
Lowinsky's open letter to calls for feedback and suggestions

Dear Friends n Fellow Singaporeans,
Lawrence Wong our 4G PM Elect said in Parliament that all he hears are the People are asking for more and more but no one has suggested any good ideas on cutting back or how to reduce spending.

No problem Mr. Wong here is a list of things that you can cut back on:

1. *Ministerial salaries*. It is embarrassing to have the highest paid PM in the world for an island of 720 sq m.

2. *Abolish the expensive blood-sucking Mayors* scheme that is effete n self serving

3. *Cut the $9m paid to the President* by at least half. A figure puppet should not be paid so much.

4. *Cut back spending for the People's Association* now that Covid 19 is practically over. $1 billion every year for the past 5 years is a truckload of tax payers' money.

5. *Suspend funding for SPH Media* until it has shown results on editorial indepedence. Dead wood editors should be let go.

6. *Stop raising transport fares* every year when the SMRT is swimming in profit

7. *Remove spending on Goverment Parliamentary Committees* which serve no purpose as an opposition in Parliament. We already have a robust 10 member WP/PSP check on the murky and non-transparent PAP government

8. *Cut unnecessary political appointees* such as Ministers of State, Senior Ministers of State, parliamentary Secretaries, Senior Parliamentary Secretaries etc.

9. *Trim the grassroots organisations* - RCs, CCs, CCCs, etc - and unify them as one to cut cost and bureaucracy.

10. *Cut back on Mindef spending.* We are seeing bigger military budgets for Mindef that hit $17b in 2023. Why spend so much when there aren't any immediate national security issues ?

11. *Trim the number of paper generals and admirals in the army navy n airforce.*

12.*Ex-generals and ministers should no longer be made directors in GLCs.*

13. *Trim the number of PAP MPs most of whom are part-timers.* The It is a joke to have 93 MPs for a tiny island many of whom are caught napping in the HOUSE. Problem is they think the HOUSE is their sleeping chamber

14. *Ban spending on the design of rubbish dumps* that cost a million dollars.

15. *Cut top civil servants n Stat Boards pay* by at least half because many of them are mere retirees from the SAF

16. *Cut the number of Ministers parked in the PMO* like Indranee Rajah

17. *Cut those Ministers in Parliament* who say:
If you want a short answer it is: I don't know ...I don't know...
U know who I am referring to?

18. *Cut down the number of chairmanships n directorships* that a crony can hold

19. *Cut down the number of positions that husbands n wives can hold that lead to possible conflict of interest*

20. *If a Minister cannot speak in Parliament because of number 19 above he should recuse himself.*

Silence is not golden. Silence means conspiracy and collusion

21. *Cut down the import of millionaires and billionaires* who drive up the prices of COE, cars, bikes, condos rentals n Cost of Living

22. *Cut down verbiage and give honest answers in Parliament.*

23.*Rein in the arrogance of the Speaker in Parliament m* and let him not interupt or restrain the honest opposition members from speaking their minds

That is all Lawrence, thank you



  1. These suggestions are not practical and not meaningful and would not be discussed in Parliament. Likely to be kept in KIV tray forever.

    More important issues like climate change, going green would get the attention, like charging 5c for essentials like plastic bags in supermarkets.

    Next they would be likely to charge for issuing receipts, toothpicks, serviettes, all to save the environment, saving woods. The next target could be toilet papers in public toilets. charge, charge, charge, in the name of climate change and going green, to save the world for the future generations.

  2. Rest b assured all the above shall be discarded in the rubbish bin and b branded as No Class shit paper liao. Save your time and do yourself a favor, let the Universal Law of Cause and effect or Karma do its works.

  3. All these all old habits of somebody, u can't change a person overnight, this is like u can't change a dog that always like to eat shits , old habits dies hard lah ho boh?

  4. That is just a Singaporean wish list for Hari Raya, to be discussed in Parliament this coming Christmas, put under KIV and wait Wong Wong, oops sorry 'wait long long' for the sun to rise from the West, or the moon turning blue, or the sky to fall. It will be looked into, point by point over 23 Parliament sittings. Some Parliamenterians would have died of old age by then.

  5. Ask not what Singapore can do for you.

    Ask what you can do for Singapore's highly paid political elites and their beloved 2.3 million foreigners.

  6. Zelensky sold off his Ukrainians for himself and his gang of thieves.

    DPP Tsai going to sell off the Taiwanese for herself and her gang of traitors.

    The UKrainians and the Taiwanese did not protest and are willing to be sold or to die fighting for the people that are selling their countries and their good lives.

    Zelensky is now the richest actor worth billions from being an American installed President in Ukraine.

    Tsai would also be very rich being the President backed by the Americans while the Taiwanese would face the same fate as the Ukrainians.

  7. We do not know how much of Zelensky's ill gotten gains actually went back into the pockets of senators who voted time and again to send aid to Ukraine. From one corrupt regime to another, all this is business as usual. It is like the USA drug lobbies, gun lobbies, energy lobbies that paid huge campaign donations and getting special treatment for their respective interest. There is no free lunch in this world.

