
Asean under pressure from the US and UN to act against Myanmar?

 Who is Asean's boss? Is Asean an independent organisation that serves the interests of its members, or is it a stooge of the US or the UN? The US and the UN are unhappy with Asean for the events happening in Myanmar. While the happenings in Myanmar are basically the internal affairs of Myanmar, the US, the self proclaimed policeman of the world aka the Evil Empire, makes it a point to poke their dirty fingers in Myanmar. They want to tell Myanmar what to do, how to behave and if Myanmar did not do as told, or do otherwise, the Americans are angry. Why should the Americans be meddling with Myanmar's domestic affair? Who gave them the right and authority to mess around with Myanmar's internal problems?

The UN too takes it upon itself to be the governing world body to tell Myanmar to behave to their likings. Does the UN has authority over the internal affairs of Myanmar? Is the UN an Empire of sort that can order countries around? Of course not. And Myanmar would not be lectured or told what to do by the Americans or the UN.

Having failed to make the Myanmese to their bidding, both the US and UN are angry. But what else can they do about it having been turned off by Myanmar? They tried another tact. They used to make China the whipping boy. China must tell Myanmar what to do. China is irresponsible if it does not order the Myanmese to do what the US or UN wants them to do. How it is that Myanmar's domestic problems becomes China's responsibility? China would not be pushed around by the US or UN and showed them their middle finger.

If China bashing does not work, who else can be made to do the dirty work of meddling with Myanmar's domestic affairs? Yes, Asean. Asean is an eager beaver of sort. Some in Asean think very highly of themselves and wanted to be the big brother of Myanmar. This is a good opportunity to get these eager beavers to do what the US and UN have failed. Tell Asean to tell the Myanmese what to behave, what they can do and cannot do. If Asean did not act, use the western to attack and criticise Asean. And there are some Asean members that would jump at this great opportunity to be tasked by the evil Empire to act big, to be given a cane to whack Myanmar. Of course Myanmar would not have any of these silly busy bodies meddling in their affairs. But Asean would not give up so easily. They like to be useful to their masters, the US and also the UN, as if they were bestowed the power to deal with Myanmar.

Asean is now reacting to Myanmar as expected by the Americans, holding big meetings, spending big time, to discuss how to meddle with Myanmar's internal affairs. It is now a darling of the Americans. If only Asean go one step further and conduct a regime change in Myanmar, guaranteed they would be invited to meet the Emperor in Washington.

What a cheap trick. The US and UN are holding Asean's hand to catch a snake. If bitten, it is Asean's hand, not theirs. But not to worry, Asean love to do such things, to feel important, to feel powerful, vested with the power to deal with Myanmar by the evil American Empire, and also the UN.

Asean is now responsible for the good behaviour of Myanmar according to the wishes of the US and the UN. The buck has been passed to Asean. And some in Asean are so happy to carry the buck. Just see how zealous and excited they are in Asean meetings to talk about how to deal with Myanmar. They did not know that they are acting and behaving according to the wishes of the Americans, to play the role of gangsters to interfere with another Asean member state's internal affair. They now think that it is right to do so and Asean is responsible on how Myanmar conducts itself, that the Asean Empire should dictate to Myanmar to behave as expected by Asean and the Americans.


  1. The US Just Confessed To Imminent War Crimes In Ukraine so why listen to War Criminal?

    'Statements made by National Security Council spokesman John Kirby on the Sunday news shows have been seized upon by the Kremlin as a clear demonstration the US has 'confessed to war crimes'.

    Kirby in a fresh interview with ABC was defending President Biden's approving cluster bombs for Ukraine, which are banned by over 120 countries internationally for being 'indiscriminate' and thus more likely to result in civilian deaths. Kirby at one point told ABC that "we can all agree that more civilians have been and will continue to be killed by Russian forces… than will likely be hurt by the use of these cluster munitions."

    The administration's consistent rationale has been to say that while yes - this opens up Ukraine's military to the greater likelihood of committing war crimes.'

    Multiple leading Western allies have pushed back against the Washington decision, with Germany, the UK, Canada, Austria, and Spain all voicing their disapproval. But Kirby and the administration has emphasized it's all about "keeping Ukraine in the fight."

    Kirby then sought to justify it by saying the US will join Ukraine in de-mining efforts "when war conditions permit". He essentially shrugged off the criticisms that more civilians, Ukrainians in particular, could be severely maimed or die by cluster munitions.

    Link to article:

  2. Hi Anonymous, I would like to put this up as a main article. However, all Zerohedge articles arae not allowed by blogger and would be removed with a warning on violation of copyright.


  3. Dont blame usass/un if asean want to b their lapdog..same as dnt blame foreigner who take away sinkies job..daft sinkies love papies to bring in foreigner to screw them.

  4. I thought Janet Yellen told the Chinese that the USA does not force countries to take sides. Why are they so concerned about Myanmar? All because Myanmar needs a regime change for the USA to control, and eventually use as a base to confront China. Vietnam is almost a USA done deal, by the looks of things, after heavy economic pressure by the USA, caused by withdrawal of USA investments en masse in Vietnam.

    Aung San Syuu Kyi was an opportunistic attempt they seized, planned, supported and cultivated for decades in Myanmar, but eventually failed as their designated stooge. USA investments in Myanmar is minimal, so using the same tactic as they used against Vietnam is fruitless. Instigating, fermenting internal unrest and supporting the opposition are the only way forward, besides goading ASEAN to do the dirty work for them. Nothing more, nothing less.

