
US and UK, the number one and number two evil warmongers of the world

 Germany is now openly admitting that it is unable to send any more weapons to Ukraine. Germany's military stockpile, which it admitted, had been seriously depleted and it will take a long while to replenish. Countries do not openly admit something like this as it concerns their national security.

Why did Germany take so long to tell the world, over a problem that many already knew, and had been talking about since the Ukraine War started? Many already knew that Nato is unprepared for this war in Ukraine. Is this an indication that the Germans are now attempting to wash their hands off Ukraine, since coming to realise that the USA is now targeting China instead? Without the USA calling the shots in Nato, Germany is expected to be next in charge, right? And they are just indicating that no way will they be leading Nato in carrying on the Ukraine War. We can forget about Little Britain. It will follow the USA into the South China Sea and get itself drowned.

Little wonder Zelenskyy wants desperately to talk to China. Putin no longer wants to negotiate with him, knowing he is untrustworthy. Wonder what Zelenskyy wants to talk to China about? Peace? Probably. China is now the only channel open to Zelenskyy to deal with Putin. Talk has it that China is not going to broker any peace deal betwee Russia and Ukraine, but merely wants to provide an open channel for them to negotiate. Moreover, Putin is not in favour of China talking to Zelenskyy or Xi meeting him in Beijing, so we can see the problem.

The USA is pivoting towards China and Zelenskyy knows his days are numbered. Little Britain, main provocator and supporter of the Ukraine War, is the attack dog that will follow the USA when it turns to China. Little Britain is the conduit of the USA relaying orders to Zelenskyy in the Ukraine conflict and when, not if, Little Britain follows the USA's main agenda of confronting China instead, Zelenskyy's support will crumble. How to fight Russia by then? Every day begging and trying to turn every conceivable event, like the G20, Oscars and Olympics, into a political platform to carry his message that harbours nothing but begging for more aid and weapons.

Europe is facing chaos. Finland is officially joining Nato, but for what purpose if Nato breaks up. Laughable if it is expected to beef up Nato's bargaining power. The French, on the surface, if you believe the MSM, are protesting about the rise in the retirement age. Those who dig deeper knows it is about getting out of Nato. But that is not going to be the main narrative on MSM. 

The French already wanted out of Nato since the war started in Ukraine or even before that. ago. In fact France also wanted out of the EU. The 'Franxit' as they call it. But France faced much of a threat from the EU itself over this. And the thought remains in suspension, just like Scotland wanting to leave the UK. But how long can it remain so?



  1. And who is the number three evil warmonger making up the real 'Axis of Evil?' The third member of AUKUS of course. Set up to make this region the next theatre of conflict, after the Middle East and Europe, its purpose has been defined clear as daylight, and that is to counter China.

    Iran, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Palestine were the main players during the Middle East turmoil, with Israel the catalyst being inserted there for the purpose of destablising the region by the Warmonger in Chief. Now Israel's position is losing relevance for the Warmonger in Chief, and is facing chaos for not condemning Russia. This is hardly surprising.

    In Europe, the conflict in Ukraine was created by the Warmonger in Chief, using Russia as the scapegoat, with Little Britain the main instigator and Nato the cheerleader from behind that started the ball rolling first, by planting the idea of a move to allow Ukraine to join Nato, which is the Red Line that Russia would not allow Ukraine to cross.

    Now in East Asia, the Warmonger in Chief already roped in Australia and Japan to spearhead the confrontation with China, using Taiwan as the scapegoat. The Philippines' attempt to realign its foreign policy obviously met with very serious threats, such that Marcos Jr had to backtrack and bow to the demands of the Warmonger in Chief, even allowing them to have four more bases in the Philippines to station more troops for countering China.

    Duterte had said, when he was President, in no uncertain terms, that he may not survive the CIA if he continues with his overture towards improving relations with China. Now, they are fabricating crimes against him using the ICC over his crackdown on the drug menace in the Philippines. Trying to get rid of the drug lords is being investigated as a crime? Someone obviously had so much to lose that it becomes a crime to kill off those drug lords. Question is, who is going to arrest Duterte should such a warrant of arrest by the ICC is made against Duterte? My feeling is that Marcos Jr will be forced to do it, as he has no sway over the military unlike his father. Marcos Jr is coming across as a 'Lame Duck' President.

  2. OPEC+ just announced oil production cuts of 1.16 million barrels a day. Saudi Arabia alone accounts for almost half of that at 500,000 bpd. Think of what this will do to inflation in USA and Europe.

    The USA and the West have failed to curb oil prices with their price cap fiasco. Crude prices just shot up to around US$80 per barrel. And the USA is going hysterical over the move by OPEC+ and Saudi Arabia, the de facto leader of OPEC. Things are not looking good for MBS and he needs to be very very careful.

    After still taking a tough stance on China even days ago, Ursula von de leyen is going to China to beg for help. She is taking a leaf from the USA leaders, using this tactic of critising China each and every time they sought to meet, and trying to project a stance of talking down to China. It no longer works. What is China going to say to her?

  3. In the past the Americans controlled OPEC and set the price for oil and OPEC must obeyed and sell oil at the price the Americans determined, even at very low profit.

    Now OPEC is freed from the American control and would set oil prices to their own favour. Americans want to push down the price, but OPEC has different idea.

    What are the Americans going to do? Assassinate some OPEC leaders like they did to Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi? No crimes for murdering two Arab leaders? No ICC arrest warrants?

  4. That is why the USA and the West are keeping a quiet stance over the warrant of arrest issued by the ICC against Putin. Normally this would be top news to be broadcasted consistently by the MSM.

    They knew this is a can of worms they cannot afford to open, as it also going to drag the perpetrators of war crimes in Iraq out into the open judgement as well. That means it will target George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleeza Rice, Barrack Obama, Joe Biden, Madeleine Albright, Tony Blair and others with the same brush as they used against Putin.

    They do not want to risk that, and some have even suggested that the USA does not want to go along with the ICC war crimes move against Putin. Colin Powell already escaped mortal punishment, but went to hell to face punishment on the other side. The rest of the gang will eventually follow. Killing millions of innocent women and children cannot be so easily forgotten and forgiven in the eyes of heaven.
