
Ban import of marine produces from Japan - Japan discharging radioactive nuclear waste into the Pacific Ocean

 Japan would be pouring thousands of tons of toxic nuclear waste water into the Pacific Ocean to poison the ocean waters, killing marine lives and destroying the marine environment. This is a very serious crime against humanity and is an existential crisis. The Americans, UN, WHO are all in collusion with the Japanese and keeping quiet about this genocide of marine lives in the oceans. None of the western media is bothered to report about it. Greenpeace, the fake American environmental NGO too has disappeared.

All the countries in the Pacific Ocean and rim would be seriously affected by this contaminated and toxic waste water immediately while it gradually spread across the world to other oceans.

All the countries in the world must ban the import of fish and marine products from Japan immediately. It must be a total ban to stop the Japanese from committing genocide on ocean marine lives and eventually human lives.

This is an existential crisis of insurmountable proportion and putting life on earth at great risk. The Japanese, for its own convenience, simply want to get rid of its nuclear waste water with no due consideration for the marine lives and human lives. If the water is safe, they should dump it into their reservoirs for their own consumption, not to poison the ocean and destroy ocean lives.

Why is the whole world still going about in ignorant bliss?  The impact is many many times more serious than the Ukraine War. It affects every human bean on earth. Your life matters!


  1. In the eyes of the United States of America and the west, Japan can do no wrong. Greenpeace is quiet because its paymaster has silenced its voice. Japanese marine products and seaweeds must be avoided at all cost. Singaporeans are very Japan friendly and Japanese eateries and stores are sprouting up everywhere in Singapore. Japan has become the favourite destination for Singaporean holiday makers. WHY??

  2. Why!..because our gov is promoting japanese culture since the early 80s.. not much is mentioned about the cruelty done by the jap during ww2..
    most people here had been brain washed by the msm to think the americunt /jap are good..& russia/china are bad.
    unfortunately people forget that different generation of leader behave differently..japan is trying to be a military power again.

  3. Thankfully I never like Japanese sushi or any Japanese food. Still not that safe though, as the polluted waters will drift around the region and it is only a matter of time for it to reach the fishing grounds in this region.

    True, most people here had been brainwashed and unable to differentiate between good and bad, like the animals in 'Animal Farm'. They could only chant the mantra they were taught - 'two legs bad, four legs good'. Eventually, they were sold out by the pigs to the slaughter house, without knowing it, thinking they were going to a retirement home to enjoy their last days in luxury, LOL.

  4. The Japanese Deputy Prime Minister claimed the treated water is safe for drinking. China asked him to take a sip, but he dared not do so. We know better than to trust the Japanese.

    If the water is really safe, why waste it by dumping it into the ocean? Release it into one of the Japanese reservoirs. Not doing so can only mean that the water is still unsafe for drinking. So, the Japanese Deputy Prime Minsster was using fake news to cause serious harm to others.

    Now I can truly understand that only fake news paid for by some country does not need to be checked and verified. But any other news not paid for and posted by Anonymous needs to be checked and verified. Even Confucious will be confused by the logic.

  5. "If the water is really safe, why waste it by dumping it into the ocean? Release it into one of the Japanese reservoirs."
    The NGOs and hyper activists in HK and Taiwan should be leading the campaign to boycott all consumable products from Japan.

  6. With sea water contaminated by radioactive wastewater, the Japanese are consuming seafood that are polluted, and which they could not do without. Even as the Japanese population is decreasing with negative growth, this act of dumping water from Fukushima into their backyard is going to make the Japanese population facing extinction much faster.

    This is going to be instant Karma. And not to forget bad Karma for all the atrocities they committed against Asian neighbours during WW2 now ripening.

  7. This issue can be made into a Tiktok video and spread online to warn SGns to avoid Japanese food as soon as the water is released into the ocean. This message should soon reach the Japanese who would be concerned about the impact on their food exports.

  8. The Japanese plan is “extremely irresponsible,” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said at a briefing on Friday.

    “The disposal of the Fukushima nuclear-contaminated water impacts the global marine environment and public health. This is not Japan’s domestic affair,” she told reporters. “Japan must not start discharging the nuclear-contaminated water into the ocean before reaching consensus through full consultation with neighboring countries and other stakeholders as well as relevant international agencies.”

    Beijing has made a number of similarly-worded statements since the Japanese government first announced its wastewater disposal plan in 2021. South Korea has also objected to the scheme, as have a number of small Pacific Island nations and Japanese fishing communities. RT

  9. Imagine the hysteria had this been done by China. UN, WHO, Human rights group, USA and the collective West would be barking like rabid dogs against China. This is what the world has turned into. Double standards in everything.
