
Ukraine - The Americans are against peace

The demonisation of China's attempted peace initiative between Russia and Ukraine is now the top topic of Western Leaders' attempt to kill it before it even started. The USA and the West, including Japan (the pariah in Asia), are very worried about Xi meeting Putin in Moscow.

They are paranoid and nervous that should China be able to pull off a peace deal in Ukraine, it would do considerable damage to the reputation of the USA and the West. As it is, it will most likely not be successful, with the USA and the West all against the move by China. Zelenskyy has no backbone to go against them, even if he wants to, and even if Ukraine needed to kidnap male citizens on the streets and forced them to enrol to fight the Russians. That is how bad the situation is becoming for Ukrainians. Looks like Ukraine really has to fight to the last man for the USA.

China's success in brokering the peace deal between Iran and Saudi Arabia was a masterstroke of genius. Why does China not do the more urgently needed Russia/Ukraine peace initiative first? It was a well thought out strategy. China's pulling off the deal in the Middle East shows the world, in no uncertain terms, that China is all for peaceful diplomacy, which the USA and the West always claim is insincere. That deal between Iran and Saudi Arabia kills all the insincerity talk and now China, with one big success, is pivoting towards the Russia/Ukraine direction, which is making the USA and the West hysterical, nervous and fearful. Expect the demonisation to pick up several notches over the next couple of days.

As expected, Japan (the pariah of Asia), with a lapdog Prime Minister, Fumio Kishida, just visited Zelenskyy and had the gall to tell the world that he does not agree to the changing of the status quo in Ukraine by force. Did Kishida read about Japan's cruel and barbaric history in Asia during WW2, invading every other country and trying to force them to succumb to Japanese rule, and being subjected to atrocities and rule of terror, that eventually lead to war crimes being piled on their top Generals? He should look into his own country's bad behavior before attempting to pass judgement on others. Like the USA, the Japanese never think it necessary to practice what they preach, and are still behaving as warmongering as they were during WW2.



  1. As expected, the Chinese attempt at brokering a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine is blatantly and strongly opposed by Washington. John Kirby, the White House spokesperson, in an interview said, in no uncertain terms, that any peace deal in Ukraine is 'unacceptable'. 'Unacceptable' in whose interest? To the USA or the rest of the world? That clearly shows the USA wants desperately for the war in Ukraine to continue, and clearly indicates it does not really want peace to prevail. The USA and the West are now really petrified of peace returning to Ukraine.

    And that blinking Blinken had the gall to say that China helping Russia is not in 'USA's interest'. Must China's extension of a helping hand to allies and friendly countries be only to take care of the USA's interest? So, will that narrative later be skewed to include China's help in Africa, Latin America, the BRI, which must necessarily only be in USA's interest. What is he trying to say? That only the USA can help its allies and not China? Russia is presently the closest ally of China - economically, politically and militarily, and it is only moral and logical for China to help.

    Touching on that point, is the USA's help for Taiwan, with leaders visitation, sale of weapons not also against China's interest? The USA has no moral authority nor integrity to dictate or threaten China by pronouncing that China's aid to Russia is against their interest, while they continue to push weapons to Taiwan to provoke China.

    China must invite both Putin and Zelenskyy to Beijing, away from the instigators, if it ever is to harbour any hope of bringing peace to Ukraine, keeping the USA out of the room when negotiating. Putin will undoubtedly follow the suggestion, but not Zelenskyy and that you can be sure.

    If the USA and the West clearly goes all out to sabotage the Chinese peace approach, it gives the Chinese moral grounds to provide letal weapons to Russia. That could be the consequence of this peace plan testing point put up by the Chinese, and openly sabotaged by the USA and the West. Thereafter no justification for condemning the Chinese for supplying weapons to Russia, the same way they USA keeps pushing weapons to Taiwan.

  2. Mexican president brands Americans as ‘liars’
    Washington believes it’s the “government of the world,” Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has claimed.

  3. Just saw a video on the Jimmy Dore show, that the USA had removed documents pertaining to the lies of George W. Bush and his administration over the Iraq War, that were kept in the database of the 'Centre for Public Integrity'. We can predictably understand the reasons why.

    George W. Bush and his gang committed greater war crimes in Iraq, all based on 'fabricated evidence'. The USA, the West and ICC were trying to pin accusations of war crimes on Putin and they will not allow more serious evidence pertaining to George W. Bush and his gang in Iraq, that killed millions, to remain and be used later against them as well, should a case be made against Putin.

