
Covid19 - Europe destroy billion dollars mRNA vaccines


1 minute of outrageous crime being exposed.

The vaccine crime against humanity with many leaders implicated and as guilty as Pfizer management. Hundreds of billions of mRNA vaccines are being destroyed to save lives from being destroyed by the vaccines. The Europeans are not stupid and definitely smarter than the rest of the world. If they are doing this, there must be very good reasons to do so, to burn billions away.

Can you believe that this is happening? Can you believe that billions of innocent people have been coerced or duped into injecting themselves with this extremely harmful vaccine?

Can you believe that human beans willingly submit themselves to be destroyed like sheep being led to the slaughter, without any protest, not dare to protest, not dare to cry foul?


  1. Singapore also destroyed S$140 million worth of COVID19 vaccines that expired. Singapore wanted to donate them, but no takers due to oversupply globally. The MOH said that Singapore ordered more just in case. Good explanation? Good support for the manufacturers as well.

    No wonder they were pushing so hard for citizens to go for the fourth jab, which presumably had limited success and now having to dump expired vaccines. People have woken up.

  2. "People have woken up"

    Me thinks it is rather late. Too many took Pfizer and Moderna, and the stats being released regularly do not favour an inconsequential outcome over the longterm.
    - less stressful recovering from monetary losses than recovering from poor health.
