
George Yeo - Lunch time talk with Foreign Correspondent's Club, Hong Kong

A one hour clip on a lunch talk George Yeo had with the Hong Kong Foreign Correspondent's Club on 9 Mar 23 where George talked about Hong Kong and China relationship and also covered the Ukraine War and Singapore's domestic political issues.

At the end of the talk the moderator, an Afro American, Keith Richburg, commented that it would be in the Straits Times headline that George confirmed that he would not run for the President of Singapore. George also confirmed that he would not re enter politics when asked by an audience.  I did not recall the ST reporting on this, or maybe I missed it as I don't subscribe to ST anymore. George was also asked about the Lee siblings dispute but he declined to comment on grounds that he was friend to both parties.

Another aspect of Singapore that he disclosed was LKY's position that should there be a war with China, Singapore would not be involved, would not be on the side of the Americans. And this position has not changed. Singapore would not allowed any country to use its facilities to fight a war with China or any country. He then went on to caution the US, 'the US does not want China to fight back or talk back when scolded, but this will not happen! If the US does not step on the brakes of the car but continues to hurtle down the wrong road, further restraint would not prevent the car from overturning and going off course, and inevitably fall into conflict.'

George covered quite a lot of grounds from his personal experience and understanding of China and hope that there could be a win win conclusion in the competing claims over the South China Seas. He reiterated that China could be generous and able to be magnanimous to settle border issues with its neighbours, quoting examples with Myanmar, Vietnam and North Korea.

On the issues of Overseas Chinese and their relationship with China, George commented on the important contributions of Overseas Chinese in investing capitals into China after Tian An men. And he mentioned that Robert Kuok saying 'he is a patriotic Overseas Chinese who loves his Motherland.'  As for himself, he said he is Singaporean but also said, 'I am Chinese.' This is perhaps the first time that a Singaporean Chinese political leader, present or ex, ever said in public that he is a Chinese, a Chinese of the Chinese Civilisation, different from a Chinese citizen.

Quite an informative discussion with many interesting historical facts being brought into proper perspective.


  1. "the US does not want China to fight back or talk back when scolded" - so true. Americans are very arrogant . . .

    (Bloomberg) -- Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo said the US “won’t tolerate” the recent decision by Chinese authorities to ban chips by Micron Technology Inc. in some critical sectors, using her sharpest language yet to describe Washington’s reaction.

    “We see it as, plain and simple, economic coercion,” she said, using a phrase both sides have lobbed at each other amid recent tensions. “We won’t tolerate it, nor do we think it will be successful.”

  2. "Another aspect of Singapore that he disclosed was LKY's position that should there be a war with China, Singapore would not be involved, would not be on the side of the Americans. And this position has not changed."
    - surely George is aware the "dishonourable son" has shown total disregard to LKY's public declaration of his wish to have the 'Oxley house' demolished. This action alone suggests LKY's position for SG to stay neutral in any major conflict can be changed, otherwise SG would not have sanctioned Russia nor swallowed line, hook and sinker to support the war against Iraq based on fake WMD, and not least, SG actively rolling out Pfizer with coercion despite Pfizer having criminal track records of being sued successfully in USA courts.

    Btw, I am inclined to believe overwhelming majority of singkies would rather see LKY's house demolished as respect for him and more importantly, to preserve the Asian value that the wellbeing and unity of the community is always more important than one famiLee and their stooges.

  3. This is not Opium War era. This is China in the 21st century. China will talk back when it thinks proper to do so, and China will definitly hit back when it is pushed into a corner like Russia. China and Russia are not Iraq or Libya to be taken down at will by the USA.

    Donald Trump, when he started the trade war by raising tariffs, he distinctly warned China not to retaliate. Does Trump then think that by slapping China, China should just have to turn the other cheek to be slapped? What a bunch of morons! China did retaliate and who suffered? The USA consumers of course. Tariffs are just added taxes by Trump imposed on goods being imported from China. During his watch, Trump cuts taxes for the rich and increased taxes for the poor on the sly. Who really paid for that tariff increase is clear? It did not decimate Chinese exports. In fact the trade deficit vis a vis China even got bigger.

    The trouble with these USA leaders is that they never think about the consequences of their actions, and only think that action on the spur of the moment is going to work against anyone weak enough not to retaliate. They never did expect Russia to retaliate and create so much problems for them and the EU. The worse part is that they now do not know how to extricate themselves from Ukraine. They can only lie and fabricate disinformation about how rosy the war is progressing for Zelenskyy. And anyone providing the truth are demonised and even banned from having a say on the real situation.

    Now, ladies and gentlemen, the debt ceiling is close to being settled, as what both parties are clearly trying to say. Very close to agreement and right on the dot. The next announcement is that the Deep State, via both parties, will go on to declare - "Ladies and Gentlemen, my right hand has agreed with the left hand over the debt ceiling and everything is settled and on cue. Please stand up and cheer loudly and clap vigorously for both parties for putting on a great show in making this historic decision. Next year or so, we will put on another exciting show, just as thrilling, for everyone. We love to thrill and those of you who have been thrilled, please thank us for our great effort. It is a win win situation".

  4. Rb knn thanks for sharing. Very good video

  5. FYI . .

    The Singapore government doubled the additional buyer's stamp duty (ABSD) for foreigners -- a tax on residential real estate purchases -- to 60% on April 27.

    But, the measure does not apply to nationals from certain countries. According to Singapore tax authorities, nationals of the U.S., Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland are accorded the same stamp duty treatment as Singapore citizens because of their respective free trade agreements.

    U.S. nationals, like Singaporeans, can dodge the ABSD totally in their first home purchase. Even for subsequent residential buys, the ABSD payable rises to 30% for U.S. buyers -- a sharp contrast to the 60% applicable to other foreigners, including the Chinese.

  6. The Americans should simply print and print more dollars and buy up everything in the island. Then Singapore will be an island bought over by the Americans to be the 52nd state of the USA.
