
China Reaching Last Straw With American Bastardry

Chinese Foreign Minister Qin Gang said in a Tuesday media briefing that China was seeking “a sound and stable relationship with the US” but that the Biden administration’s call for “guardrails” in their relationship was the US signaling “that China should not respond in word or in action when attacked,” adding: “That’s not possible.”

If the US does not draw down its aggressive position towards China, Qin warns that “conflict and confrontation” will be inevitable.

Also, Chinese leader Xi Jinping issued an unusually blunt rebuke of U.S. policy on Monday, blaming what he termed a Washington-led campaign to suppress China for recent challenges facing his country.

“Western countries—led by the U.S.—have implemented all-round containment, encirclement and suppression against us, bringing unprecedentedly severe challenges to our country’s development,” Mr. Xi was quoted by state media as saying on Monday.

Mr. Xi’s comments marked an unusual departure for a leader who has generally refrained from directly criticizing the U.S. in public remarks.



  1. China Bracing for Confrontation with the U.S.

    China's National People's Congress is set to officially approved Friday an administrative overhaul that would put public security, financial regulation and technology -- areas now handled by the state -- under direct Communist Party control.

    By tightening the party's control over a broader swath of government, Beijing seeks to ensure its financial system and supply chains, especially for semiconductors, are prepared for a Taiwan conflict and any Western sanctions that ensue.

    Beijing appears to be bracing for a future confrontation with the U.S. It has seen the precedent set by the response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which largely severed Russia from international financial networks, and is itself dealing with restrictions on semiconductor exports that are hindering arms manufacturing.

    "Western countries -- led by the U.S. -- have implemented all-round containment, encirclement and suppression against us, bringing unprecedentedly severe challenges to our country's development," Xi said in a speech Monday. This rare direct shot at Washington likely referred to its perceived meddling in Taiwan and measures like the chip sanctions.

    China has enacted anti-sanctions legislation that observers say gives it a basis to retaliate if the U.S. and Europe take such steps in response to a Taiwan contingency. A law allowing for retired military personnel to be called up to the front lines in an emergency took effect this month.

  2. https://youtu.be/_imzY8V3B8s

    Western Imbeciles wanted the Chinese to follow their paths to HELL!

    Kishore again taught them a lesson.

    LKY School of Strategic Studies.
    Should be Uni of Strategic Studies
    Unlike that Tommy Koh and that chiat cheng Bahari or Bharti Uni with millions of forged degrees.

    This guy must be from there.

  3. Just to add also that UN aka United Nonsense or United Nations under the balls of the UAssA blared Human Rights on China!

    Human Rights in China or should be the West.

    That's is the UAssA and their cronies and lackeys which are the Ones who abuses their own.

    What's a Joke!

  4. The millions of Arabs and Muslims they had killed and still killing, especially the Palestinians. These are real and happening everyday. No investigation by the stooge UN.

    And Xinjiang is just a fabricated lie, and they want to investigate. And WHO also want to investigate China on Covid but not the USA when all evidence points to the USA.

    The UN needs to be demolished and breakup. BRICS should expand and replace the UN.

  5. Vincent Walker
    I have been a United States citizen for all my life. Since the Korean war, the United States has been the enemy of the world. We have started more wars in the past 70 years than all the wars of the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries put together. RT

    But a very good friend of Singapore.

  6. Would those countries that everyday shout about human rights, democracy, principles, say something for the dead and homeless Arabs and Muslims and the many that are going to die daily in the hands of the Americans and Israelis?

    No need to ask the fake UN. It would not say anything good for the Arabs and Muslims.
