
Code of conduct - An American mischief trap

 China should tear off all its agreements with the Americans on Code of Conduct for warships and warplanes in Chinese waters and the surrounding sea and airspace.  Henceforth, China should not waste time talking about such Code of Conduct with the evil Americans, in the same way no talks with regards to human rights in China or about China's domestic affairs. For the latter, if it is China's domestic affairs why should China be talking to the Americans? China's internal and domestic affairs are none of the Americans or anyone else business. Tell them to mind their own business and stop spreading lies. Talking about China's domestic affairs is meddling with China's internal affairs, trying to cause mischief. China is being stupid to allow the Americans to set the agenda to smear and demonise China. Stop these nonsense from the Americans. China must set the agenda for Blinken's visit. Tell Blinken, no talk, no visit if the agenda is about China's domestic affairs. Why allow a trouble maker to come visiting to talk about your domestic affairs? There is totally no reason to have such visits and talks. Tell the Americans to talk to themselves. China has many other important things to do.

In the case of Code of Conduct for the sea and airspace, China does not need them. China is not going to fly its warplanes or sail its warships into American seas and airspace. Only trouble maker America needs a Code of Conduct to protect their mischievous and trouble making warships and warplanes in Chinese waters and airspace. They would want to fly and sail into Chinese territorial space and sea to provoke China, to spy on China, calling them 'freedom of navigation'.  The Code of Conduct is to tie China's hands, so that the trouble makers can come in and out safely, to spy on China and to threaten China. The Americans are as good as saying, when their warplanes and warships enter Chinese waters or airspace, China must not endanger them, must keep a safe distance from them. Without a Code of Conduct, China can shoot them like the spy balloon. China must not open its cards, let the devils keep guessing and fear entering Chinese airspace and territorial seas.

China should tell the trouble making Americans, all deals are off. China would not recognise any Code of Conduct agreed with the Americans henceforth. China will decide what it would do to offensive and provocative warships and warplanes in its territory immediately. All mischievous and provocative warplanes and aircraft entering Chinese territorial airspace and sea are subject to Chinese interception and control. They are not allowed in unless approved by China. They enter Chinese airspace and sea at their own risk. China reserves all the rights to take appropriate actions to defend its territorial airspace and sea.

Any agreement with the trouble maker America on Code of Conduct would only facilitate and help the Americans to enter Chinese territorial airspace and sea to create mischief. Without such a Code of Conduct, the trouble makers would put themselves at risk, not knowing what China would do to them. This is the only way to deal with trouble makers. Period. 

Enter at your own risk.


  1. When the Americans invite themselves for talks, it is with mischief in mind. This is the same as Americans visiting all the countries and agitating them to go against China and Russia. They also use every forum eg G7, G20, the UN, IMF, WEF etc etc to incite animosity against China and Russia, to demonise them and coerce others to go after China and Russia.

    When the Americans and the West meet, you bleed.

  2. https://youtu.be/XvxhTsCTL8Y

    It is taboo of yellow perils created by the Westerners to control their people. China should just let the taboo came true and
    let them always fear the Chinese. After all taboos had been used by the incumbents for so many years. China got it for free.

  3. The ICC is investigating war or other crimes against humanity and against their leaders or ex-leaders in countries such as Myanmar, Ukraine (Putin), Philippines (Rodrigo Duterte), Yemen and lately Venezuela among others. The ICC is so busy nowadays. However, one thing in particular that everybody could see and which is absent is an investigation into USA/UK ex- leader's war crimes in Iraq, Afghanistan and in Guantanamo.

    The ICC attempted to investigate Guantanamo and one threatening stance from the USA against those in charge of being bombed back to the stone age if they do so, put paid to the ICC's perceived cowardice. So, closing one eye is telling the world that there are two standards that the ICC applied against countries - those that they can threaten and those they have no marbles to disobey. That is how credible the ICC is today.

