
Vietnam War - American GIs confessions on their crimes against the Vietnamese


A 4 minute clip on the confession of ex GIs in the Vietnam War and how they were brainwashed to hate Vietnamese, treating them as subhumans, killing and raping them for fun, young girls and boys, stoned to death like animals. Vietnamese were called gooks just like they called the Koreans and Chinese in the Korean War.

Can any Vietnamese still be in love with the Americans?


  1. Yes, the south vietnamese love the americunt

  2. South Vietnamese women love the American GIs because they help to spread the 'Vietnam Rose' disease among the population during the war. 'Vietnam Rose' is the GIs' name for venereal disease or syphilis. Think of COVID.

    Oh yes, the GIs also love the Vienamese women for spreading 'Vietnam Rose', a badge of honour, LOL.

  3. Now variant into HIV. Americunts AIDS to the South Corrupted Viets.

    That woman that kena their napalm bomb running naked and was captured in photo by a journalist now in the UAssA think married to an Americunts who. defaced her body and now preached love for the Americunts.

    Daft Asian Natives are damn stupid and servile like kept dogs.

    Till today still the same. Once harnessed always mentally harnessed.

    Like yokes on their heads.

    Three quarters of POP in Asia and controlled by just one third barbarians.

    Wont dared openly cristise the Wars Mongering White Barbarians.

  4. Not only that. All very happy to carry and lick their balls.

  5. Seems like the latest country to be 'helped' by USA is ...Mexico:


  6. Now US politicians and the fake news media are brainwashing allies and Americans to hate the Chinese resulting the opinion polls in sync with who is their prevailing bad country of the day.

    If one had watched the recent congressional hearing on China, one could see how it was done to frame another nation just like how Iraq and Syria were destroyed by whipping up fear and hysteria to shape public opinion for war.

  7. American Empire in possible retreat: implementing scorched earth strategy to damage China and the multi-polar world

    Link to utube podcast:

  8. The Americans are the worst of the worsts enemies on Planet Earth. No other countries can beat this human scum.
