
Rise of the forces of goodness, decline of the forces of evil

It is comforting to note that Xi is aware of the need to further upgrade China's military and defence capabilities, even though China is now well positioned to deal with external threats. In his speech a while ago, Xi wants China to become a 'Wall of Steel' against external threats to its security. For him to say it out, openly now, means China is already well advanced in such plans to erect that 'Wall of Steel'.

Xi is also well aware that everyday, new alliances on anything under the sun are being forged by external forces, all with the same horseshit of containing China, as if China had been posing such a threat and is extending its military reach into other country's territory or that China has created wars against others. Nothing of the sort is evident, and in fact China is doing just the reverse by brokering the Iran and Saudi Arabia peace deal.

Xi will be visiting Putin next and is expected to have a video conference with Zelenskyy immediately after that, possibly to forge another peace deal, and that is making the USA and Nato terribly nervous and petrified. Of course the USA and Nato will demonise the move in ways they are best at, to prevent China pulling off yet another deal of global significance.

And yet the White Curse has found it necessary to continue to sell their warmongering ideology by rallying allies to confront China. The Africans already knew the agenda of the USA and the West, which is why they loath meeting Western leaders visiting Africa, and wanting only to talk about China's threats and debt traps. What they see is not what they hear from the West about China's intention in Africa.

The real reason for all the animosity created by the USA is that the USA and Western countries are fearful of China overtaking the USA and putting an end to the US hegemony with de-dollarisation. Putting down China by erecting hurdles and sanctions against China is to ensure that no one else can rise to compete with the USA, so that it can remain on top forever.

The USA can force down other countries like Japan and Germany from rising, snuffing out Iraq and Libya with its military power. China and Russia are not that easy preys and they had to rally and use proxies to carry out their evil plans. Russia alone has shown its resilience in the face of so many enemies coming together just to take it down. China is not going to be an easier target than Russia and its people are more united and patriotic than during the Opium War years.

Now again resorting to use saber rattling by gloating over the nuclear submarine deal with Australia, presumably to scare China. And Finland is trying to frighten Putin by its posturing to send fighter jets to Ukraine. Not now, as I understand, but by 2025. 2025? Will Ukraine still be there?

As I said, since the USA and the West is proliferating nuclear weapons by selling nuclear submarines to Australia, I think it is time for Russia and China to do the same by selling nuclear subs to Iran to protect its interest in the Persian Gulf. China and Russia can also play the same game, right? Last but not least, North Korea has succeeded in firing nuclear capable missiles from submarines. That is something to ponder about for Japan and South Korea.



  1. Good morning All

    Today's ST had front photo page of ARSEKUS Necular Subs three Clowns showing off their faces.

    Also Mat Chinkee Penny Wong Not Shilling Wong yellow banana acting on behalf of her White Masters saying to stabilise peace in this region.

    Aussies Convicts lap doggie of the UAssA trying to contain and fight China?

    But in next page by the year 2055 be ready. Salah or not 2055?

    Thought they fighting or invading China by 2025. By 2055 Auss Convicts land will be totally sunk by China's hypersonic or Necular missles.

    All hot-airs lah. Just posturing.

    For shows only. Where got monies to enrich the wars mongering UAssA?

    All their White ghettos crumbling.

    Only solution daylight robberies have all their banks file for insolvent and bankruptcies and seized all depositors monies.

    UAssA BS insolvency banks released monies only to their own but seized no overseas transactions of those dumb depositors who trusted them

    Ahem Tubby Sick our CPF's reserves also kena?

  2. Temasek says they have no direct exposure to the collapse of SVB. However, they actually have indirect exposure. What a way with words.
    In 2015, they actually acquired a 100% stake in Mumbai-based venture lender SVB India Finance. SVB India Finance, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Silicon Valley Bank Financial Group.
    In that same year, Temasek renamed the subsidiary to InnoVen Capital India and introduced their operations in Singapore.

  3. If they own 100%, then it does not belong to SVB anymore.

    The indirect exposure could be linked to other sources. The question is how big is the indirect exposure. Indirect exposure can be bigger than direct exposure.

  4. https://youtu.be/BKibJJfPWN8

    Ponzi scams of UAssA Banks.

    Just simply filed for inslovency under their Protection (Extortion)Laws

    Bidamn simply said those investors who invested in our Banks had to lose their investments as this is OUR scams Capaitaisim

    Haha best of luck to the investors.

  5. https://youtu.be/3DUU9WUtJPA

    Another hilarious show by Jimmy Dore of the Banks fiasco

  6. More smaller banks would be afected and to bail them out, the Fed would have to print more money. This is all planned to burst that debt balloon and the dollar as the international currency.

    Fed's original objective was to stop the big holders of American debt like China and Japan from selling the American debt. They forgot that many of their own banks are also bond holders and raising the interest rates would devalue their bond holdings. The smaller banks when faced with liquidity problems have to sell their bonds. But the prices of the bonds are now so low that selling them means big losses.

    One by one would go bust. IMF must step in to tell the Americans not to bail them out and let them fail like they recommended to Asian banks in the financial crisis. Would they?

    This is another big silly mistake they are making, to attack China but ended up attacking themselves and collapsing themselves.

    The fall of the American Empire is gathering speed.

  7. The bailout of depositors of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank will not solve the problem. It is the banking system that is the problem. And bailing out depositors does not solve the underlying issue. The same scenario will happen again and again if the Fed keeps increasing interest rates. Would anyone believe when Biden said that the banking system in the USA is safe for depositors?

