
Africa - ending the white men's myth of superiority

Ursula born the liar is a USA puppet, true and true. Now they want to put her as head of Nato. Does that tell us anything? After destroying Germany and France and the EU, she is going to destroy Nato as well. That would be another blessing in disguise for Russia and China.
China is giving her the ultimate insult, with the bare minimum of protocol. Cruelly humilated? Why treat someone like a human being when you know she has never been known to behave like one. I truly applaud what China did. And the irony is that China gave the red carpet welcome for Macron, while ignoring his 'mummy' just to highlight the contrast in treatment, so the world can see. Do not mess with Xi. And as Seymour Hersh warned the West - Do not mess with Putin.

Blinken is still waiting for that invite from China, which I do not expect will come. Why would China waste time talking to people who goes there with a laundry list of demands that they think China should follow. Human rights tops the list of demands. Who the hell are these people dictating what China must follow? China will not forget the century of humiliation by the Anglo Saxon clique and Japan and the force opening of China to the opium trade. When have the Whites ever respect human rights over this alone?

As African leaders have always said, Africans also have rights and they do not need the Whites to teach them about democracy and human rights. They have seen the total and blatant abuse of human rights and democratic rules by the Whites in Africa during the years of colonisation. And the Whites expect all these to be forgotten and forgiven?

1 comment:

  1. Ursula born the liar is reported to be seething with rage on her return from China.

    That is precisely what China wants by cutting her down to size. China has no interest in boosting the ego of someone demonising China day in and day out. Well done China!