  8. Why is the foreigner made instant Singapore citizen and put on the high priest seat as CEO of DBS being paid 15.3 million dollars salary last year, 2022. On what justification is he being paid so much? It seems he is being paid from around 15 million dollars every year for the last ten years or so since he was made CEO of DBS.

    Don't bullshit and say DBS had made a profit of billions of dollars every year due to his watch over the bank.

    The bank has been making huge profits increasingly every year even before he came into the picture. DBS was founded by Singaporeans headed by Goh Keng Swee, Lee Ek Tieng, Ngiam Tong Dow and Dhanabalan and many of its former CEOs were all pure blue Singaporeans who were not less talented and capable than this present strange character who out of the blue was haled from nowhere to be placed as the CEO of DBS.

    Since its founding DBS set up was due to the collective efforts of innovative Singaporeans. Every section and department in the bank was well managed by highly qualified Singaporeans. The bank's good connections both local and overseas were all well set up and highly organized with great distinctions. The talents and efforts of our local bank CEOs, directors, accountants, executives and other officers and bank staffs enable DBS to make huge profits of billions of dollars every year prior to the sudden appearance of this present foreigner who was placed on the bank's pedestal to unreservely collect the obscene salary of over 15.3 million dollars.

    The question is what new profitable connections has he brought in for DBS. All that Singaporeans know is that he had sunk billions of dollars of DBS capital and money as investments into the blackholes or bottomless pit of bankrupt banks and companies in India.

    Even before this pseudo foreign CEO came on the scene DBS has been so well organized and managed that it has been raking in billions of dollars in profiit every year. It is said that the bank had been so well organized and managed that even if the CEO had gone on a one year leave the bank could still function highly profitable.

    But suddenly the authority claimed that Singapore lacks financial or banking talent. So it had to get one from India to be the CEO of DBS. Or is it because it is the fashion to do so just because many western or American corporate companies have CEOs of Indian origin. Is it Singapore must follow the West and the Americans so that it will not be left behind? What a screwed logic? Look at the American banks. They are all huge robbers's dens. Their executives and directors are all rogues, crooks and scoundrels and charlatans and they are all financial robbers and highway financial thieves. In the meantime Singapore will lose endless billions of dollars for taking the wrong decision.

    An angry and highly disappointed Singaporean.

    Yang Tai Chong

  9. Frankly Banks expecially DBS which is given a leg up no need to really sweat and canvass for businesses.

    Sinkies are been cajoled to use this Bank as special priority in all sorts of government transactions that be expedited and credited earliest.

    Also Sinkies purchases of BTO HDB flats not first timers most have to take their Loans from the Banks.

    Just imagine how many billions of loans as even two roomed pigeon holes 100 over K.

    Just like Sin Pools no need canvass for businesses lah.

    Know how to open accounts and walk in.

    Ditto the Banks housing loans.

    Some more Sinkies brought even extra properties to invest and speculate thinking of their passive no need to sweat passive incomes.

    So easy meh? Kena choked cannot breathe die kiaw kiaw.

    So Shylocks made tons of blood not pound but tons of flesh monies lending others monies.

  10. Without DBS, can Piyush make $15m a year?

    Without Piyush, can DBS make the same billions a year?

  11. RE: Anonymous 4:42pm

    Hi! Mr Anonymous 4:42pm

    I suspect you come from the same village as Piyush Gupta.
    You are cynical and deceptive.
    Yes, without DBS, Piyush can never earn 15 million dollars every year.
    Bur without Piyush before, DBS had been making billions of dollars every year and may be DBS could have made even more every year had Piyush Gupta not been strangely put up as its CEO. Do not take away all the credit from our talented hardworking local staffs in DBS and instead fallaciously given the credit only to the green CEO from some strange place in Indianpura.

    A proud Singaporean

  12. The Indian modus operandi had always been, let others build up the business and we just manoeuvre ourselves into position and claim the credit by sitting on top.

    What does a snake do best? It slithers quietly into position, wait to strike its prey, and swallows it whole.

    Did someone mentioned that trusting an Indian is like trusting a snake?

  13. Retired but waiting for CPF LifeApril 14, 2023 4:09 pm

    @Proud Singaporean- You seem to think running a business is autopilot. That is typical of many of us Singaporeans who grew up in LKY's Singaporea and had everything handed to us.

    Easiest way to argue is to compare DBS performance (revenue and profits) from say, 2000 until 2020. That way, you can see pre-Piyush performance vs post Piyush against the OCBC and UOB?

    Why not put up a simply table to prove your point?

    Proud Singaporean (with a bit of common sense)

  14. A lot of things have been affected by the flood of money ie inflation. Earning $1000 was big time in the 60s. Now it is below poverty level.

    All incomes is inflated, expenses inflated, housing prices inflated. Therefore revenue and profit also inflated. Unless one can recalibrate the unit value of the dollar then and now.

    Nominal value and actual value are not the same.

  15. A simple rule of thumb for comparison between nominal and actual value of money of then and now is to remove one zero. A $15m salary is $1.5m. A $1b profit is $100m profit.

    Of course this is over simplification but not too far off and would put things into perspective.