  4. The ICC meanwhile is said to be preparing an arrest warrant for former Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte. The Philippines, like Russia, is not a member of the ICC, so who is going to arrest Duterte? Moreover, the ICC has no jurisdiction over crackdowns on illegal drug gangs and drug lords which Duterte was then targeting. Or is the world now legalising drug proliferation like the USA?

    Boy, this is going to be interesting. But on the other hand, the whole world is now talking on social media about more serious war crimes committed by George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and others in the Iraq War and asking when is the ICC going to issue arrest warrants against them. Obama is also a target for his wars in Syria and Libya. Oh, I forget, the USA already threatened the ICC with military strikes if the ICC dared to issue such warrants of arrest. Funny, how the ICC laws are interpreted and applied. See the drift?

    By the way, Putin is also investigating the ICC Judges and those who issued the warrants against him, and will similarly pay them back in their own coins. The ICC is basically targeted for conspiracy to help the USA hide its commitment of war crimes all over the world by keeping silent and not daring to act.

  5. The ICC is morphing into a terrorist organisation. It would direct Marcos Jr to allow the terrorist American soldiers in the Philippines to arrest Duterte.

  6. CNA aka ChannelNews America simply loved to telecast all the Americunts speeches.

    Blinking Idiot saying Xi and Putin Meeting are Agenda NOT for World PEACE.

    Look who's talking?

    What's an Ass Americunts Ass

    No wonder UAssA.

  7. They do not know yet what Putin and Xi are actually planning and are just guessing and posturing. One thing is for sure. They are afraid of peace in Ukraine and everything they are saying and doing now is just to make sure the peace plan does not go ahead, not to talk of succeeding.

    'Peace is not acceptable' for them says it all.

  8. What were announced after the meeting between Xi and Putin are important.

    What that were not announced were even more important.

    Xi did not travel to meet putting for a few trade agreements. These are the things that the Americans are very worried about, secret deals to do the Americans in.

  9. Meeting in person is the surest way to keep important issues secret.

    While trade agreements and the like can be made known, what is of national security interest can never be leaked, and must be kept close to the chest. And keeping the enemy guessing is the best way to keep them nervous and paranoid.

  10. Japan should also pay for this massacre..

  11. The peace plan could just be a peripheral diversion issue for the meeting between Xi and Putin, just to pull wool over the enemy's eyes. They know anyway that it will be strongly resisted.

    More important things than that could be broached and discussed during the meeting. And the USA and the West are going on a wild goose chase targeting the peace deal.

  12. The Americans always think that they are the ones that were doing the planning, calling the shots and Russia and China are sleeping or cannot do anything.

    They are now getting a rude shock that the Russians and the Chinese have planned many steps ahead of them. While the Americans are thinking of one battle after another, the Russians and Chinese are planning to win the war.

    The American house of cards are going to collapse very soon when all the forces are mounted against them.

  13. The Americans are bringing all their European allies to fight Russia in Ukraine.

    Russia and China are bringing Latin America, Africa, Middle East, Central Asia to fight the Americans in the world stage. The US dollar is going to become worthless, the American economy is going to tank, the Americans would have no money to pay their soldiers, have no money to buy food for the American people.

  14. The best part, the Americans still did not know what is going on, and think the war is in Ukraine.

  15. What else can the USA and West target, not knowing what to target besides the peace deal that China let loose before Xi left for Moscow. And they are going hysterical. Xi and Putin must be sniggering at the false scent left for the hounds to persue.

  16. The Chinese strategists are going to bring down the American Empire without firing a single bullet. That is the quality of the strategists.

  17. Former Russian President warns that Russia will bomb any country that arrest Putin.

    Seymour Hersh said that he would not mess with Putin. The man is serious in doing what he says he will do.

  18. The Exim Bank of China just did a Yuan facilating loan deal with the Saudi National Bank to finance trade outside the US$. This makes the use of the Yuan deal officially on course between China and Saudi Arabia.

    This will undoubtedly mean that Saudi Arabia's oil exports to China will be denominated in Yuan officially, bypassing the US$. Coming hot on the heels of Iraq's move to accept trade with China using the Yuan, more countrie in the Middle East will follow.

    Seems pretty quiet and little talk about the deal on MSM.