    Or why is the USA even forcing companies, not just countries, to take sides, even Japanese, South Koreans, Taiwanese and Dutch? Just look at what happened to Huawei and those Chinese companies being targeted in the technology war orchestrated by the USA. The USA thinks it is protected by 'exceptionalism', that only they can enjoy that privedge, besides printing fiat money. No one else can even try to influence or have alliances of any kind with another country without the USA's permission.

    And it appears that only the USA can use 'punitive economic pressure' to target Chinese companies, but not the other way round. Gangster Trump even warned the Chinese not to retaliate when he started the Trade War. China must let the USA slap the left cheek after being slapped on the right. This is how atrocious, arrogant and lawless the USA has become. Gangster Trump has now been criticised by Gangster Zelenskky regarding his comment about ending the war within 24 hours in Ukraine.

    Another off topic of interest is about Biden's visit to the UK, (a flying visit they gloated, as if he walks across the Atlantic Ocean in sneakers), talking about a 'rock solid' relationship between the USA and the UK. While inspecting a guard of honour for and by Biden, Charles was said to be annoyed with Biden for talking for a long time with a guard. Yes, Biden and the guard were indeed enjoying a 'rock solid' tete a tete which clearly annoyed Charles as he was impatient to walk on. 'Rock Solid' has not even been given time to solidify to allow for a chat. The guard was discreetly reprimanded I understand, for talking too long with Biden.

    The earlier the USA disappear, the better for this world. And that goes for the UK as well.

  5. Right you are Anon 9.19

    Can still remember ten years ago we were standing in the rains in Hong Lim Park our first protest rally against the Papies White Paper of 6 millions.

    I can clearly remember as my son took home a shelter dog who had recently jusy passed on nine over years with us.

    Many fone and memorable memories.

    Daft Sinkies now at that time boh chap, boh hiew now working mostly as menial workers.

    As second ans even third class citizens in own country.

    Now, how many millions already entrenched in Sinking Land?

    Sad sad indeed to see so many of our young doing all sorts of menial jobs that our first and second generations built for them a better life.

    Only to be destroyed by an incompetent and supposed to be better electrocuted hands holding auto pilot useless current leaders.

    My daughter graduates NUS 2000 and first ten years in A* and also worked during the Pandemic as Lab technican testing urgently day and nights to fight the Covid Virus.

    Now worked as a Home Care Assistant.

    My son with triple or even more dipolmas and degrees kept upgrading and upskilling in supposed to be a skilled sure surety IT professional as prompted relentensly by the lips serving Papies now worked as a menial worker parking bicycles for a supposed new technology innovations technology bike sharing company.

    What's has happened to our iwn?

    Instead of better lives than us they are now worse off than us.

    Luckily, both of them are now in their early and late forties with no families of their own.

    A real blessings.

    Looking at the young families of today with their kids, cannnot but felt a sense of comprehension for them.

    What's their future be like?

    Whats sorts of Leaders we have now without any visions.

    Only now just sebok going round to hunt for what's innovations industrial industries.

    Someone get those half past six Western obsolete industries.

    Too proud and bananas to turn to China with their never ending innovative technology for our young to have a fighting chance.

    Sinking Land is dead with only their internal economy of building more and more BTO flats for sale to the 10 millions.

    In time of Recession and Great Depression, it would be a worse scenario of the burnings and killings in the UAssA and France.

    Anyway, no eyes see.

    Likewise our present corp of Chia Liao Bee Leaders who also be gone to the " See Thien" or the West to see their Makers.

    They will collected their immense WEALTH now and just patted their backsides with no eyes see the sufferings of the new generations.

    Anyway, think also the bananas current young deserved their fates as they are still in slumberland lining up days and nights just for concert tickets instead of looking at their perilous no futures.

  6. The USA wanted China to reign in North Korea for decades. The underlying motive is to cause a split in the decade long relationship between China and North Korea. China is not going to do that by falling into the USA trap.

    In the same way, the USA keeps goading China to condemn Russia over Ukraine, which China is dead set against. Having built up a fruitful and advantageous relationship with Russia after years of working for it, China is not going to destroy all that by interfering with Russia's Ukraine fight and fall into the USA trap. Moreover, the agenda for the formation of BRICS is the more important reason why China and Russia cannot move in diametrical different direction that any split between them is going to entail.

    The West keeps spreading the narrative that Russia and China's close relationship will not last and keeps throwing spanners and diatribes, whenever small differences surfaces between China and Russia. It is not going to upset the relationship, even if they tried harder.

    As I always say, whether the relationship between Russia and China is going to be short-lived or breaks down eventually, what is of paramount importance is for them to align themselves and succeed in taking down the US$ hegemony. Individually, it will be very difficult for them to do so. That is the one thing that the whole Global South is hoping for and are supporting. With the two nuclear powers spearheading the move, there will never be a better or having to find a second chance for the Global South, and they must support it whatever the price. Pay that price and be free of tyranny in perpetuality.

  7. US going to place nuclear weapons in PNG.

  8. Why place in PNG when the Philippine is already readily available? USA is targeting Indonesia. Instigating a regime change in Indonesia is practically impossible, with Indonesia being a Muslim country. Therefore using PNG to create instablity in Indonesia is the alternative.

    Joko Widodo knows it well enough. That is why Indonesia is discreetly giving the warning that having nukes in ASEAN is a danger to peace. Who is Widodo giving this warning to, upon knowing the military base agreement between PNG and the USA?
