
American terrorists admitted proudly, without guilt or shame, that they wanted to rob Venezuelan oil

 Trump boasts he wanted to take Venezuela's oil after overthrowing its government

Former US President Donald Trump boasted at a GOP rally that he wanted to "take over" Venezuela, and "we would have gotten all that oil". This confirms the motives behind the 2019 US coup attempt.

"When I left, Venezuela was ready to collapse. We would have taken it over; we would have gotten to all that oil; it would have been right next door", Trump said.

"But now we're buying oil from Venezuela. So we're making a dictator very rich. Can you believe this? Nobody can believe it", he added.

Trump made these remarks on June 10, at a speech for a convention organized by the North Carolina Republican Party.

The US government initiated a coup attempt against Venezuela in 2019. The Trump administration appointed a little-known right-wing opposition politician, Juan Guaidó, as the supposed "interim president" of the South American nation, despite the fact that he had never participated in a presidential election.

Venezuela has the world's largest known oil reserves - although its crude is very heavy, and in order to be used it must be mixed with lighter crude or diluents, which the country is often incapable of importing due to illegal, unilateral US sanctions.

As president, Trump made it clear that Washington seeks to control the natural resources of foreign countries.

In a January 2020 interview on Fox News, Trump boasted that he was militarily occupying Syria's crude-rich regions in order to "take the oil".

Other members of the Donald Trump administration made similar comments.

Trump's neoconservative National Security Advisor John Bolton stated clearly at the beginning of the coup attempt in January 2019, in an interview on Fox News, that Washington and US corporations wanted to profit off of Venezuela's oil.


PS. no one, no western media or country would condemn such aggressive and criminal intent. It is the white men's right to rob, to steal and to kill coloured people.


  1. Indian robber Modi is on a State visit to meet American robber Biden this week.

  2. I've been calling that evil country 'the sickest country on earth' for years. And they sure are living up to that name.

  3. Media outlets claimed China is building a secret station in Cuba to spy on the US, citing anonymous intelligence officials. But the Pentagon admitted this story is false. It is part of information war

    Anonymous US intelligence officials used the media this June to spread a rumor claiming that the Chinese government is building a massive spy base in Cuba, 100 miles from Florida.

    There was however a glaring problem with this story: The US Department of Defense said it is false.

    Top Pentagon officials came out publicly and clarified that the reports are "not accurate", that China is in fact not building a spy base in Cuba.

    This is the latest example of a series of false stories that have been laundered through the mainstream corporate media by US spy agencies, particularly the CIA, which seek to advance US foreign policy interests and demonize adversaries like China, Cuba, and Russia.

    Recent disinformation campaigns of similar provenance have included Havana Syndrome - the debunked myth that Cuba, China, and/or Russia was supposedly attacking US spies and diplomats with pulsed microwave weapons - or "Bountygate" - the false CIA claim that Russia was paying the Taliban bounties in order to kill US soldiers during the war in Afghanistan.

    The CIA has perfected the art of using the media to manipulate public opinion, to push people in certain political directions and manufacture consent for war.

    One of the co-founders of the CIA, Frank Wisner, famously said the spy agency has contacts all across the media and can play the press like a "mighty Wurlitzer” - a kind of old musical instrument.

  4. They may have perfected the art of lying. Once exposed, crying wolf too often becomes counter productive. Only diehard bananas still stupidly believe in the white gods.

  5. The USA has perfected the art of propagandising. The MSM and the establishment are working hand in glove, one to generate false accusations, seeing how the reaction would be by aimless farting, then if no one bites or knows it was all made up, the establishment will try to do damage control, knowing all that is pure lies and will eventually be exposed. China knows how the USA system works. That is why China just gave one reply in response to the spy network in Cuba, and be done with it, and let the rabid dogs keep barking on MSM.

    Biden just came out to claim that the recent Weather Balloon incident is embarrasing for China. How is it embarassing for China, I really cannot figure out. However, it is in fact an embarrasement for the USA, having to make so much fuss and effort for several days, just to shoot down a stationery balloon. It was a calamity, using two missiles and several back up planes just to shoot down the balloon. After that, the pilots were praised as 'Top Guns'.

    This incident, in all its glory, shows the USA does not even have the capability to deal effectively with a harmless balloon. They were practically at sixes and sevens for days, and peeing in their pants, not knowing how to react. A hypersonic missile travels at several times the speed of sound, takes minutes to reach its target. With this kind of slow motion reaction and thinking, how is the USA to deal effectively with hypersonic enemy weapons I just wonder.

    Terrorists basically have no shame, so talking about the World's No.1 terrorist not having any shame is a moot point. It comes with the profession of being the world's proven top terrorist. This kind of behavior is as good as a robber telling you that he is coming into your house to rob you, shamelessly, arrogantly and as a matter of factly. That is what the world has to deal with if the USA continues as the de fact hegemon.

    Again, to quote Robert De Niro - 'Even gangsters have morals' in reference to the USA administration's unruly and lawless behavior.

  6. The USA thinks that wars will never touch their mainland and a slow response is immaterial. They think that in other countries that they attacked, carpet bombing, at their timing and initiative, took care of everything, and no one has the capability to attack the USA mainland. Safe during two world wars, but not this time around.

    Sitting around waiting for free loading by printing toilet papers, punishing foreign competitors, sanctioning other countries are their main pre-occupation. Without facing up to foreign competition, no country can progress fast enough. This situation is right in front of the USA. It is no longer the leader in technological ideas, in patents, in research papers. It lost all advantage in many areas that it once monopolized. That is a precursor to its downfall. Deny all it can, but it is too late to stop that.

  7. Killing & Plundering - Anglo Saxon speciality. On a good day, the killing upgrades to genocide. And they will glorify it by making a Hollywood movie

  8. Hundreds or thousands of movies have been made in Hollywood about how they massacred the native Americans, men, women and children and glorified them as acts of heroism. They demonised the native Indians as savages when the real savages were the white Europeans.

    This is the same as demonising the Russians, Chinese, Iranians, North Koreans etc etc when the real terrorists were the Americans and the West. The China of economic coercion when the Americans were the worst perpetrators of economic coercion through sanctions, threatening countries to take sides in their economic wars against China and Russia.

    Countries like Cuba, North Korea., Venezuela, Russia etc etc were all victims of the worse kind of economic coercion, some more than 60 years of unstop coercion like Cuba and North Korea.

    Who did China coerce economically? China even sell and trade with their number enemy, the US. It was the US that started economic wars and sanctions against China.