    Russia already sounded the warning that if anyone, including the ICC leaders who signed the warrant to arrest Putin, and who dared to arrest Putin when he visits South Africa in August for the BRICS summit, Russia will likewise bomb that country to the stone age. It is a declaration of war if Putin is arrested by any country, clear and simple. The call by ICC to South Africa to arrest Putin puts South Africa in a dilemma, but South Africa already clearly indicated that such an arrest is pure nonsense. In fact it is no dilemma for South Africa, if they just withdraw their membership from the ICC and be done with all the horseshit.

    Elsewhere, it has been reported that the UN is setting up a body to oversee AI developments around the world. Just like nuclear proliferation treaties, it is going to serve no purpose if some countries can unilaterally twist the narratives and tear up any agreements to comply under the body.

    When such countries have the upper hand, they enforce the rules of the UN body to suit their interest. When they do not have the upper hand, they sabotage the rules to keep others down, and when they fail to do so, they unilaterally quit, enabling them to do as they please like the nuclear treaties. They have the nuclear option to deal with other ie sanctions.

    My take on this is that it is a move created to target China, now that China is so well advanced in AI development. All these moves have one objective in mind, which is to keep China down, which is why China is not in any nuclear treaty thus far, and will not be a part of the similar hogwash AI watchdog with fake intentions. They have been hyping up the dangers of AI for quite a while now. Behind the smokescreen, what are they up to now is nothing moral or conscienable.

  4. Americans feared of North Korea, Russia, China, etc. are definitely true. The fears had cause huge mental diseases to huge numbers of American. For a population makeup of 5% of the world, Americans consumed 80% of opioid products. Zombie cities grew throughout USA. Opioid are worse than any taboos.

  5. Empires fell because over the life times, the old riches of the societies were not cooperative to share their wealth. The old riches hoarded up resources through evergreen foundations. They ensured assets are pass down generation after generation never endingly. After 250 years, USA had reached these point. Top 1% of the richest people are owning 90% of the resources. It is impossible now to take on these old riches. Politicians were slaves of these top 1%. Also politicians need the votes of the poors 99% to remain in power. Both sides also cannot touched. All kind of freedoms to please their voters are given.The only sane way is to point their gun outside to shoot bogey foreigners. USA must pray for a sage to save them. Who would be voĺenteers; Bill Gates; Elon Musk; etc

  6. They have chosen Biden to save them. But now they know Biden can't. So they are calling Trump to save them again.

    Trump and Biden are their saviours.

    In China they look up to Xi to save them.

    In Taiwan they look up to Tsai to save them.

    In Singapore they look up to Tharman to save them.

    In Britain they look up to Sunak to save them.

  7. "In Singapore they look up to Tharman to save them."

    I am inclined to think it is the Prime Millionaire and his Pap stooges who will need Tharman to save them.
    They can blame the 3 Indian chiefs, one in Temasek, one in GIC and the soon to be president.

  8. https://youtu.be/onFnCXsoex8
    Frances' Kerguelen Islands are on sale for €60 billions euros, roughly $88 billions sgd. The lands size are about 10 times Sg. Sales to China are still pending. Can Singapore leadership have the gut to buy the islands to solve our young mps and ministers aspirations of owning black and white bungalows.

  9. Never has the phrase "Go home Yankee" resonate so well today.

    I LOL at how Murica shout about UNCLOS Law of the Sea but the US has not even ratified it. Bloody hypocrites. Just like they use ICC to threaten everybody else but they themselves sanction the ICC officials after ICC launched an investigation on US war crimes in Afghanistan.

    Go home Yankee. Your presence in Asia is not welcome.

  10. National Day Rally 2019: $100 billion needed to protect Singapore against rising sea levels, said PM. Well Sg got the money to buy kerguelen Islands. Should asked our presidential candidates for responses.

  11. The Americans refused to join UNCLOS. No need to ratify. UNCLOS is to regulate and control stupid countries. The Americans are above the law, above UNCLOS. They will tell everyone to obey UNCLOS but they no need to.
