to house to fix the fibre cablings.

    Passed Neil Road to Everton Housing Estate.

    Group of them supposed to lay the cablings for the prewar houses behind their back lanes.

    Loads of cables and wirings on the floor and payments and their tens of coloured T-shirts workers laying down to sleep.

    See every day at noon or even earlier so many "dead" bodies of their workers sleeping at Void Decks of housing estates and every where.

    One Chinese tile laying worker could lay our open space decks of ceramic tiles within a day or two and nicely lay without any humps.

    Two Indian Workers took nearly two weeks to complete one

    Construction sites ten men to one doing a simple laying job.

    Chinamen pee and took their lunches hanging all.the while on the cables hundred of feet high.

    The Worst would be the White Barbarians.

    Worked one month and globe trottings for a year and then back to look for a job again.

    That's called work life balance.

    Balance lifestyles my foot. When old and unemployed sleep on the streets and parks or camped at ONE big place for all the same and am proud of been like this like in the UAssA.

    Once in Penang, the locals cursed the White hippies who stayed there for donkey years in their slippers and tattered clothes.

    Just laze around in their beautiful beaches with their bitches.

    One plate of rice and water two or three people shared and stayed in backpackers motels.

    Just laze around and shiok shiok.

    What's sorts of wasted lifestyles these beans lead?

    Unfortunately nowadays, young and old Sinkies also followed their lifestyles of laze.

    That's why now so many on whats gig gig gila platform jobs.

    PHVD aka pak hong chias and Grab and Delivery Jobs.

    Lifestyles Balanced into another ten to twenty years be the NEW POOR of tomorrow also sleeping at parks and void decks just like the Americunts.

    The Papies won't NOT give a hoot as they wong be around to see these happenings.

    The Foreign Talents would be staying in our Condoms, Districts 9 or 10 or 11 Bukit Timah and Caledott Hills and Ridout Parks.

    Me, also no eyes see.

    Also by that time Eastern Skies.
    Most already went to Eastern Skies i.e. either Heavens or Hell.

    Together with Sam Chong, Soo More Kong and Company.

  5. PAPIES just internal economy of building BTO flats for sales.

    Two roomed flexible each unit facing each other like gallows or dungeons that cannot even see the sky selling at 100 over K and above.

    3 and 4 and now even fewer 5 as more cannot afford and pay for them at nearly 700 to 900K.

    Prefab blocks from Matland at Ringitt nearly three and half to one. And also get Indian workers with ten to one digging a small hole.

    Now Tough, oops Turf Club Kranji Racing Tracks also into BTO flats for billions or even trillion.

    Going to have Six, oops Sick Millions soon.

    Even forested areas in Woodlands and Bukit Batok cough cough also cleared.

    Even the DEAD also cleared. Also don't give chance. No R.I.P..in peace.

    Just for making billions land taxes for BTO flats for the sick oops six millions.

    In time of pandemic and Recessions and Depressions, Sinkies would be depressed and them Ahem all HELL broke loose.

    All fighting does survival.

    Papies won't die, they have more than enough.

    That's the scenario in time to come.

  6. Soon, they have to do away with golf courses. Lots of land for condos. Can even have 10 million population, no problem.

  7. Indiscriminate and relentless importing of population to drive up GDP through consumption and selling flats is a double edged sword. Short term gain and long term pain.

    This type of silly economic formula even Ah Bengs would also know. No need to pay millions for such stupid policies.

  8. Japan's property bubble collapsed in 1992 resulting in disastrous consequences for the economy that could not pick itself up after more than 30 long years. Japan could not extricate itself from the stagnation thereafter, despite all the stimulation, Abenomics and Kishidanomics.

    Every economist before the collapse of the bubble weres 'heaping laurels' about the Japanese miracle, that could never go wrong, and everyone was trying to learn from Japan. Some lessons have indeed been learnt, but not the right lessons.

    Red Dot is fast becoming a brick and mortar economy, looking at the way it is moving. Every HDB is becoming a million dollar home eventually. Is the bubble really uncollapsible? Everything in this world just needs a tipping point. Even highly renowned and regarded reputations could be destroyed, if not externally, then internally. Heaven has the final say.

