
Evil Americans attempted to nuke China several times


9 minutes of ugly truth about how the evil Americans planned and almost nuked China since the 1950s. This is a country of savages that would use nuclear weapons at the slightest excuse to rule the world, to destroy whoever they deemed as a threat to their domination and hegemony.

The evil Americans are the most dangerous terrorists in the world, the biggest threat to human civilisation. Do not be deceived by these savages. They had done it to the Japanese and would do it to anyone else. They are the devils in disguise.


  1. Wally Leitel
    Aspiring for president of U.S. in 2024 and speaking out already of the murders of his father seeking that office in 1968 and his uncle, Pres Kennedy (1960-1963), I fear greatly for him...this unusual wise & strong man of peace is not wanted by our war machine complex but Robert's beautiful wife Cheryl and his children, they have given him their support, knowing no other leaders of this nation have been peacemakers for over 75 years...except father Robert Sr, who called Premier Khruschev right after Pres. Kennedy's murder to tell him, effectively, that he knew nothing Russian was involved, etc. The Premier honored Pres. Kennedy by coming to his funeral in 1963. O God, let Kennedy be the 1st honest, good leader we have had since FDR-before Pres. Kennedy-and take down the fascist state. Sixty years and our govt. still holds back evidence of the two Kennedy murders and Dr M. L. King, although some know much...the populace is not as ignorant as govt. believes it is. They only know we are unable to get too close to truth that is like kryptonite for them.

  2. There were rumours that Lyndon B. Johnson had been in cahoots with the CIA in plotting the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Those documents relating to investigations were never released, and could have damaging linkage to the CIA into the assassination plot. But, most common people, with some sense of the attempt to muddy the trail leading to the CIA, have no reason to doubt that the CIA was indeed involved. An assasination to cover an assasination and an eventual probable destruction of a witness in prison to cover the trail is too co-incidental.

    Johnson had, all along, not really been on good terms with Kennedy, who was favoured over him for the Presidency while Johnson could only later became the VP. There were also rumoured hatred between the Kennedy family members, particularly Robert Kennedy Snr, against Johnson.

    Robert Kennedy Jr could be another Kennedy facing assassination with his take on the assassination of his father and uncle by the CIA. This controversy is still raging on the internet and has not been put to rest after so many decades.

  3. I thought it was the FBI rather than CIA that was involved in the assassination of Kennedy. Edgar Hoover of FBI was very powerful then. CIA then was not that powerful.

  4. Yellow Stone Park is the dead acupuncture point of USA. One calculated Hydrogen bomb would do the job. It would become Disunited State of America. That why China got about 300 nuclear bombs, no need more

  5. Any attempts to link the USA Establishment to complicity in vile crimes is pushed aside as conspiracy theories. They are then covered up with fabricated write ups by special interest groups to muddy the waters.

    As an example, that write up about the blowup of the Nord Stream pipelines, linking the attack to 6 men in a boat, claimed to be pro-Ukrainians, failed to convince anyone. Everyone knows it was the USA sponsored attack, involving the UK and Norway as well.

  6. Not much has been talked about the Yellowstone Park Super Volcano being the focal point of any nuclear attack that could decimate the whole of USA. Nevertheless, Russia and China have pinpointed USA targets all over the world in the event of WW3.

    This is no more a war fought only outside the USA on other people's territory. It is going to as destructive on the USA as Russia or China. It could be the end of humanity.

  7. When humans have no morals and no conscience, they are no more than animals.
