
Even gangsters have morals but not the American terrorists

The USA has perfected the art of propagandising. The MSM and the establishment are working hand in glove, one to generate false accusations, seeing how the reaction would be by aimless farting, then if no one bites or knows it was all made up, the establishment will try to do damage control, knowing all that is pure lies and will eventually be exposed. China knows how the USA system works. That is why China just gave one reply in response to the spy network in Cuba, and be done with it, and let the rabid dogs keep barking on MSM.
Biden just came out to claim that the recent Weather Balloon incident is embarrasing for China. How is it embarassing for China, I really cannot figure out. However, it is in fact an embarrasement for the USA, having to make so much fuss and effort for several days, just to shoot down a stationery balloon. It was a calamity, using two missiles and several back up planes just to shoot down the balloon. After that, the pilots were praised as 'Top Guns'.

This incident, in all its glory, shows the USA does not even have the capability to deal effectively with a harmless balloon. They were practically at sixes and sevens for days, and peeing in their pants, not knowing how to react. A hypersonic missile travels at several times the speed of sound, takes minutes to reach its target. With this kind of slow motion reaction and thinking, how is the USA to deal effectively with hypersonic enemy weapons I just wonder.

Terrorists basically have no shame, so talking about the World's No.1 terrorist not having any shame is a moot point. It comes with the profession of being the world's proven top terrorist. This kind of behavior is as good as a robber telling you that he is coming into your house to rob you, shamelessly, arrogantly and as a matter of factly. That is what the world has to deal with if the USA continues as the de fact hegemon.

Again, to quote Robert De Niro - 'Even gangsters have morals' in reference to the USA administration's unruly and lawless behavior.



  1. Papies is learning well from their master..even race can be changed without feeling any shame..haha

  2. In a court of law, if your IC states that you are a Chinese, the court would recognise you as a Chinese and nothing else. Your IC is the authoritative legal document. How can one becomes a non Chinese if the IC said he is a Chinese? It applies to all the races.

  3. Do watch Brian Belectic 'The New Atlas' video on US backed terrorism now targeting Vietnam and Myanmar. Thailand has already fallen to USA backed stooge who won the recent election. Vietnam and Myanmar does not have an election to be giving the USA the opportunity to support and to elect a stooge, so terrorism is the only way to destablise these two countries.

    As the dominoes to the North fall, ASEAN will soon be controlled by the USA. All for the purpose of encircling China.

    This is how the terrorist state, the USA, works everywhere, funding NGOs that are basically terrorist organisations, and is supported by the Anglo Saxon White clique and their media. The USA is already targeting the financial system of Vietnam earlier, to soften the ground for unrest and internal conflict, using their funded NGOs. The USA is leveraging on the report that there are a sizable portion of the Vietnamese population that hates China, mainly from the South, and is capitalising on this to create unrest among other acts of terrorism.

  4. Why don't countries ban NGOs knowing their agenda? Afraid of being accused as undemocratic? What is so good about being called democratic and so bad for being called undemocratic?

    This is like falling into an American set trap. Closed down NGOs would be attacked as undemocratic. Don't close down NGOs would be attacked and be victim of regime changed.

  5. The USA's 'Rules Based Order' is built on two things which are always used to target countries - Democracy and Human Rights, with LGBT now a supporting issue. Every other country that the USA and the West wants to take down will have these three issues hype up for the USA to capitalise. However, it failed to work in African. And it failed to work in the Middle East as well.

    And such issues will fail to work against China. A non Democratic, Communist China has managed to lift about 800 million of its population out of poverty, provided all the gleaming infrastructures for its people that are the envy of even the West. That alone puts the USA's pillar of democracy to shame over its homelessness issue and its spiralling poverty, that reportedly resulted in the total annihilation of its middle class over the last two to three decades. That is moving backwards and gives democracy a tight slap on the face. It hurts to have Communist China providing the lesson for Democratic USA on how to take care of its citizens.