    There are a few other banks tottering, with their shares plummeting, by between 20% and 70% when reported last. Since the Government has said that it is not bailing out the banks, which means the shareholders, will they collapse as well? If you have deposits in them, what do you think you will do? Leave it there as Biden has given his assurance that it is safe and that they will be compensated if it fails? What if many other banks were to fail and would the bailout of depositors just continue unabated? It is just logical and better to be safe than be sorry.

    The Fed seems still going to sacrifice the economy and the smaller banks to pin down inflation, at all cost. Not only will smaller banks, holding big investments in bonds and treasuries at lower interest rates from earlier entry, are seriously affected by rate hikes, companies are finding it difficult to survive in a high interest rate environment.

    The Fed is now between the devil and deep blue sea. The Indians are shouting - 'Karma' for the earlier attacks on Adani and Modi.

  8. If even smaller USA banks starts unloading their treasuries, in the face of other bank runs, that is going to collapse the US financial house of cards. It could kill the US$ hegemony without BRICS having to do the honours.

  9. Everyone is finding ways to sell US debt. The problem is how much loss they are prepared to accept. All the long term bonds are now selling at a big loss when their yield supposed to be less than 2% while facing bank rates at above 4%. No one is going to buy them except after a big discount.

    The situation is that either they sell at a big loss now or hold and suffer bigger losses later.

    This is karma or their reckless gambling habit and printing of fiat money.

  10. There is a very long queue to join BRICS. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria, Turkiye, Syria, several Middle east and African and also central Asia countries are all lining up. New Zealand is also interested to join.

    When they join BRICS, it means they are going to dump the US$. Overnight, the US$ share of the market would fall below 30% from a high of over 80%.

    Then inflation in the US would be as high as Argentina and Venezuela. One hot dog would be $100, a hamburger would be $200.

    1. "Then inflation in the US would be as high as Argentina and Venezuela. One hot dog would be $100, a hamburger would be $200."

      This will be a wonderful scenario for yanks who complain about the thousands of illegal immigrants entering the USA. It will drop to zero when immigrants realise they can only afford half a hotdog for 1 meal a day... or
      those illegal immigrants staying on will need to do a second job that requires them to lie, steal, cheat, rob, kill...targeting filthy rich yanks. Come to think of it, the police and military personnel may do the same as well. It will be great outcome for the world when yanks are too busy shafting each other in their own backyard.

  11. And Fed would be printing more dollars to give to the American households, and all the Americans would be very, very rich, with everyone becoming millionaires, walking around with baskets of American banana currency that nobody wants.

  12. I cannot understand the contradiction that the Fed is now doing, printing more money for bailouts, while on the other hand trying to soak up excess liquidity using interest rate hikes to tame inflation.

    It is just like trying to put out a fire by pouring petrol over it and hoping to put it out.

    The USA is toast, after printing so much money and pouring them into the system, blowing up the cheap money policy for decades which they call growing the economy, and now trying to rein in the excesses. All the cheap money is now all tied up in the stock market, properties and business expansion. Trying to take out all these excesses with interest rate hikes will cause a massive contraction that will collapse the economy.

    Printing more fiat money to bailout depositors, and soon even investors in banks, to prevent them from going under will reverse the fight against inflation. Either way, it is doom to fail. Exceptionalism is not going to work anymore.

  13. The end days of a failing empire is like that. Everything goes wrong. Do die, don't do also die.

    The collapse of the evil Empire is coming swift and fast. It is only a matter of how fast.

  14. Silly American politicians still got time to stir shit everywhere and wanting to start more wars.

    Throw more money into Ukraine. Yes, keep on printing toilet papers. Go, offer free money to win votes and influence. It is only toilet papers anyway. Practically no cost except paper and ink.

    Not to worry, there will be no consequences. Everything is fine. America is an exceptional state that can live on the free labour and free goods produced by the rest of the world, living on the rest of the world by putting a gun on their heads.

  15. Everything is blowing up and on fire for the Americans.

    Ukraine war is blowing up, Europe is blowing up, chip war is blowing up, dollar hegemony is blowing up, inflation is blowing up, national debt is blowing up, SWIFT is blowing up, 4G is blowing up and replaced by Huawei's 5G, the space station is blowing up, Silicon Valley is blowing up, the ICE car industry is blowing up, replace by EVs, the USA is blowing up into disunited states, the empire is blowing up....fake vaccine is blowing up, fake pandemic is blowing up...

  16. The previous and present USA Presidents are also blowing each other up as well. Sounds like hell on earth is visiting the USA. 5G under Ericson or Nokia is also blowing up. Luckily Huawei is not involved. Of course anything based on fakery is going to blow up.

    Karma for so much sinning.

  17. Joe Biden begs to differ. Everything is so rosy. The stock market, jobs, economy, war in Ukraine, banking system are all working perfectly according to plan.

    Only problem is that Joe Biden tends to forget what he said the next minute. But that is excusable since he has dementia. So, he can say anything and claim anything he wants without worrying.

  18. Seriously, with the state of his mental health, does he has the stamina to read through a serious piece of paper or a long letter? Likely he spends most of his time resting or sleeping. He is not of good health like a normal person and his attention spell would be many times worse than Trump.

  19. POTUS is a very busy and tough jobs with many briefings, papers to read, meetings and discussion. All very demanding and time consuming. Not a part time job.

  20. Joe's job is not really tough. Signing executive orders looks like a very relaxing job. Other people will do the thinking and putting it into writing, and he just have to, well, sign his name. That's it. Even one with the mentality of a three year old can do that, right? And what level of mentality does Joe have in his state, I just wonder.

  21. Make no mistake. Toilet papers will always be in demand, as people have to eat. The Fed knows that.
