
CHINA - the BIGGEST FEAR of Western Nations

Deep inside, the West knows that China has some of the fundamental characteristics of a great power: Population, Unity, Right cultural values, Intellect and hard work

This is why Napoleon famously warned the British to leave China alone.

In the 1990s, American elites were quite confident that China was too far behind to rise as a global power. That’s why it was welcomed into the WTO.

But China defied every analysis and historical precedent:

Its GDP grew 18 times in the last 25 years

Gained significant global diplomatic clout

Achieved technological independence in most areas

Avoided all sorts of pitfalls — financial crises, economic collapse, civil wars, environmental disasters, political chaos etc.

China beat the USA in the latter’s own game — capitalism, free trade, and competition.

Now the US wants to change the rules of the games to protect its imperialist and unipolar powers.

It’s too late. Nothing is 100% guaranteed in life, but if one were to bet:

China will be the No. 1 economy and global power, but not a hegemon.

There will be a multipolar world.

The US and Europe would decline precipitously.

There will be a lot of temper tantrum during this transition — even threats of nuclear wars. Obviously, Ukraine and Taiwan Straits being the flashpoints.

But China the giant has found its strength. And it won’t be pushed around anymore. Not by little Europe. Not by little USA.



  1. Paranoia is becoming a symptom of the USA and the Anglo Saxon clique. What is the symptom actually? It is the fear of losing their White Superiority status, which rests on the shoulders of the ability of the continued hold of the US$ hegemonic curse on the rest of the world.

    What the Whites are now facing in South Africa is exactly the kind of fear that they are afraid will befall them, should they lose control, which actually means the USA losing the US$ hegemony and thus their military prowess, without the ability and freedom of printing money to sustain their military might.

    With BRICS chipping away at de-dollarisation, countries are forming de-dollarisation cliques to bypass the US$ in trade, with oil being traded outside of the US$ now by Russia with Saudi Arabia following by joining BRICS, the dumping of US Treasuries even by close allies, with Central Banks and countries buying massive amounts of gold instead of US Treasuries for safety, the signs are onimous.

    De-dollarisation today is not a single country affair that is easy to deal with like Iraq and Libya. De-dollarisation is a global phenomena, adopted by countries having seen the evilness of the weaponisation of the US$. And with Russia and China leading the BRICS, it affords the economic and military umbrella of shelter that countries find it hard to resist.

    Pakistan, with a USA stooge now in power, is even buying Russian oil. Think of it! Pakistan needs all the energy for its massive population of 230 million people, and what better alternative than discounted oil from Russia. Who can resist that with all the economic problems due to inflation? And what does all this redirection of Russian energy to the East do to Europe? No need to be a nuclear scientist to know the consequence of the move.

    Europe is toast, an economic giant of a group built on cheap Russian energy is destroying itself. It is now officially in recession, clear and simple. Those Russian oil and gas moves to the East is not going back to Europe any time soon. Europe, ironically, is still buying Russian oil and gas, but paying a heavy premium to countries switching Russian energy to them. Silly or not, stupid or not, you figure it out. Supposedly first world countries with third world mentality is what they are.

  2. Deng Xiaoping famously said in 1978 that “science and technology are the primary productive forces".

    Today, 7 out of Top 10 academic institutions in the world for research are in China!

    To hide China’s progress from the global public - and the American public - the U.S. elites spread fake news about China stealing IP. Because, you know, the American system - a delectable combo of capitalism and democracy - must be the greatest.

  3. In Physics, all Top 5 universities in the world are Chinese.

    In Chemistry, all Top 10 are from China.

    That's according to https://www.nature.com/nature-index/institution-outputs/generate/physical-sciences/global/academic

  4. The white men and India itself believe in the hype India will be the next super power despite its top university being ranked around 460 in the world while the rest in the 500s to 600s.
    Are those lording over Red dot aware of this, especially dumb and dumber... HoJinx and Ah Loong ?