  9. When they are here, this blowing of the property and population balloons makes them look good. Economy growing, GDP growing, salary can go up and up. But when the collapse comes, they would not be around. It becomes OPP, Other People's Problem.

    A time must come when the balloons would be stressed to bursting point. And if there is a crisis of any sort, you can imagine 10m people with 10m problems and a crashing property bubble, with people jobless, cannot pay instalments, cannot pay rent, no money to buy food, no money to buy oil for energy....

  10. Wage earners buying million dollar or more than a million dollar properties and depending on a job to pay for the instalments for 20 years must pray they did not lose their jobs in the next 15 or 20 years.

    Without a job, how to pay the few thousand dollars monthly instalments?

  11. Apology out of Topic

    Latest TarMan oops Tharman to run for President.


    1. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/jocelyn-chia-malaysia-mh370-singapore-comedy-offensive-comments-high-commissioner-3546331

      Singapore apologies for the Offensive comments

      Also she stated: When we are kicked out of Malaysia, our PM cried thought that we cannot survive.

      See now We are World Class and you still Pariah.

      Price comes before a Fall.

      Left to be seen.

      Sinkieland like the EU.drafts of Ger.Fra etc enjoying Russia cheap oil and gas and been foolishly conned by the Mafia Chief to suffer now with their economs tanking.

      One fine day, when the.cheap supplies of foodstuffs etc are been shut out from Matland and Sinkieland suffers a Great Recession and Depression, the Malaysians would be laughing away till tears in their eyes.

      At least they have more resources to survive in any crisis

      What's we have? Beautiful gardens, orchids and cycle paths?

      Can.eat meh?

      Grown veges on.roof tops just to feed ten people?

      All.these wayang illusionary shows.

    2. Why is it always PAP people? How is he going to check on the gov given he has been part of it and also managed and privy to the reserves as before.
      No, any other candidate for me unless they.engineer another walkover.

  12. Don't worry so much about the future. All in good hands of the talented book smart PAP ministers. Enjoy life and be thankful for an efficient government. Singaporeans are blessed and the future rosy. Please fret not, enjoy today and leave tomorrow's sorrow for the brilliant government. When the crash comes, there will be an exodus of PAP ministers scooting off to their oversea properties to enjoy their millions collected while in office. Expats will pack up and go home. Singaporeans will be left behind.

  13. It would be interesting to have an Indian President, an Indian PM, Indian Home Affairs/Law Minister, Indian FM, Indian Finance Minister....

  14. Indian transport minister also . . .

  15. Wait till we have an Indian Transport Minister. Then we will also have wonderful double decker trains, with passengers riding on top. Oops, cannot lah! The have to rebuild those tunnels, stations and commuters have to buy special insurance just in case like in India.

    Do pray, pray it does not happen.

  16. Must have left hand to check the right hand, like the USA. The Deep State is the body and brain. Deep State must have overall control.

  17. "India - Truth versus Reality"

    Perhaps India can be described as a woman of little talent but clever in promoting herself as desirable and irresistible to suitors with the resources.
    Suitors such as USA, EU, Russia, China, Japan, etc, even Red dot.
    India's modus operandi as a desirable woman is to extract as much benefits from her suitors, even if it means toying with the suitors to have them compete actively and vigourously with each other to secure her company. In other words, it is fair to say India is like those scheming woman who are cock teasers, extracting benefits from men with silly hearts.
    But I must add, China is wise enough to see through her relentless scheming and the use of forked tongue to play both sides.
    Sadly, Red dot has found out the hard way believing in the hype punching above its weight means it can compete with India's other suitors with much bigger pricks. LOL

  18. China builds the state of the art infrastructure, high speed rails and bridges in high quality and fastest time.
    India 2 recent disasters, the 3 rail train collision in Bihar and the newly restored river bridge collapse shows it has a long way to catch up with China. Perhaps not even in a hundred years
