
White Peril is an existential threat to the rest of the world

Mahbubani also talked about the “emotional force” that is driving the geopolitical rivalry, notably how the West harbours a “fear of the yellow peril”, referring to the metaphor that depicts the Asian world as an existential danger to the West.   mothership.sg

The yellow peril was a white men's creation to smear China, to frighten themselves and extended this to frighten the rest of the coloured people of the world. After decades of oppression in China, after invading and bankrupting China from plundering and looting and cutting up China into pieces, the white men turned around to fabricate the weakened and impoverished Chinaman as the yellow peril, a threat to their existence. They created a whole series of lies and caricatures, cartoons, comics, movies, slangs etc etc to demonise the Chinese as evil and subhumans when the white men were the real wicked devils that destroyed China and the Chinese people as a Civilisation.

The white men not only destroyed and massacred the Chinese, they massacred and genocided practically every country and people across the world in the tens and hundreds of millions, the native Americans in North and South America, Africans, Arabs and Muslims, the Indians and Pakistanis, Burmese, Vietnamese, Laotians, Cambodians, Malays, Indonesians, Pinoys, the aborigines in Australia and New Zealanders and the Pacific islanders.

They are the real devils, the white savages that killed in the hundreds of millions of coloured people and took over their land and resources.

How can China be an existential threat to the white men when China has never invaded or conducted war in Europe, North America, Australia or New Zealand? China has nerver killed a white man in wars except in defending North Korea and China during the Korean War when hundreds of thousands of Chinese were killed by the Americans and allied forces.

This vicious myth of the yellow peril is nothing but a lie compares to the real White Peril that had massacred and genocided the rest of the world and planning to do it again. The White Peril is the real existential threat not only to the Chinese but to the rest of the coloured people of the world.

The lie of the yellow peril is a vicious white men's lie to divide the world, to demonise China as the bad guy and the white devils and savages as the good guy, afraid of China attacking them. The white men's mischievous narrative must be debunked and put right for the good of the rest of the world.

The White Peril must be stopped before it starts another massacre and genocide of the coloured people of the world. This is a real existential threat. No bullshit.


  1. Good morning Mr RB and All

    Now instead of the "YELLOW PERIL" for the Communists Chinese PRCs as this Emil Cosman used to say The Bad Guys and the Whites DemoCrazy as the Good Guys, now we have The "WHITE PERIL" as the Whites socalled BS DemoCRAZY as the BAD guys and the "YELLOW PERIL" Prcs as the GOOD Guys.

    Now hope the foolish daft and idiotic World's Natives would realised who the Good Guys who brokered and mediate PEACE and the Bad Wars Mongerings Guys who created Havocs and Wars the last seventy to eighty odd years.

    Wow. Confusing The White Perils and the Yellow Perlis?

    The Whites gonna be their own PERILs to their own by even sabo their own and screwed their own.

    Retributions indeed for all their crimes and sins against all the coloured peoples.


  2. https://www.youtube.com/live/vfk7Xahb5mo?feature=share

    The Collapsed of the UAssA with their Ponzi Banks No Assets Imaginary Airs Starts Ups now become DOWNS

    More to come. Shock Waves even to Asia.

    Tummby Sick? Oh they said no involvements. Really?

    Thought they loved to punt on all these quick bucks.

  3. The world must put an end to this White Peril. It is spreading hate across the world to stay as the dominant hegemon at the expense of the rest of the world.

    White hate, white peril, white lies, white massacres, white genocides are be wiped out from the face of the earth.

  4. It is not just a 'White Peril'. It is a 'White Curse'. Why is it a curse? It is a curse that signifies destruction, destablisation, chaos, warmongering and all the problems now engulfing the whole world.

    And the USA is the leader of that 'White Curse'. Which country ever dropped two Atomic Bombs on another country? Which country ever used biological Agent Orange on a massive scale to cripple innocent victims? If that is not brutal and unjustified, then what is? Russian missile strikes killing a few civilians is called 'brutal and unjustified'. Just compare that with what Agent Orange has done in Vietnam.

    Now, that filthy rich beggar in Ukraine is calling Russia's missile strike that killed civilians as 'terrorism'. How about the killings in Eastern Ukraine of Russian speaking residents, all 14,000+ of them by the Ukrainian military before Russia steps in? That is not terrorism? If civilians die during a war and that killing is called terrorism, what about the millions that died in Iraq, Libya, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen and Yugoslavia as a result of carpet bombings. That is not terrorism?

    Putin even called them 'International Terrorist'. Who is he referring to? Not Al Qaeda or ISIS definitely.

    1. "Now, that filthy rich beggar in Ukraine is calling Russia's missile strike that killed civilians as 'terrorism'."

      - civilians being killed was due to filthy rich beggar Zelenskyy and the Ukraine neo nazis compelling them to participate as human shields.
      This has been the strategy of these sub-human Ukrainian scums with blessings from the US-EU criminal enterprise.

  5. The bananas and coconuts would not mind being slaves licking the balls of the White men.

    They welcome and love the White Peril.
