
Condemn the bombing of Nord Stream pipelines to protect and save the world

 The western media is playing down this horrendous crime against humanity like it was just pricking and bursting a balloon. And they are not interested in knowing the truth, not wanting to find out who did it and not wanting to hang the culprit.

Even before any sign of evidence was out, the finger was pointed at Russia. Russia was so stupid to blow up their expensive pipelines that were making millions and billions for them selling gas to Europe. Only stupid people would believe in this kind of silly logic. But it must be Russia. But when more evidence appeared, investigation done, no one wants to say anything. No one wants to know the findings of the investigation. Obviously it was not Russia or the western media and the American terrorists would blow up the roof demanding prosecution and compensation from Russia.

Why they did not want to tell the truth and now so happy and vigorous to promote a fake truth, that it was pro Ukrainian hobbyists that did the job? But of course every thinking and well informed individual would know the answer and would know a lie when they see one.

No matter how hard they are trying to cover up this crime, it must not be allowed to fade off and be forgotten. This is a very serious precedent set and could see many gas or oil pipelines and even communication lines be blown up if no action or punishment is taken against the perpetrators, the criminals against humanity. This is not simply a matter of sabotage.

The blowing of gas or oil pipelines is an environmental hazard of immense proportion. Think of how many marine lives would be destroyed and how the environment in the immediate vicinity and subsequently all the oceans be affected. Marine lives and seafood would be the first casualties and the whole food chain would be affected. The scale of destruction is waiting to be experienced, but no, the evil culprits would not want to do anything or say anything, and pretending that nothing serious had happened.

Breaking the marine food chain has very serious consequences on the marine livestocks. How bad is the damage, anyone want to know, want to investigate when hundreds of millions of toxic gas seep into the sea water? Collateral damages?

Bring the culprit to task and punish severely. Where is the UN, where are the moral policemen of the west, the western media? Not interested, never mind, small matters? Why no outcry for crimes against humanity and crimes against marine lives?

Another incident of western hypocrisy? Would there be pipelines along the coasts of the USA be about to be blown up, if such a crime is taken so lightly?


  1. North Korea test missile protest
    Pipe lines incident quiet

  2. If your boss did something wrong and there is no boss above him, there is NOTHING the employee can do to change the situation. The employee could resign. But there are still the other 99.999% who will not resign because they need to make a living, feed the kids, send them to prestgeous university and so on.

    1. Ya Anon 10.18

      Absolutely right you are!

      That's why nowadays so many remained Singles.

      That's Real Freedom in Lives!

      Why be blackmailed just for the sake of having to kow towed and bite your lips and principles and be bullied by devils just for the sake of having children as burdens to care for them.

      Also, have to worry the whole life if you are unfortunate to have special children and needed special care for them.

      Also they will outlive you and even in your own deaths you still have no peace thinking of their lifes after you.

      Why go thru all these burdens?

      Aha, many would be damning me for these remarks.

      But most will repeat what's I said when they finally reached my stage of life.

      Learnt a new phase after going thru life of seventy plus years.

      "Kindness is a weakness"

      Usually this applies to your own human species.

      But not to your real furry true friends which had real love for you.

  3. Pushing the blame to an unknown perpetrator aka pro-Ukrainian supporter, cuts off all further links to the real culprit, knowing that 'he' cannot clear his name, after all the damming pre and post comments by him and his doggies before and after the attack on the Nord Stream pipelines.

    This is the same tactic used in the assassination of John F. Kennedy, with Jack Ruby the final link to the CIA being terminated.

    Likewise, the 'suicide' of Jeffrey Epstein ensures that those high level sex predators are protected from further scrutiny. Of course we already know most of them. And Prince Andrew was just the collateral damage and sacrificial lamb.

    And 911 truth also died down with the killing of Osama bin Laden. The real perpetrators of the false flag are still running free.

  4. They always have the machinery to generate the eventual cover up of their crimes. And they are really good in that area.

  5. The bombing of Nord Stream pipelines is another brazen act by the Americans. The Europeans are too weak to tell the Americans off and have to keep quiet after knowing the truth.

    And they even have to accept American lies, not that they did not know they were lies.

    1. https://youtu.be/g8vaTpBhn-M


      Germany should say that America is wrong

  6. Actually the Europeans are also afraid of losing their global standing without riding on the coat-tails of the USA. This is also their only chance at self preservation, using the USA's unipolar hegemony to maintain the Anglo Saxon Whites dominance. But like Little Britain, the decline cannot be stopped.

    Therefore, whatever the USA tells them to do, they have to follow. The downfall of the US$ hegemony, and with it the USA military power, means the fall of the Anglo Saxon global domination will deflate going forward. And they are petrified of that happening. They therefore have to support the USA's agenda, whatever it takes, even to the extent of sacrificing themselves. What have the Europeans gained so far in Ukraine? Nothing other than cutting their noses to spite their faces to please the USA.

    However, it may be an exercise in futility trying to prevent the changing of the global geopolitical order from a unipolar to a multipolar world. The West already lost the Global South, after years of blatant neglect in Latin America, Africa, Middle East and Central Asia. Now Central America is slowly moving away from USA's sphere of influence as well. Mexico just joined BRICS and Honduras just dumped Taiwan for China.

    The USA and the West are trying desperately to regain their influence in the Global South. But it is too little too late. The Africans can no longer be fooled, with many wise leaders rising through the ranks to take over. Those leaders learned their lesson from the past and refused to be lured into demonising China, the usual narrative touched upon by Western leaders each and every time they visited any African country.

  7. Kamalla aka Allamlah Harris on tour in Africa to counter China's influence.

    This female Hygena will be meeting all her fellow Hygenas and shrieking and laughing with them.


  8. It was a blessing for the Pipeline to be destroyed.
    Why does Russi wants to supply oil
    to the Countries that are helping Ukraine
    to fight it in the War?
    Most importantly, oil is an essential commodity and will never be short of buyers.
    it is either the Europeand themselves and or the US that smashed the rock at their own feet in foing the Sabotage.
    Forget about the Saboteur, let them enjoy their success in doing so.


    1. UN Security Council on Monday rejected a Moscow-drafted resolution calling for an independent inquiry into the sabotage last year of the Nord Stream gas pipelines from Russia to Germany.
      The resolution got three votes, with China and Brazil backing Russia and the other 12 members abstaining.
      - courtesy of UltraSatanicAmerica

  9. Hi everyone,

    This blog is meant for like minded bloggers to share their views in a cordial and friendly way. There are times when views may not be agreeable but that is expected.

    There have been a couple of irritants that like to get personal and even engaged in personal attacks. These are undesirables, and I would delete them, even block them out from posting here.

    Then they are also a few trouble makers, spoilers and even psychopaths that I would not do what I can to keep them from messing up the blogs.

    Please enjoy posting and sharing your views. There is no need to engage in personal attacks against another blogger. I would like viewers and commenters to enjoy visiting this blog without being attacked and having a lousy experience after visiting.

    Thank you.

    PS. For irritants and trouble makers, piss off.

  10. They can commit war crimes and all kinds of crimes and be covered up. Not to be investigated.

    This is American and western gangsterism. Think of the crimes against humanity during the invasion and colonisation of countries of the world. No crimes? No war crimes or crimes against humanity with so many massacres, genocides, slavery, cruel tortures, etc etc?
